Older Seminar Talks

Dynamical Systems and Geometry Seminar

Thursdays, 14:00 - 16:00 in MZH 4140

Ellen Rudolph (University of Bremen)Berechnung der Hausdorff-Dimension einer Menge beschränkter Kettenbrüche
Arthur Konschin (University of Bremen)Iterierte Urbilder der Farey-Abbildung: eine effektive Masseabschätzung mittels Transferoperatortechniken
Kieran Taylor (University of Bremen)The Pisot Conjecture for Beta-Substitutions
Ellen Rudolph (University of Bremen)The Everything Formula - Verallgemeinerung von Tuppers Formel

14:00 StudIP

Laura Breitkopf (University of Bremen)Masterkolloquium:
Die Stern-Brocot-Folge für eine nichtarithmetische

14:00 StudIP

Fabienne Klatt (University of Bremen)Kleeblattknoten
14:00 StudIP
Kieran Taylor (University of Bremen)A substitution scheme
10:00 in MZH 3150
Laura BreitkopfSchwach-mischende Systeme und ein Satz über multiple Wiederkehr
09.01.2020Tanja SchindlerConvergence to extremal processes for Lévy processes with slowly varying canonical measure
19.12.2019Laura Breitkopf
Onno Schiak
Transformation of state spaces for continuous-time Markov processes
Das Dirichlet-Prinzip in Sobolev-Räumen
12.12.2019Anke PohlDynamics in the cohomological interpretation of automorphic functions
05.12.2019Marc KeßeböhmerFarey and Stern-Brocot sequences: From number theory to dynamical systems
21.11.2019Aljoscha NiemannKrein-Feller Operatoren und deren Spektralasymptotik für selbstähnliche Maße und mögliche Verallgemeinerungen
14.11.2019Alexander LohseAlmost complete and equable heteroclinic networks
24.10.2019Tim Alexander Rienits
Planning Session
Die Leibnizformel zur Berechnung von π
17.10.2019Maik GrögerBifurcation sets from families of bounded orbits, open dynamics and matching
22.08.2019Florian DetkenSatz von Choquet
04.07.2019Karenina SenderThe Sierpinski gasket as Martin boundary
20.06.2019PaulHolstFunktionen beschränkter Variation
19.06.2019Tomas PerssonPotentials, energies and Hausdorff dimension
13.06.2019Christina MoorInduced infinite iterated function systems for a class of finite overlapping iterated function systems
12.06.2019Daniel LenzDiscrete spectrum and pure point diffraction
06.06.2019Paul WabnitzTransfer operator approach to Selberg zeta function
23.05.2019Wafa Chaouch Ben SaadRandom multifractals
16.05.2019Aljoscha NiemannÜber einen Zusammenhang zwischen verallgemeinerten und klassischen Krein-Feller-Operatoren
25.04.2019Anke PohlCohomological interpretation of Maass cusp forms
04.04.2019--Planning session
31.01.2019Maik GrögerSymbolic systems, topological complexity and fractal geometry
Finite and Infinite Rotation Sequences and Beyond
17.01.2019Hendrik VogtZur isoperimetrischen Ungleichung und ihrer Verallgemeinerung durch Maz'ya
10.01.2019Lothar DirksKombinatorische Eigenschaften von Interval Exchange Transformations
20.12.2018Manuel StadlbauerThe topology of the Martin boundary of a group extension
06.12.2018Arne MosbachVague convergence of autocorrelations from beta-transformations
29.11.2018Christina MoorAugmented trees for infinite conformal iterated function systems and their boundaries
22.11.2018Tanja SchindlerThe thermodynamic formalism for an example of an unbounded potential
15.11.2018Moritz DollRefined Weyl Law for the Perturbed Harmonic Oscillator
08.11.2018Malte SteffensPROMOTIONSKOLLOQUIUM:
Regularity of Aperiodic Subshifts and Connections to Intermediate β-Transformations
01.11.2018Konstantin SchäferZusammenhänge zwischen Laplace- und Perron-Frobenius-Operatoren
25.10.2018Henning Breede
Sebastian Genske
Jakob Lehmann
Satz von Krein-Milman
Der große Satz von Picard
18.10.2018---Planning Session


