This year, the campus will be vivid and booming for two days.

On Friday, June 23, starting at 6 p.m. the Uni Festival with Bremen Next will take place for the first time. Look forward to cool music with three artists on stage.
Spend a relaxing evening with friends in the campus park listening to German hip-hop beats.
Get excited about who will be on stage. Further information about the artists will follow soon.

On Saturday, June 24, we will start at 12 p.m. with the well-known program of guided tours, information tents, lectures, and the Children’s Campus.
The two-day event culminates in the stage program, which begins at 5:30 p.m.
As is tradition, we will also have a big top act on stage in the evening. 
We will be releasing the lineup soon.

On both days, there will also be a wide range of different food and drink stands.

Barrier-free Accessibility

We attach great importance to making the OPEN CAMPUS as barrier-free as possible. As part of the event planning, we are in intensive contact with experts to make sure this is the case. Our goal is to reduce or remove barriers wherever possible. For example, there are wheelchair-accessible paths over the meadow in the campus park, ramps leading into the pagoda tents, and mobile service teams for individual support. We are, though, always grateful for further tips and suggestions. The project organization team will be happy to provide information on the diverse solutions and offers available.

Photography and Video Recordings

OPEN CAMPUS is a public event where photographers from the University will take pictures and videos. The University reserves the right to use these photos and videos both on its website as well as on its social media platforms. We document and illustrate our event by reporting online and in print.


We would like to thank our partners:

  • Go to page: Logo
  • Go to page: Die Stiftung der Universität Bremen
  • Unifreunde
  • Go to page: Studierendenwerk Bremen
  • Go to page: Atlantic Hotel Landgut Horn
  • Wolfgang Ritter-Stiftung
  • Go to page: Logo der Sparkasse Bremen
  • Go to page: AOK
  • Go to page: WFB Wirtschaftsförderung Bremen
  • Go to page: ABInBeV
  • Go to page: bremen VIER
  • Go to page: BREMEN NEXT
  • Go to page: Weser Kurier
  • Go to page: Wall Decaux
  • Go to page: Logo
  • Go to page: Die Stiftung der Universität Bremen
  • Unifreunde
  • Go to page: Studierendenwerk Bremen
  • Go to page: Atlantic Hotel Landgut Horn
  • Wolfgang Ritter-Stiftung
  • Go to page: Logo der Sparkasse Bremen
  • Go to page: AOK
  • Go to page: WFB Wirtschaftsförderung Bremen
  • Go to page: ABInBeV
  • Go to page: bremen VIER
  • Go to page: BREMEN NEXT