Formalities for International Students

Here you can find special information about entering Germany as an international Student. Of course there are more formalities that will accompany your student life. These can be found here.


International Office

The International Office is expected to offer individual counseling on these topics again from 1.1.2025.

The University of Bremen does not charge tuition fees.

For a normal student life in Germany about 1000 € are needed per month. This includes housing, living expenses and study costs.

Students who are not EU citizens have to proof their finances for the entry visa or to receive the residence permit: You have to provide evidence of having sufficient financing for a one-year stay in Germany. Currently this is 11,904 € (as of September 1st. 2024). You also will have to proof your finance each time you have to extend your stay.
The ammount has usually to be parked in a blocked account (Sperrkonto) for international students in Germany - How to Open a Blocked Bank Account in Germany - "Blocked" means that you will have access to the money in a range of 1/12 each month.

(For a shorter stay you have to show availability of correspondingly less funds.)

As an alternative option a person residing in Germany can act as guarantor.  Further information in German

Estimated Cost of Living / Studies for submission to banks / credit institutions

If you need a student visa to enter Germany it will be issued by the German representation in the country of your residence. Tourist visas cannot be used for a residence permit as student in Germany!

Citizens of the European Union do not need an entry visa. Also citizens of certain countries do not need an entry visa.

Do I need an entry visa? Overview by the Federal Foreign Office

Every student needs to have health insurance. Regular and visiting students can join the German statutory health insurance. Some providers:

(* Office on university campus)

If you do not need to be insured with the German statutory insurance - for instance because you have a European statutory or private insurance, you still need to contact the German statutory insurance! They will check your insurance and inform the university. This is mandatory for enrolment.

Health insurance for preparation studies and the period before the first semester as a regular student begins, as well as for students who are 30 years and older:

There is a high demand for reasonable student rooms in Bremen. Here you will find important information.

After you move into your new home in Germany you have to register your new address. You have to apply for a residence permit within 90 days after arrival in Germany.

If you live within Bremen: For address registration please contact bscmitteprotect me ?!buergeramt.bremenprotect me ?!.de / Residence Permit on Campus

If you live outside of Bremen, please contact the local authority. ("Einwohnermeldeamt" for address registration and "Ausländerbehörde" for residence permit)

International students are entitled to work 140 days (or 280 half days)per year.

Students from the European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland have access to the German labor market under the same regulations that apply to German students. The 140-days limitation does not apply.

Detailed Information by Studierendenwerk

Graduates: After completion of studies, graduates have 18 months to find a suitable job in Germany. The 18-month period begins with the date on the graduation certificate! During this time income through jobs not corresponding to the degree is allowed.

The better your German language skills, the greater the chance of finding a job.

Explanatory video by our Career-Center

In Germany, long-term scholarships as well as study loans are the exception. Before your studies you can search for suitable support in the scholarship database of the DAAD .

All students of the University of Bremen can apply for a Deutschlandstipendium - Get a Deutschlandstipendium

Indian Nationals can apply for a student loan at (Supported by the Indian Government under the Digital India Campaign.)