Karenina Sender

Martin boundary theory for Markov chains


Keivan Mallahi Karai

Spectral independence and random walks on products of compact groups

13.06.2018Carlos OsorioDistributed information bottleneck method
30.05.2018Paul WabnitzTransfer Operator Approach to Selberg Zeta Function
23.05.2018Igors GorbovickisRenormalization of critical circle maps with singular critical points
16.05.2018Maxim KirsebomA Poisson Law for Hurwitz Continued Fractions
09.05.2018Anke PohlSelberg zeta functions with non-unitary twists
02.05.2018Aljoscha NiemannGap diffusion
25.04.2018Jichen YangSpectra, stability and energy estimates for reaction subdiffusion equations
18.04.2018Arne MosbachDiffraction measures
11.04.2018Open problem session--
04.04.2018Planning session
Judith Boeckers
Anwendungen des Brouwerschen Abbildungsgrades


05.07.2017Gesche DithmerMartingale und Fraktale
28.06.2017Aljoscha NiemannEinführung in die stochastische Integration
21.06.2017Aman ParmerMixing and Copula
14.06.2017Arne Mosbach
Malte Steffens
On convergence of measure w.r.t. rotation systems
07.06.2017Torben SchürenbergEinführung in die Kettenbruchtheorie
31.05.2017Maik GrögerMean-equicontinuity and amenable group actions
17.05.2017Keivan MallahiAsymptotic distribution of values of isotropic quadratic forms at S-integral points
10.05.2017Maxim KirsebomExtreme Value Theory in Dynamical Systems - A crash course (part II)
03.05.2017Maxim KirsebomExtreme Value Theory in Dynamical Systems - A crash course
26.04.2017Konstantin SchäferExistenz von Gibbs-Maßen für abzählbare Markov-Shifts und der zentrale Grenzwertsatz für Hölder-stetige Funktionen
05.04.2017--Planning session
01.02.2017Wafa Ben SaadThe Hausdorff dimension of a random Cantor set
25.01.2017Torben Schürenberg
Holger Markmann
Exceptional points of rational maps
Testing predictive regression models
18.01.2017Konstantin SchäferEine Verallgemeinerung des Theorems von Ionescu-Tulcea und Marinescu
11.01.2017Yorick Netzer
Saliha Yoldas
Der Primzahlsatz
Topological and measure-theoretical entropy, and the variational principle
21.12.2016Tony SamuelContinuity of entropy in one-dimensional Lorenz maps
14.12.2016Mikhail Hlushchanka
Maik Gröger
Self-similar groups: limit spaces and growth
Mean equicontinuity and amorphic complexity
07.12.2016Hendrik WeyerMeasure-geometric Laplacians with respect to atomic measures
23.11.2016Arne Mosbach
Tony Samuel
Diffraction spectra involving the unit circle
Quasicrystals, Jarník sets and spectral metrics
16.11.2016Christina MoorTopological and Gurevič pressure for countable Markov shifts: An introduction.
09.11.2016Hendrik VogtL-Abschätzungen für die Torsionsfunktion
02.11.2016Lorenz BreuerDer thermodynamische Formalismus
26.10.2016Arne MosbachErgodic Theorem for commuting transformations
19.10.2016---Planning Session
29.06.2016Tanja SchindlerTrimmed sums for observables on the doubling map
15.06.2016Arne Mosbach,
Malte Steffens
Diffraction measures of certain Dirac combs:  The state of the art
08.06.2016Arne Mosbach,
Malte Steffens
Diffraction measures of certain Dirac combs
25.05.2016Stefanie HittmeyerBifurcations of invariant sets in a map model of wild chaos
11.05.2016Aljoscha Niemann
Laura Paul
Kevin Henke
Das Erdős-Kac-Theorem
Irrationale Rotation und Defraction
27.04.2016Hendrik WeyerThe lonely runner conjecture - a fractal approach
13.04.2016Ivan OvsyannikovHomoclinic bifurcations - A tutorial
06.04.2016---Planning Session
11.02.2016Gerrit MarquardtDer Kreispackungs-Zugang zum Riemannschen Abbildungssatz
04.02.2016Mikhail HlushchankaOn growth of iterated monodromy groups: a geometric point of view
21.01.2016Ian MelbourneThe Lorenz attractor is exponentially mixing
14.01.2016Jan GienappEin alternativer Beweis des Birkhoffschen Ergodensatzes nach T. Kamae
17.12.2015Arne Mosbach,
Malte Steffens
Aperiodic order: On the structure of Sturmian sequences - Part 2
16.12.2015Christina MoorA proof of the theorem of Peter and Weyl based on an article by Coquand and Spitters
10.12.2015Arne Mosbach,
Malte Steffens
