Professor Dr. Tobias Röth

Tobias Röth

Betriebswirtschaftslehre, insbesondere Technologie und Innovation


Raum F2240, WiWi 2

Max-von-Laue-Straße 1
28359 Bremen

Telefon: +49 (0)421  218-66700
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Zur Person


08/2018  – Present

Postdoctoral Researcher at University of Kassel (since 02/2020 “Akademischer Rat auf Zeit, Qualifizierungstelle”, preparation of habilitation)

School of Economics and Management

09/2017 – 11/2017

Visiting Research Scholar at the Department Management and Entrepreneurship
W.P. Carey School of Business, Arizona State University (Tempe, Arizona, USA)

12/2014 – 08/2018

Doctoral Candidate (Dr. rer. pol.) at University of Kassel (Summa cum laude)
School of Economics and Management

Dissertation: “How does individual behavior scale up to organizational decision-making? An investigation of formalized innovation processes.”

09/2011 – 11/2014

Master’s Program Business Administration (M.Sc.) at Kiel University
Focus on Technology and Innovation Management, Entrepreneurship, and Organization Theory and Design



08/2018 - Present

Postdoctoral Researcher at the Chair of Technology, Innovation Management, and Entrepreneurship (Prof. Dr. Patrick Spieth), University of Kassel

12/2014 – 08/2018

Research Assistant at the Chair of Technology, Innovation Management, and Entrepreneurship (Prof. Dr. Patrick Spieth), University of Kassel




Awards &

Best Reviewer Award for the Technology and Innovation Management (TIM) Division of the Academy of Management (2023)

Knut Holt Best Paper Award 2022 of the XXXIII ISPIM Innovation Conference for the conference submission “How do Technological Frames Feel?”

Nomination for the Innovation Special Interest Group (SIG) Best Paper Award at EURAM 2022 (short list) for the conference submission “Digital Transformation of Incumbents: Exploring the Consequences of Incongruent Technological Frames”

Jürgen Hauschildt Award 2020 of the Commission Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship (TIE) in the German Academic Association of Business Research (VHB) for the PaperManagerial Political Behavior in Innovation Portfolio Management: A Sensegiving and Sensebreaking Process*” (Röth, T.; Spieth, P.; Lange, D. 2019)

Best Reviewer Award for the Technology and Innovation Management (TIM) Division of the Academy of Management (2020)

Best dissertation award at University of Kassel (2019)

Nomination for ISPIM dissertation award (long list), (2018)

Nomination for SMS best paper award (short list) of the Innovation and Knowledge IG for the conference submission: “Intuition and Rationality during NPD Decisions: The Interplay of Affect and Uncertainty” at 27th Strategic Management Society (SMS) Annual Conference, Houston, USA, 2017


Invitation for submission: “Special Issue of Journal of Product Innovation Management from the 2018 IPDM Conference” (Double blind review process)



Refereed journal publications

Röth, T., Heidenreich, S., Schweitzer, F., & Spieth, P. (forthcoming). Navigating through learning tensions at the front end: How firms can motivate paradoxical thinking when screening the creativity of ideas. R&D Management, 1–20. (VHB=B; IF= 6.3)

Spieth, P.; Breitenmoser P.; & Röth, T. (forthcoming): Business Model Innovation: Integrative Review, Framework, and Agenda for Future Innovation Management Research, Journal of Product Innovation Management (VHB= A, IF= 10.5)

Röth, T., Schweitzer, F. & Spieth, P. (2023): Digital New Market Creation by Incumbent Firms: The Influence of Formalization and Political Behavior on Decision-Making Agility, Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 32(1): 101755 (VHB= A, IF= 7)

Spieth, P.; Röth, T.; Clauss, T.; Urhahn, C.; Killen, C. (2023): Investigating the Effect of Perceived Product Portfolio Innovativeness on Consumers’ Brand Perceptions, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 70(10), 3451-3464 (VHB =B, IF = 5.8)

Arnold, F.; Breitenmoser P.; Röth, T. & Spieth, P. (2022): How Do Technological Frames Feel? A Digital Business Model Perspective, International Journal of Innovation Management, 26(09), 1-30 (VHB= B, IF = - )

