The initiative will run from April 2024 to December 2028 and will be financed by the Federal Ministry of Education (BMBF) with 120 million euros. It consists of two funding programs: “FIT” (Promoting Academic Success and Labour Market Integration of International Talents) and “Profi plus” (Academic Training for the German Labour Market). As part of the FIT program, German universities can provide additional services to international students and (bachelor’s and master’s) graduates seeking a (further) degree in Germany at the beginning of their studies, during their studies, and during their transition into the job market. One focus is on counseling and support for a successful degree completion including the transition into practice and the job market.
In the Profi plus program, German universities can promote the professional qualification of international academics with a foreign university degree. The program provides academics with additional specialist knowledge for the German job market and enables them to develop their language and social skills. It also includes cooperations with German companies and institutions.
The University of Bremen was successful with the two projects “FIT from campus to the job market” and “Profi plus in Bremen.”
“FIT from Campus to the Job Market:” Helping International Students to Develop a Career Perspective in Germany
The “FIT from campus to the job market” project is aimed primarily at international prospective students, current students, doctoral students, and graduates. The project’s goal is to help them develop realistic career prospects, both in the region and throughout Germany, and establish contacts with local businesses and institutions. To achieve this, the project team would like to expand and link existing services for gaining cultural, linguistic, and professional competence, but also supplement these with additional new services. Existing services include, for example, language preparation courses for university, training in non-specialist skills, excursions to companies, and mentoring services. Project funds will finance, among other things, individual consultations and workshops on the transition from student to career life, support services for developing job application strategies and preparing application documents, as well as a special “German for the job market” language course. Various services from the project will be made available to members of all universities in Bremen State. The project’s implementation will take place at the University of Bremen by the Career Center, the Studierwerkstatt, and the International Office, in close collaboration with the Academy HERE AHEAD for preparatory studies and the Language Centre of Bremen State. To implement these projects, the University of Bremen applied for about 825,000 euros of DAAD funding, with an additional 219,000 euros for the Bremen Preparatory Studies Program.
“Profi plus in Bremen:” Support for International Academics in Technical Subjects
The “Profi plus in Bremen” project offers international academics with an IT or technical background the opportunity to train for the German job market specifically and thus increase their chances of finding a job that corresponds to their qualifications. For this purpose, they acquire a university certificate from the University of Bremen, with which they can expand their professional knowledge and key competencies, future skills that are in demand in the job market. In a project module, academics work in small groups on real and practice-relevant project tasks from companies, and they present their solutions to the companies at the end. Participants improve their language skills, learn more about the German working world, receive comprehensive advice, and document their extended competencies in a portfolio.
In the “Profi plus in Bremen” project, the University of Bremen focuses on addressing international academics with a degree in a STEM subject who are underrepresented in German companies. The main objective is to make them aware of the possibilities the German job market offers in STEM fields.
The project is led by the Academy for Continuing Education in cooperation with the Career Center, the Competence Center for Women in Science and Technology, and the Language Center (SZHB). Around 700,000 euros of funding have been applied for from the DAAD.
Further Information:
Contact for the “FIT from campus to the job market” project:
Petra Droste
Career Center University of Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218-6 10 30
Email: pdrosteprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
Contact for the “Profi plus in Bremen” project:
Thea Rudkowski
Academy of Continuing Education
University of Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218 61625
Email: rudkowskiprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de