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User of the genetic resource: First name
User of the genetic resource: Surname
User of the genetic resource: Email
Principal Investigator: First Name
Principal Investigator: Surname
Principal Investigator: Email
To which faculty or other higher-level organizational unit is the project primarily assigned?
What is the full title of the project?
If possible, please provide the short name (acronym) for the project (which was also used in the third-party funding notification).
Short description ("abstract") of the project (main contents and objectives related to the Nagoya Protocol and the EU ABS Regulation)
Please describe the use of genetic resources in your project using a few (3-5) keywords (separate by -comma-).
Start of the project (for third-party funding: according to funding decision; otherwise (planned) start of the project)
End of the project (for third-party funding: according to funding decision; otherwise (planned) end of the project)
In which country is/was the genetic resource accessed?
In what year is/was the genetic resource accessed?
In which year does the utilization (laboratory analysis) of the genetic resource start/began?
What year was the first publication about the project?
Have you sought further information from the provider country of the genetic resource on whether the project is covered by the Nagoya Protocol according to the national jurisdiction of the provider country?
Are/were permits under the Nagoya Protocol (Access Permit/PIC, Benefit-Sharing Agreement/MAT) required in the provider country of the genetic resource?
If yes, have you already obtained the respective permits?
Is/was project third-party funded?
If yes, have you already submitted a Due Diligence Declaration?
Are there cooperating partners in the country of provision of the genetic resource?
If cooperating project: Please name the cooperating partners in the country of provision of the genetic resource in this project (name, institution, country). Please separate by line.
If cooperating project: Please name the contact persons of the cooperating partners in the country providing the genetic resource in this project (institution, name, e-mail address). Please separate by line.
* Information required.
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