Environmental Management System at the University of Bremen

Interesting news

Green Metric - Bremen university again in top position

1183 universities worldwide took part in the "UI GreenMetric World University Ranking" in 2023. The sustainability of universities and colleges is being evaluated in this competition. With 10th place, the University of Bremen achieved again a top position in the international sustainability ranking.

Survey report on mobility behavior at Bremen University now online

The mobility survey conducted by the University of Bremen's environmental management team in the summer allowed interesting insights into the daily mobility behavior of employees and students. The results of the survey are now also available as an online report.

The English-language Environmental Statement for 2022 is online.

The Environmental Statement presents the current environmental program of the University of Bremen. Numerous information on energy and water consumption and waste generation illuminate the university's measures in climate and environmental protection. The statement is available in German and English

The University of Bremen on the way to becoming a climate university.

The Commission for "Sustainability, Climate Justice and Climate Neutrality" has the mission to develop sustainability strategies for the university and to steer their implementation. The rector of the university reports on the progress and perspectives of climate protection.

Do you know your Ecological Footprint?

For a long time, the term CO2 was only important to people professionally dealing with this gas. In the meantime, the harmful effect on the climate has been understood internationally and efforts are being made to minimize global Co2 emissions. Did you already recognize your personal CO2 footprint?


On Biodiversity Day, the Nature Conservation Group at the University of Bremen (NUB) invites you to discover natural habitats on campus and in the city. For over a year, part of the campus meadows have been mowed less frequently for the project "Campus Goes Biodiverse", so there is a lot to discover

The Digital Week of the Environment on June 10 and 11, 2021

Frank-Walter Steinmeier and the "Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt" invite you to the Digital Week of the Environment 2021. Under the slogan "This is how the future works!" exciting discussions, attractive exhibitions and specialist programs on important future issues will take place!

Environmental Statement 2021 is online.

The annual Environmental Statement publishes the current environmental program and the environmental goals of the University of Bremen. Numerous interesting information on energy and water consumption and waste generation illustrates the university's measures in climate and environmental protection.

Green Steps - Sustainability in small steps

Have you heard about the new sustainability blog on ZDF television? In entertaining, short articles, sustainability experts Anna Schunk and Shia Su show what we can do in everyday life for environmental protection and sustainability. Be sure to check it out!

Today is "Earth Overshot Day 2021"

This year, "Earth Overshot Day" already happens on July 29. Mankind has used up all the resources that nature can restore in a year in just SEVEN months.

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EMAS Certification


Since the beginning of 2004, the University of Bremen has been continuously validated under the EMAS (Eco-Management Audit Scheme). With this certificate, the University of Bremen certifies that its environmental performance exceeds the legal requirements.

National Climate Initiative

The University of Bremen had an integrated energy and climate protection concept drawn up in 2015 as part of the 'Climate Protection Initiative of the Federal Ministry for the Environment (BMU)'. Integriertes Energie- und Klimaschutz-konzept  The project was funded under the funding code 03KS5333. The climate protection concept contains a catalogue with 30 measures that are to be implemented in the future.


Learning Sustainability

Saving energy in public buildings

change Logo

The CHANGE project is an interdisciplinary collaboration examining energy-saving opportunities in electricity consumption and heat-use characteristics in public buildings. The aim is to develop and scientifically test new and effective intervention strategies to promote efficient user behavior.

Updated by: N.N.