Aperiodic order: On the structure of Sturmian sequences - Part 1
03.12.2015Janfried MichaelHyperbolic Geometry, Number Theory and Symbolic Coding
26.11.2015Dennis UlbrichDynamics of the one-dimensional three-state Greenberg-Hastings cellular automaton
23.11.2015Manuel OttenDas Sekretärinnenproblem
19.11.2015Karenina SenderDas Sierpinski-Dreieck als Martin-Rand
15.10.2015---Planning Session
14.07.2015Maximilian EngelHopf Bifurcation and Additive White Noise
09.07.2015Maik GrögerExamples of Dynamical Systems in the Interface between Order and Chaos
07.07.2015Bachelor StudentsPresentation of bachelor thesis topics
25.06.2015Balász BáránySelf-affine measures with dominated splitting
23.06.2015Tanja SchindlerAlmost sure convergence for intermediate trimmed sums with an emphasis on subshifts of finite type II
16.06.2015Tanja SchindlerAlmost sure convergence for intermediate trimmed sums with an emphasis on subshifts of finite type I
10.06.2015Dr. Niels Martin Møller Gluing of Geometric PDEs - Obstructions vs. Constructions for Minimal Surfaces
28.05.2015Mariusz UrbanskiRandom Shifts of finite type with weakly positive transfer operator 
26.05.2015Kurt FalkBoundaries of negatively curved spaces
19.05.2015Anna ZieliczPart I: Geometry and Dynamics for infinitely generated Kleinian groups
Part II: Hyperbolic graphs for IFS's
12.05.2015Johannes KautzschConvergence to equilibrium of unbounded observables versus non-convergence of "nice" observables
05.05.2015Arne GebkenThermodynamischer Formalismus
28.04.2015---Planning Session
29.01.2015Malte Steffens,
Tony Samuel
An Introduction to Quasi Crystals II
22.01.2015Malte Steffens,
Tony Samuel
An Introduction to Quasi Crystals I
15.01.2015Sascha TroscheitRandom graph directed systems and box-like carpets
18.12.2014Johannes JaerischHoelder regularity of the complex analogues of the Takagi function
11.12.2014Hendrik WeyerEigenfunctions and eigenvalues of measure-geometric Laplacians
04.12.2014Jakob FisahnA Fréchet law for maximal cuspidal windings
27.11.2014Emily KingWavelets: Ergodic Sets and Fractal Tilings
20.11.2014Hendrik VogtA weak Gordon type condition for absence of eigenvalues of one-dimensional Schrödinger operators
13.11.2014Malte KochDiffusion and spectral theory on fractals
06.11.2014Maxim KirsebomExtreme value distributions for one-parameter actions on homogeneous spaces
30.10.2014---Open Problem Session
23.10.2014Ivan OvsyannikovAnalytic Proof of the birth of Lorenz attractor
14.07.2014Maik GrögerAmorphic complexity
07.07.2014Tanja SchindlerAlmost sure convergence of trimmed Birkhoff sums - an operator theoretic approach
30.06.2014Fabian DreherDas Umkehrproblem der Ausströmrate
23.06.2014Anna ZieliczGeodesic flow entropy and convex core entropy for geometric Schottky groups
16.06.2014Arne MosbachDie Weierstraß­Funktion und die Hausdorff­Dimension
03.06.2014Mikhail HlushchankaIterated monodromy groups and holomorphic dynamics
02.06.2014Maxim KirsebomExtreme value theory for random walks on homogeneous spaces
26.05.2014Mikhail HlushchankaOn the growth of iterated monodromy groups and Nekrashevych's conjecture
19.05.2014Sabrina KombrinkRenewal Theory in Symbolic Dynamics
12.05.2014Jens RademacherSymmetry and pattern formation - an example from applications
16.01.2014Hendrik WeyerOn the eigenvalue asymptotics of measure geometric Laplacians on fractals
09.01.2014Malte KochBrownian motion on fractals: part II
28.11.2013Kurt FalkConvex core entropy and dimension gaps for Kleinian groups
20.11.2013Anna ZieliczEntropy of geodesic flow
14.11.2013Tugba YasavDie Reimannsche Vermutung und Farey-Folgen
07.11.2013Sanguo ZhuQuantization of probability
31.10.2013Fabian DreherAusströmraten und Amöben
24.10.2013Arne MosbachEinführung in die Weierstraß­Funktion
27.06.2013Janfried MichaelDer Satz von Roth und schärfere Approximationssätze in der Diophantischen Analysis
27.06.2013Annika VogtThemen aus der Theorie der Diophantischen Approximationen
27.06.2013Tomas OrczykowskiFraktale Geometrie - Das Besovitch Problem
