navigare - Career Coaching for Women in Science*

Framing Objectives and Preparing for a Scientific Career

The navigare coaching program addresses women early career researchers (ECR) considering an international career in science. Our main concern is to support you in framing your own career objectives. The program is designed to help you to prepare and position yourself for a (further) career in academia. In the course of the program, you will acquire central competencies for your career management in an international academic context.The science system itself and its gender-specific demands will play an important role.

navigare is open to women early career researchers (PhD / post docs) aiming for a career in academia and who belong to one of the supporting institutions.


navigare - Career Coaching for International Women in Science

This program is offered to women doctoral researchers and post-docs who are interested in an international science career. The program is a joint initiative of several coordinated research programs at the University of Bremen. In order to participate, you need to work at or be affiliated to MARUM, GLOMAR, MAPEX, CRC 1320 EASE, the research network Minds, Media, Machines, IGS Minds, Media, Machines, CRC 1342 Global Dynamics of Social Policy, BIGSSS or RTG 2686 Contradiction Studies.

Language: English.


* navigare was designed in the idea of promoting women in science and research in 2015. We understand woman as a gendered identity position that comprises a variety of experiences and life plans. Knowing about the struggles of trans*, inter* and non-binary persons in science, we would like to make the program accessible to as many interested people as possible. Anyone who identify themselves, are defined or seen as a woman as well as persons who identify themselves as trans*, inter* and non-binary who can locate themselves in this context are welcome to apply for participation.


University of Bremen
Equal Opportunities Office

navigare - Career Coaching for Women* in Science

PO Box 330440
28334 Bremen

Dr. Lisa Spanka

Building:  Unicom 2, Haus Oxford; Mary-Somerville-Str. 2
Room:  2.0120
Phone: +49 421 218 - 60186
E-Mail:  lisa.spankaprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de