
Marine Geosciences

Bitte beachten Sie zusätzlich folgende Veranstaltungen:

  • Welcome Talk (Bachelor)

    The Dean of Studies of the Faculty of Geosciences welcomes you with a presentation on current research.

    Datum: Dienstag, 01.04.2025
    Uhrzeit: 10:30 Uhr bis 11:00 Uhr
    Raum: GEO 1550

  • Welcome to the Geosciences Faculty (Bachelor)

    Welcome of the new students by the Dean of Studies, introductory words, schedule overview.

    Datum: Dienstag, 01.04.2025
    Uhrzeit: 10:00 Uhr bis 10:30 Uhr
    Raum: GEO 1550

  • Presentation StugA - Preliminary Discussion of the Orientation Activities (Bachelor)

    The StugA introduces itself.

    Datum: Dienstag, 01.04.2025
    Uhrzeit: 11:00 Uhr bis 11:30 Uhr
    Raum: GEO 1550

  • The Study Program Marine Geosciences (Bachelor)

    Main introductory event, information on courses and modules.

    Datum: Dienstag, 01.04.2025
    Uhrzeit: 12:30 Uhr bis 13:15 Uhr
    Raum: GEO 1550

  • Elements of geology, Introductory course (Bachelor)

    The introductory course "Elements of geology" is offered by lecturers of the first two semesters to familiarize students at the beginning of their studies with some terms and concepts of geosciences and to facilitate the start of their studies.

    IMPORTANT: the course takes place from Tuesday, April 01 to Friday, April 04, 2025 and includes lectures and exercises. Dates:
    Tuesday, April 01, 2025, 13:30-17:00,
    Wednesday, April 02, 2025, 10:30-16:30,
    Thursday, April 03, 2025, 10:30-16:30,
    Friday, April 04, 2025, 10:30-12:30.

    Further details during the information event on Tuesday, April 01, 2025, from 10:00 am, room GEO 1550.

    Lecturers: Prof. Dr. Frank Lisker, Dr. Thomas Pape

    Datum: Dienstag, 01.04.2025
    Uhrzeit: 13:30 Uhr bis 17:30 Uhr
    Raum: GEO 1550

  • Field Exercises/Excursions, Internship, Digital Competences, General Studies (Bachelor)

    Field training: compulsory courses, electives, costs and equipment. Who goes where and when - what do you need to consider?

    Internship: format, modalities, schedule.

    Digital Competences: module organization, courses, preliminary time schedule.

    General Studies: what are they? Where to find an appropriate offer? What is accepted?

    Datum: Donnerstag, 03.04.2025
    Uhrzeit: 09:15 Uhr bis 10:00 Uhr
    Raum: GEO 1550

  • Guided Tour with exercise 'Bremer Steine' (Bachelor)

    Geological excursion through the city center of Bremen, several groups.

    Datum: Freitag, 04.04.2025
    Uhrzeit: 14:30 Uhr bis 17:00 Uhr
    Raum: Domtreppen

  • City Rallye and Pub Crawl (Bachelor)

    Learn to know the city center and get together. We arre meeting at the Cathedral steps in the city centre of Bremen.

    Datum: Freitag, 04.04.2025
    Uhrzeit: 17:00 Uhr
    Raum: Domtreppen

  • Safety Event With Fire Drill (English) (Bachelor)

    Compulsory event! One-off event. IMPORTANT!
    At the University of Bremen, students of degree programs with practical laboratory content may only begin laboratory work after attending this event (lecture and fire drill).

    The course consists of two parts:
    Lecture by the "Occupational Safety, Hazardous Substances, Biological Safety, Radiation Protection and Disposal" department of the University of Bremen
    Please arrive on time for the lecture! Admission: half an hour before the start of the event.

    The practical fire drill will take place outdoors afterwards (practice area Emmy-Noether-Str.). Therefore, please arrive on time with weatherproof clothing and sturdy shoes!

    Please register in StudIP. Registration in time slots on Stud IP: Search for "safety training" and "fire drill" in Stud.IP.
    Please note the information in the respective STUDY COURSES!

    Room: HS 2010 (Keksdose, large lecture hall), date and time: Friday April 25, 2025, 12:00 (noon)-14:00h

    Datum: Freitag, 25.04.2025
    Uhrzeit: 12:00 Uhr bis 14:00 Uhr
    Raum: HS 2010 (Keksdose, großer Hörsaal)