
Successful Bremen Ethnologist Admitted to the “Junge Akademie”

A great honor for Bremen ethnologist, Dr.Silja Klepp: The young researcher from artec [Research center for sustainability at the University of Bremen] has been admitted to the “Junge Akademie” (JA) in Berlin, an elite institution for outstanding young researchers. In order to be admitted to the academy, candidates must have produced an exceptional doctoral thesis and have a long list of outstanding publications. Dr.Silja Klepp is concerned with refugee law in the Mediterranean region on both the academic as well as the political level. Her doctoral dissertation was awarded the PhD Prize of the Research Academy Leipzig 2010 and the Cristiane Rajewski Prize 2012. The title of the dissertation is: “Die Europäische Union zwischen Grenzkontrolle und Flüchtlingsschutz. Eine Geographie des Flüchtlingsrechts auf dem Mittelmeer” [The European Union between border controls and refugee protection: A geography of refugee law in the Mediterranean region].

About the “Junge Akademie”

The “Junge Akademie” was founded in 2000 as a joint project of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities (BBAW) and the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina. Located in Berlin, it is supported by the two mother academies, BBAW and Leopoldina. The academy has a dual task: To promote especially interdisciplinary academic discourse among outstanding young researchers, and to support research initiatives located at the interface between research and society. The academy supports joint research groups working on interdisciplinary projects initiated by its members.
Silja Klepp‘s research interests lie above all in topics like environmental migration and the development of refugee law, and her work at the "Junge Akademie" will be concerned mainly with issues surrounding the advancement of empirical research methods “for the unsettled 21st century”.

For more details, please contact:

Universität Bremen
artec|Forschungszentrum Nachhaltigkeit
Dr.Silja Klepp
Phone: +49 421 218 61857
e-mail: kleppprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Frau hält lächelnd eine Urkunde in die Kamera
Dr. Silja Klepp mit ihrer Mitgliederurkunde. Foto: Jörg Lipskoch