27.06.2013Joschka BraunUntersuchungen über den Minkowski Inhalt
20.06.2013Malte KochBrownian motion on fractals
13.06.2013Jakob SchröderGeneralized sum level sets
12.06.2013Ale Jan HomburgResearch talk
10.06.2013Manfred DenkerMartingale in der Dynamik
30.05.2013Johannes KautzschOn the asymptotic behavior of the transfer operator associated to the Farey Map
23.05.2013Manfred DenkerRemarks on the Patterson construction for conformal measures
13.05.2013Tanja SchindlerStrong law of large numbers for intermediate trimmed sums
06.05.2013Anna ZieliczNon-examples and examples of P-class Fuchsian groups
29.04.2013Jakob FisahnHyperbolic geometry on the hyperboloid model
22.04.2013Jens RademacherTBA
07.02.2013Lidong TangGroße Abweichungen von Rückkehrzeiten, Teil 2
24.01.2013Malte SteffensTilings and rotations on the torus: a two-dimensional generalization of Sturmian sequences
17.01.2013Hendrik WeyerThe definition of a Laplacian on the Sierpinski-Gasket
10.01.2013Sara MundayDerivative of the alpha-Farey-Minkowski function
20.12.2012Lidong TangGroße Abweichungen von Rückkehrzeiten, Teil 1
13.12.2012Atsuya OtaniMultifractal approach to chaotically driven skew-product systems
06.12.2012Tobias Oertel-JägerRotation Theory and Poincare Classification on the two-dimensional torus
29.11.2012Maik GrögerInvariant graphs for skew product systems
22.11.2012Arne MosbachCusp-Formen und Homologiegruppen
15.11.2012Kurt FalkVortrag zu "groben Cat(0)-Räumen"
08.11.2012Fabian DreherEscape Rates
01.11.2012Peter QuastIsometrien hermitesch symmetrischer Räume und reelle Formen
25.10.2012Felix GardebergTuringmaschinen und ihre Anwendungen
02.08.2012Martin SchmollAn outlook on translation surfaces
02.08.2012Alina StürckHyperbolische Geometrie und Kettenbrüche
19.07.2012Sara MundayA Renewal theorem with infinite mean, Teil 2
18.07.2012Sara MundayA Renewal theorem with infinite mean, Teil 1
05.07.2012Steve BuckleyAn overview of rough CAT(0) spaces
28.06.2012Lidong TangLarve deviation for return processes
14.06.2012Sara Munday,
Tony Samuel,
Johannes Kautzsch
Operator renewal theory
13.06.2012Moritz BiskampPesin Formel für Zufällige Dynamische Systeme auf dem Rd
07.06.2012Sara Munday,
Tony Samuel,
Johannes Kautzsch
Operator renewal theory
31.05.2012Lisa KöppelKlassifikation von Oberflächen und die Rolle der Euler'schen Charakteristik hierbei
31.05.2012Leif SaballekElementare Untersuchungen der Primzahldichte
24.05.2012Maik GrögerCoupled skinny baker's maps and the Kaplan-Yorke conjecture
10.05.2012Eugen MihailescuHigher dimensional hyperbolic dynamics, Teil 2
03.05.2012Eugen MihailescuHigher dimensional hyperbolic dynamics, Teil 1
22.02.2012Tony SamuelMultivalued Dynamical Systems
14.02.2012Anna ZieliczBasics of hyperbolic geometry II
09.02.2012Anna ZieliczBasics of hyperbolic geometry I
24.01.2012Sara MundayConjugating homeomorphism between the α-Farey map and the tent map
18.01.2012Sara MundayConjungating homeomorphism between the α-Farey map and the tent map
10.01.2012Manuel StadtlbauerA sigma-finite Perron Frobenius theorem for group extensions
13.12.2011Fabian DreherMischungs­eigen­schaften in Strömungen unter einer Funktion
06.12.2011Maik GrögerDimensions of attractors in pinched skew products
29.11.2011Johannes KautzschRenewal theory and uniformly returning sets
22.11.2011Sabrina KombrinkMinkowski Content
16.11.2011Tanja SchindlerLimit laws and trimmed sums for the digits of continued fractions and Lüroth series
08.11.2011Dr. Norbert PeyerimhoffZwei Radiustheoreme und harmonische Mannigfaltigkeiten
11.10.2011Jörg SchmelingMultifractal Analysis for Multiple Mixing
20.09.2011Daniel MeyerThurston's Theorem, Cannon's conjecture, and rough geometry
16.12.2010Johannes JaerischFormalism for Group-Extensions
22.06.2010Marvin SchulzeDer Primzahlsatz
22.06.2010Mareike BestTheorie der Kettenbrüche
22.06.2010Hannah KlattFraktale Geometrie und Kunst
15.06.2010Sabrina KombrinkFraktale Krümmungsmaße
01.06.2010Johannes JaerischRandom walks on groups II
25.05.2010Johannes JaerischRandom walks on groups I