Schweitzer, F.; Palmié, M.; Gassmann, O.; Kahlert, J.; Röth, T. (2022): Open innovation for institutional entrepreneurship: How incumbents induce institutional change to advance autonomous driving, R&D Management, 52(3), 456-483 (VHB= B, IF= 6.3)

Bauer, J., Schweitzer, F., Heidenreich, S., Roeth, T. (2021): „The value of experience-based simulation in garnering support for radically new concepts“. International Journal of Innovation Management, 2150095, pp. 1-24 (VHB= B, IF = - )

Spieth, P.; Röth, T.; Claus, T.; Klos, C. (2021): Measuring Technological Frames in the Digital Age: Conceptualization, Scale Development, and Validation; Journal of Management Studies, 58(7), 1962-1993 (VHB= A, IF= 10.5)

Schweitzer, F.; Röth, T.; Gillier, T. (2020): The eye of the beholder: The influence of intuition, rationality, and leeway on the assessment of an idea's market-creation potential, Industrial Marketing Management, 91, 274-284 (VHB= B, IF = 10.3)

Röth, T.; Spieth, P.; Joachim, V. (2020): The Interaction of Intuition and Rationality during Escalated NPD Decisions: An Investigation of Decision-makers’ Affective States, International Journal of Innovation Management, 2050033, (VHB= B, IF = - )

Spieth, P.; Röth, T.; Meissner, S. (2019): Reinventing a business model in industrial networks: implications for customers’ brand perceptions, Industrial Marketing Management, 83, 275-287 (VHB= B, IF = 10.3)

Röth, T.; Spieth, P.; Lange, D. (2019): Managerial Political Behavior in Innovation Portfolio Management: A Sensegiving and Sensebreaking Process*, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 36(5), 534-559 (VHB= A, IF= 10.5)

Röth, T.; Spieth, P. (2019): The influence of resistance to change on evaluating an innovation project’s innovativeness and risk: A sensemaking perspective. Journal of Business Research, 101, 83–92 (VHB= B, IF= 11.3)


Röth, T. (2018) How does individual behavior scale up to organizational decision-making? An investigation of formalized innovation processes. kassel university press. Kassel

Further (practitioner-oriented) publications

Spieth, P.; Röth, T.; Claus, T.; Klos, C. (2021): Digitalization starts in the minds of decision makers. But how can we capture this in empirical research? Online at, available at

Gillier, T.; Schweitzer, F.; Roeth, T. (2021): Gut feel or rational analysis? Both may be vital in finding winning ideas for new markets. Online at the Conversation. (last access on July 28, 2021)

Spieth, P., Klos, C., Röth, T., et al. (2021): „Entwicklung eines digitalen Lehr- und Lernarrangements für das deutsche Handwerk“ in TransWork - Assistenzsysteme und Kompetenzentwicklung, Hrsg. Fraunhofer-Institut für Arbeitswirtschaft und Organisation IAO, Springer

Klos, C., Beutner, C., Röth, T. & Spieth, P. (2020): „Fachkräftequalifizierung und –sicherung in der zukünftig digitalisierten Arbeitswelt: Multimediales Lehr- und Lernarrangement für die Adoption von IuK-Technologien im Handwerk.“ kassel university press. Kassel

Klos, C., Röth, T. & Spieth, P. (2018): Technologische Vorausschau: Der Einfluss der Digitalisierung auf die Arbeit von morgen. kassel university press. Kassel

Refereed conference publications

Müller, L.; Röth, T. & Spieth, P. (2024): Explorering the Interface of Agile and Conventional New Product Development: A Paradox Lens, 84. Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung des Verbandes der Hochschullehrerinnen und Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft e.V.

Klein, S.; Röth, T. & Spieth, P. (2024): Political Contestation of Incumbents’ Adaption to Technological Change: The Influence of Strategic Leaders’ Emotional and Strategic Framing. 84. Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung des Verbandes der Hochschullehrerinnen und Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft e.V.

