DAAD Scholarships
Support for internships in German diplomatic missions, international organizations, German schools abroad, Goethe Institutes, and German archaeological institutions.
The program:
The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) promotes practical stays abroad by awarding a short scholarship. The short-term scholarship program for self-procured internships abroad is divided into various funding lines. It can be granted for:
- Short-term scholarships for practical stays in German diplomatic missions or international organizations
- Short-term scholarships für practical stays in German schools abroad
- Internships at the Max Weber Foundation (formerly Deutsche Geisteswissenschaftliche Institute im Ausland (DGIA))
- Short-term scholarships for practical stays at Goethe Institutes abroad and
- Short-term scholarships at German archaeological institutions.
Who is eligible for funding?
Students after their 2nd semester and master students.
What is actually funded?
Practical stays of up to 3 months at any one of the above institutions.
How much is the funding amount?
The monthly scholarship rates comprise a basic amount and a further grant differentiated according to country or region. In addition, there is the possibility to receive a subsidy to cover travel expenses.
When and how can I apply?
The application documents can be found on the website of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) at (https://www.daad.de/ausland/studieren/stipendium/de/70-stipendien-finden-und-bewerben/?status=&target=&subjectGrps= & daad = q = & page = 8 & detail = 57085132). With the exception of internships at German diplomatic missions, the application must be submitted at the earliest 56 and no later than 14 calendar days before the start of the internship.