Bremen Online Dynamics Seminar

Mondays, 15:30 - 16:45

Sergey Zelik (University of Surrey)Deterministic and random attractors for a wave equation with sign changing damping
Folkmar Bornemann (TU München)Finite size effects: random matrices, quantum chaos, and Riemann zeros
Wael Bahsoun (Loughborough)Transfer operators and BV spaces: from classic to anisotropic
Seonhee Lim (Seoul National University)Brownian motion in negative curvature
Ilka Agricola (Uni Marburg)What are spinors and what should they be?
dual seminar with the math colloquium
Valérie Berthé (CNRS, IRIF, Université de Paris)Multidimensional continued fractions and symbolic codings of toral translations
Rhiannon Dougall (University of Bristol)Comparison of entropy for infinite covering manifolds, and group extensions of subshifts of finite type
Vlad Vicol (NYU)Shock formation for the 3d Euler equations
Martin Rasmussen (Imperial College London)
Topological equivalence of random dynamical systems
Péter Koltai (FU Berlin)Coarse-graining of transport in non-autonomous systems
Giulio Tiozzo (University of Toronto)The fundamental inequality for random walks on cocompact Fuchsian groups
Barbara Schapira (Université Rennes 1)Strong positive recurrence for geodesic flows
Ilya Gekhtman (Technion)Gibbs measures vs. random walks in negative curvature
Andrew Mitchell (University of Birmingham)Measure theoretic entropy of random substitutions
Carlangelo Liverani (Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata")Measurements in Dynamical Systems
Amir Mohammadi (UC San Diego)Geodesic planes in hyperbolic 3-manifolds
Giovanni Panti (Università degli Studi di Udine)Slow continued fractions, Minkowski functions and the joint spectral radius


Boris Springborn (TU Berlin)The hyperbolic geometry of Markov's theorem on Diophantine approximation and quadratic forms


Laura Monk (IRMA, Strasbourg)

The geometry and spectrum of random hyperbolic surfaces

02.07.2020  4:30-6:00pm
(e-mail Anke Pohl for access info)
Keivan Mallahi-Karai (Jacobs University)Locally random groups

04.06.2020 4:30-6:00pm Online
(e-mail Anke Pohl for access info)

Sören Petrat (Jacobs University)

Effective Dynamics of the Mean-field Bose Gas

23.01.2020  Jacobs University Manfred Einsiedler (ETH Zürich)Primitive rational points on expanding horocycles
 Daniel Grieser (Oldenburg)The geodesic flow on singular spaces
28.02.2019  University of Oldenburg

Boris Vertman (Oldenburg)

Discrete determinants and regularized integrals

 Marc Keßeböhmer (Bremen)

Characteristic exponents for recurrence and transience

24.01.2019  University of Bremen

Hannes Uecker (Oldenburg)

Introduction to pde2path (and some newer features).

 Jens Rademacher (Bremen)

