See our Research Seminar for current research activties, our list of publications and our doctorial theses. Find related and other research talks in the ZeSOB Colloquium.
Current Projects
SFB 1232 - From colored states to evolutionary structural materials (German Homepage)
The Collaborative Research Centre (SFB) aims to derive new experimental methods for the development of materials. The general goal is to find target-oriented compositons and process chains that provide material with specific requirments. The main task of our group is to find efficient experimental designs for the development and investigation of suitable descriptors (surrogate parameter) for material properties. We are part of subproject P02.
Subproject members (local): Garima Priyadarshini, Werner Wosniok and Werner Brannath
Subproject partner: Rolf Drechsler (PI, AGAR) and Peter Mass (PI, ZeTeM)
Funding: DFG (Collaborative Research Centre)
Quantification of treatment effect variability in clinical trials
The goal is to develop advanced statistical methods for an estimation of patient-wise treatment effect variability and to investigate its utility for the interpretation of subgroup analyses in clinical trials.
Project members: André Lüschen and Werner Brannath (PI)
Research Funding of University Bremen - Focus Project
Non-parametric and semi-parametric inference for complex multi-state data under the semi-Markov and the non-Markov assumptions. The utiltity of advanced statistical methods for the analysis of data from longitudinal (observational) studies with structured diaries is investigated. An example is the PAMINA study where migraine patients wrote a daily diary for about 3 months containing information on potential migraine trigger factors and medication. The focus of the investigation will be on multi-state models (Markov and non-Markov) and statistical methods for causal inference.
Project members: Susanna Di Termini (PI) and Werner Brannath
Cooperation with Ao.-Prof. Dr. C. Wöber (Department of Neurology, MUW, Austria)
Funding: DFG
Parameter Identification - Analysis, Algorithms, Applications (П3): Adaptive and non-adaptive designs for the prospective evaluation of classification methods (R3-4)
Subproject members: Max Westphal and Werner Brannath (PI)
RTG partner: P. Mass (Speaker), C. Büskens, D. Feichtner-Kozlov, E. King, A. Lechleiter, I. Piotrowska-Kurczewski, J. Rademacher, A. Schmidt
Funding: DFG - RTG (research training group)
Improving Design, Evaluation and Analysis of early drug development Studies (IDEAS): Bias and precision in early phase adaptive studies and its consequences for the decisions about conducting and designing confirmatory studies (ESR10)
Subproject members: Arsénio Quingue Nhacolo and Werner Brannath (PI)
Subproject partner: Björn Bornkamp (Novartis, Basel)
Improving Design, Evaluation and Analysis of early drug development Studies (IDEAS): Interval estimation for dose-finding studies (ESR11)
Subproject members: Saha Saha and Werner Brannath (PI)
Subproject partner: Luc Bijnens (Janssen-BE)
Adaptive Designs in Individualized Therapy (ADIT): Liberal and flexible statistical methods for the evaluation of targeted therapies
Subproject members: Kornelius Rohmeyer and Werner Brannath (PI)
Project partner: Robert Kwiecien (IBKF, WWU Münster) and Olaf Witt (DKFZ Heidelberg)
Funding: BMBF joint project
Past Projects
Design and Analysis of three- and multi-armed "gold-standard" non-inferiority trials
The statistical methodology for placebo controlled non-inferiority trials was further developed. A particular focus of the project was the construction of suitable simultaneous confidence intervals. We also did work on multi-arm superiorty trials for phase III and Phase II.
Project members: Werner Brannath (PI) and Sylvia Schmidt
Funding: DFG
Biostatistische Methoden zur effizienten Evaluation von Individualisierten Therapien (BIMIT): Verwendung von Surrogat-Variablen bei der Entscheidung in adaptiven Enrichment-Designs
Subproject members: Matthias Brückner, Susanna DiTermini and Werner Brannath (PI)
Project partner: Meinhard Kieser (Universität Heidelberg) und Tim Friede (Universität Göttingen)
Funding: BMBF joint project
SFB 747: Methods for the direct incorporation of the statistical distribution of material properties into FEM-simulation of micro forming processes
Subproject member: Pavel Bobrov, Werner Wonsiok and Werner Brannath (PI)
Subproject partner: Martin Hunkel (PI, BIAS) and Alfred Schmidt (PI, ZeTeM)
Funding: DFG
Computational methods for adaptive and multiple inference
Project members: Werner Brannath (PI), Matthias Brückner, Georg Gutjahr and Sylvia Schmidt,
Funding: FWF (Austria)