
High Performing Teams 1&2 (1 CP & Z)


Block event

part1 "How to become a high performer and work in a high performing team"
Our society as well as the daily business in most jobs are getting continuously more complex and demanding.

To navigate this on an individual level and manage your career successfully it becomes more and more relevant to self reflect, get to know the own strengths, abilities and weaknesses and develop strategies to increase your overall energy levels, act purposefully and in alignment with the most relevant goals as well as efficiency within your own working routines.

Beyond the individual level a high performing team becomes more than the sum of its pieces. This seminar will provide you with the necessary information and methods how to contribute to such a team and do your part in making your teams the most successful and high performing it can be.

part2 "Build and lead a high performing team"
This seminar gives you insights on what makes a high performing team stand out in comparison to other teams. You will gain an overview on state of the art strategies to build and maintain such teams as well as companies` strategies to build high performing cultures (like Google, SpaceX, Meta etc.).

Furthermore you will learn what is required to build and lead such teams yourself – e.g. in the context of your studies, hobbies or for your career.

Registrations for January 2025 run from 10 October to Thursday, 05 December 2024 via (Event Search / Search in Course Catalogue / Interdisciplinary Study Programmes / Career Center under: Ability to work in a team).
As soon as the registration process is closed, you will receive an email from us with the access data!

Julia Heber - M. Sc. Produktionstechnik (industrielles Management) & Systemischer Business Coach -

Students and graduates

Date & Location

Monday, 27 and Tuesday, 28 January 2025
each from 08:00 to 16:00, Online.

Erfolgreich im Remote-Team arbeiten (1 CP & Z)



Das moderne Arbeitsumfeld ist geprägt vom Einsatz technischer Assistenzsysteme, digitaler Führung und zeit- und ortsunabhängiger Arbeit. Eine Folge daraus ist die Verlagerung der Teamarbeit in den virtuellen Raum. Dabei ist das Arbeiten auf Distanz keineswegs ein rechtsfreier Raum. Klare gesetzliche Vorgaben und Auflagen bilden einen rechtlichen Rahmen für die Führung auf Distanz und das Arbeiten in verteilten Teams.

In diesem Rahmen entstehen allerdings neue Anforderungen an die Remote Führungskräfte und die Remote Teammitglieder, welche durch Erreichbarkeit, Zusammengehörigkeit und Vertrauen geprägt sind. Es stellt sich die Herausforderung zur Schaffung von persönlicher Nähe und menschlichem Austausch trotz Onlinekommunikation. Es gilt u.a. Einsamkeit und Techno-Stress zu vermeiden. Ein Mindestmaß an digitaler Kompetenz ist eine der Voraussetzungen für funktionierendes Remote Teamwork.

Diese Veranstaltung geht den Fragen nach, wie die Zusammenarbeit in virtuellen Teams organisiert werden kann, wie Teammotivation aus der Ferne funktioniert und welche Hilfsmittel dafür eingesetzt werden können.

Anmeldungen für April laufen vom 09. Januar bis Donnerstag, 13. März 2025 über (Veranstaltungssuche / Suche im Vorlesungsverzeichnis / Fachübergreifende Studienangebote / Career Center unter: Teamfähigkeit).
Sobald das Anmeldeverfahren geschlossen ist, bekommen Sie von uns eine E-Mail mit den Zugangsdaten!

Lars Kaletka


Studierende sowie Absolvent:inn:en

Termin & Ort

Dienstag, 15. und Mittwoch, 16. April 2025 jeweiös von 16:00 bis 20:00 Uhr Online!

High Performing Teams 1&2 (1 CP & C)


Block event

part1 "How to become a high performer and work in a high performing team"
Our society as well as the daily business in most jobs are getting continuously more complex and demanding.

To navigate this on an individual level and manage your career successfully it becomes more and more relevant to self reflect, get to know the own strengths, abilities and weaknesses and develop strategies to increase your overall energy levels, act purposefully and in alignment with the most relevant goals as well as efficiency within your own working routines.

Beyond the individual level a high performing team becomes more than the sum of its pieces. This seminar will provide you with the necessary information and methods how to contribute to such a team and do your part in making your teams the most successful and high performing it can be.

part2 "Build and lead a high performing team"
This seminar gives you insights on what makes a high performing team stand out in comparison to other teams. You will gain an overview on state of the art strategies to build and maintain such teams as well as companies` strategies to build high performing cultures (like Google, SpaceX, Meta etc.).

Furthermore you will learn what is required to build and lead such teams yourself – e.g. in the context of your studies, hobbies or for your career.

Registrations for July run from 17 April to Thursday, 19 June 2025 via (Event Search / Search in Course Catalogue / Interdisciplinary Study Programmes / Career Center under: Ability to work in a team).
As soon as the registration process is closed, you will receive an email from us with the access data!

Julia Heber - M. Sc. Produktionstechnik (industrielles Management) & Systemischer Business Coach -

Students and graduates

Date & Location

Monday, 14 and Tuesday, 15 July 2025
each from 08:00 to 16:00, Online.