Dynamics of fronts in 1D Allen-Cahn equations with large scale coupling

Applied Analysis Seminar

Tuesdays, 14:00 - 16:00 in MZH 4140

19.07.2022 at 16:00Sergey Tikhomirov Depinning asymptotics in ergodic media
19.07.2022Thibauld Congy 
12.07.2022Christian Franzke (Pusan National University)Systematic Multi-Scale Decomposition of Ocean Variability using Machine Learning
07.06.2022Hendrik VogtThe spectral theorem for compact operators: a simple proof
31.05.2022Artur Prugger 
24.05.2022Peter van HeijsterOn the search for controllable chaos in a generalized Allen-Cahn-type equation
11.05.2022 (WED at 14:00)Tomas Dohnal (Uni Halle)Nonlinear surface plasmons: an eigenvalue bifurcation problem
19.04.2022Planning Session---
Sebastian Wieczorek, University College CorkRate-Induced Tipping in Asymptotically Autonomous Dynamical Systems
11.01.2022Christian RoseLarge scale Gaußian upper bounds for heat kernels of unbounded graph Laplacians
23.11.2021Ivan YaroslavtsevStabilization by transport noise and enhanced dissipation in the Kraichnan model
16.11.2021Open discussion---
09.11.2021Prof. Andrew Foulkes, Dr. Shreya Sehgal (Hope University)Transition from rigid rotation to meander in spiral waves: a numerical study for subcritical Hopf bifurcation
02.11.2021 (16:15)Graham Cox (Memorial University Newfoundland)Generalized Maslov indices for non-Hamiltonian systems
05.10.2021Anna Geyer (TU Delft)Stability and persistence of periodic traveling waves
23.03.2021Florian NoethenQuantifying instabilities of chaotic background flow
02.03.2021Evdokiia Slepukhina (Uni Hohenheim)Noise-induced early afterdepolarizations in a cardiac action potential model
16.02.2021Rüdiger Brecht (Newfoundland)An energy conserving stochastic representation of the rotating shallow water equations with a structure preserving discretization
26.01.2021Anne PeinThe parabolic Anderson model with Pareto potential on critical Galton-Watson trees conditioned to survive
19.01.2021Dennis Ulbrich

Weak and strong interaction of excitation kinks in scalar parabolic equations

12.01.2021Ivan OvsyannikovBirth of discrete Lorenz attractors in homoclinic and heteroclinic cycles of type (2, 1) and (1, 2).
15.12.2020Bing-Ying LuIntegrable systems
21.09.2020Maria HöffmannRisk Analysis in Ship Maneuvering Under the Influence of Wind
09.07.2020Michael LameterCoherent structure generating automata
07.07.2020Dr. Romain Ducasse (Université Lyon 1)Spatial models for the propagation of epidemics
16.06.2020Greg FayeAsymptotic Stability of Critical Pulled Fronts using Pointwise Estimates
26.05.2020Jens RademacherAccumulation of eigenvalues for traveling waves and scale separation
19.05.2020Matthäus Mai (Leibniz-Institute of Atmospheric Physics e.V., Rostock)Gaussian variation principle – a method to treat a single equation with several unknowns
12.05.2020Nicola Vassena (TU Berlin)The Jacobian of metabolic networks
05.05.2020Dan Hill (University of Surrey)Magnetic Mountains - Investigating the existence of localised axisymmetric patterns on the surface of a ferrofluid
28.01.2020Jan Klüver
Trotter product formula for forms
Relativ-beschränkte und relativ-kompakte Störungen selbstadjungierter Operatoren
21.01.2020Miriam Steinherr-ZazoAnalysis of some non-smooth bifurcations with applications to ship maneuvering
14.01.2020Bastian HilderModulating traveling fronts in pattern forming systems with a conserved quantity
07.01.2020Hendrik VogtSolving nonlinear non-autonomous equations
03.12.2019Jan MeichsnerFractional derivatives and integrals as application of different functional calculi
19.11.2019Antoine PauthierLong time behaviour of solutions of semi-linear parabolic equations on the real line
12.11.2019Jichen YangSpectral analysis and decay estimates for reaction-subdiffusion equations
05.11.2019Artur PruggerExplicit nonlinear waves of fluid models on extended domains and unbounded growth with backscatter
22.10.2019Dennis UlbrichStacked fronts in the theta-equation
10.09.2019Antoine PauthierAdvection-diffusion dynamics with nonlinear boudary flux as a model for crystal growth


03.07.2019Jichen YangSpectra, Stability and Energy Estimates for Reaction Sub-diffusion Systems
18.06.2019Moritz DollA Partial Data Problem in Linear Elasticity
04.06.2019Jost Viebrock (MSc student, Universität Bremen) 
07.05.2019Miriam Steinherr
Dennis Ulbrich
Artur Prugger
06.05.2019Jichen Yang
Lars Siemer
30.04.2019Mathias Temmen (MSc student, Universität Bremen)Analyse der Stabilität und Steuerung eines 3DOF-Schiffskörpers
16.04.2019Artur PruggerNonlinear waves in damped driven rotating shallow water equations
09.04.2019Jens Rademacher 
26.03.2019Jan Gienapp (MSc student, Universität Bremen)Herleitung und Eigenschaften von Strömungsgleichungen


