International Relations: Global Governance and Social Theory M.A.

Basic information


Master of Arts


Standard period of study
4 semesters


Teaching language


The substantive focus of the MA program in International Relations: Global Governance and Social Theory is the analysis of governance beyond the nation state. This research topic is examined from a political science perspective, and within the context of enduring processes of globalization and increasing cross-border activity. This emphasis on the governance perspective and the explicit integration of general social theoretical questions is a unique feature of the MA in International Relations. The program is offered jointly by Jacobs University Bremen and the University of Bremen. Both universities have particularly strong positions in the field of international relations and political science. The study is thus linked to an attractive research environment.

Further infomation

Please consult the Institute of Political Science and the University of Bremen's Study Programme Database for further information.

Contact us

Prof. Schlichte
Building: Unicom
Room: 7.2100
Phone: 0421 218- 67475
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