05.02.2019Dr. Hannes Stuke (Free University Berlin)A dynamical systems approach to outlier robust machine learning
22.01.2019Michael Gruber (Leibniz Universität Hannover)Absolutely continuous spectrum for periodic magnetic fields
15.01.2019Lars SiemerInhomogeneous Domain Walls in Nanowires
08.01.2019Jichen YangThe role of advection for patterns near Turing instabilities in planar reaction-diffusion systems
18.12.2018Alexander Mielke (Weierstraß-Institut Berlin)Traveling fronts in two-scale homogenized reaction-diffusion systems
11.12.2018Ben Schweizer (Technische Universität Dortmund)Introduction to Homogenisation
04.12.2018Eugenia Saorín Gómez (ALTA, Universität Bremen)Some modern aspects of classical Convex Geometry
27.11.2018Dennis UlbrichDynamics and topological entropy of general 1D-Greenberg-Hastings cellular automata: non-wandering set and step-size analysis
13.11.2018Miriam Steinherr ZazoAnalysis of bifurcations in non-smooth dynamical systems with applications to ship maneuvering
05.11.2018Kathrin Flaßkamp (AG Optimierung und Optimale Steuerung, University of Bremen)
Luis Lüttgens (Masters student, University of Bremen)
Optimal Trajectory Planning with Motion Primitives for Autonomous Navigation of Ships
24.10.2018Eva Hackmann (ZARM, University of Bremen)Equilibrium configurations of fluids in General Relativity


05.07.2018Cris Raghib (Auckland, New Zealand) 
26.06.2018Cristian Kuehn 
19.06.2018Manita Chouksey (Hamburg) 
05.06.2018Miriam Steinherr Zazo
Lars Siemer
29.05.2018Hannes de Witt  (Oldenburg) 
22.05.2018Jichen Yang
Ivan Ovsyannikov
17.05.2018Christian Seis (Muenster) 
15.05.2018Friederike Pollmann (Hamburg) 
08.05.2018Alexandra Tzella (Birmingham) 
03.05.2018Camila Nobili (Hamburg) 
24.04.2018Eva Hackman 
23.04.2018Camila Nobili (Hamburg) 
17.04.2018Dennis Ulbrich 
10.04.2018Jens RademacherDynamics of fronts
22.02.2018Prof. Dr. Marc Avila (ZARM)Dynamical-system approach to the turbulence problem
15.02.2018Eric Siero (Oldenburg)Nonlocal grazing in patterned ecosystems
13.02.2018Paul Carter (Leiden)Slow absolute spectrum and accumulation of eigenvalues in the FitzHugh-Nagumo system
23.01.2018Andreas Prohl (Tübingen)Computational Ferromagnetism
10.01.2018Alan ChampneysUnfolding the Painlevé paradox in contact mechanics
19.12.2017Jörg Härterich (Bochum)Tutorenschulung, Helpdesk und Co. - Elemente zur Unterstützung des Lernens
12.12.2017Vassily GelfreichStokes phenomenon, complex matching and embedded solitons
06.12.2017Alexandr Gonchenko (Nizhny Novgorod)Strange pseudohyperbolic attractors in 3D Henon maps
05.12.2017Mikhail Malkin (Nizhny Novgorod)High dimensional perturbation of Lorenz maps
21.11.2017Dennis UlbrichThe Perron-Frobenius Theorem: a tool to compute topological entropy for a wide class of shifts of finite type
10.11.2017Patrick Dondl (Freiburg)Motion of interfaces in random media: pinning and some applications
07.11.2017Alexander Pogromsky (TU Eindhoven)Comprehending complexity: where Shannon meets Lyapunov
05.09.2017Sofia Castro (University of Porto)The dynamics of learning in game theory

Bremen-Oldenburg Analysis Seminar

28.02.2019  University of Oldenburg

Boris Vertman (Oldenburg)

Discrete determinants and regularized integrals

 Marc Keßeböhmer (Bremen)

Characteristic exponents for recurrence and transience

24.01.2019  University of Bremen

Hannes Uecker (Oldenburg)

Introduction to pde2path (and some newer features).

 Jens Rademacher (Bremen)

Dynamics of fronts in 1D Allen-Cahn equations with large scale coupling