Röth, T.; Spieth, P.; Klos, C. (2023): Managing Technological Frames: How Strategic Actors’ Framing Shapes the Implementation of Digital Technologies, JPIM Research Forum

Röth, T.; Spieth, P & Dzomba, H., Speith, S. (2023): Agility in the Management of Innovation Portfolios: The Interaction of Politics and Organizational Controls, European Academy of Management, Dublin, Irland

Breitenmoser, P.; Röth, T.; Spieth, (2023): Mechanisms for Managing Business Model Ambiguity and Implications for Organizational Agility: A Multiple Case Study, 23rd Annual Conference of the European Academy of Management (EURAM), Dublin, Irland

Breitenmoser, P.; Röth, T.; Spieth, (2023): The Impact of Cognitive Ambiguity on Individual Resonance to Business Model Innovation: A Multiple Case Study, 30th Innovation and Product Development Management Conference (IPDMC), Lecco, Italien

Müller, L.; Röth, T. & Spieth, P. (2023): Exploring the interface of agile and conventional new product development: A paradoxical view, Innovation and Product Development Management Conference, Lecco, Italien

Müller, L.; Röth, T. & Spieth, P. (2023): Agile Control: Theory and Scale Development, European Academy of Management, Dublin, Irland

Röth, T. & Müller, L. (2022): How the Grounding of Framing Shapes the Digital Transformation of Incumbents, Strategic Management Society (SMS) 42nd Annual Conference, London, United Kingdom

Röth, T. & Schweitzer, F.; Heidenreich, S.; Spieth, P. (2022): Navigating Through Paradoxes: The Influence of Paradoxical Thinking on Idea Screening, 82nd Annual Meeting of The Academy of Management (AoM), Seattle, USA

Arnold, F.; Breitenmoser, P.; Röth, T. & Spieth, P. (2022): The Emotional Grounding of Technological Frames, R&D Management Conference, Trient, Italien

Spieth, P.; Breitenmoser, P. & Röth, T. (2022): Business Model Innovation Research: A Literature Review. R&D Management Conference, Trient, Italien

Müller, L.; Röth, T. & Spieth, P. (2022): Agile Organizational Control: Theory, Scale Development, and Future Research Areas?, 29th Innovation and Product Development Management Conference (IPDMC), Hamburg, Deutschland

Heidenreich, S.; Spieth, P. & Joachim; V. & Röth, T., (2022): Why Do Consumers Reject Innovations Before Evaluating Them? Exploring the Nature of and Strategies to Overcome Passive Innovation Resistance, 29th Innovation and Product Development Management Conference (IPDMC), Hamburg, Deutschland

Schweitzer, F. & Röth, T. (2022): How Do Strategic Leaders in Incumbent Firms Shape Digital Mindsets?, 29th Innovation and Product Development Management Conference (IPDMC), Hamburg

Röth, T.; Spieth, P. & Klos, C. (2022): Digital Transformation of Incumbents: Exploring the Consequences of Incongruent Technological Frames. EURAM, Winterthur, Schweiz

Röth, T; Müller, L. & Spieth, P. (2022): Drifting apart of Frames‘ Grounding: How Framing Tactics shape the Digital Transformation of Incumbents, EURAM, Winterthur, Schweiz

Arnold, F.; Breitenmoser, P.; Röth, T. & Spieth, P. (2022): How Do Technological Frames Feel?, XXXIII ISPIM Innovation Conference, Kopenhagen, Dänemark

Müller, L; Röth, T. & Spieth, P. (2022): Exploring the paradox of agility: How can organizations manage the agile transformation of their new product development processes?, ISPIM, Kopenhagen, Dänemark

Röth, T.; Spieth, P. (2021): How to Play the Political System Well? An Organizational Change Perspective on Process Innovations. Strategic Management Society (SMS) 41st Annual Conference, Toronto, Canada

Müller, L.; Röth, T.; Spieth, P. (2021): NPD Processes in the Digital Age: Exploring and Measuring Agility. International Society for Professional Innovation Management (ISPIM) Conference, Berlin/ Germany

Röth, T.; Schweitzer, F.; Spieth, P. (2021): Formalized New Product Development: A Political Perspective on Flexibility. EURAM (European Academy of Management), Montréal, Canada

Röth, T.; Spieth, P. (2021): How to Play the System Well? Exploring Strategic Actors’ Framing Flexibility to Push Digital Innovations in Incumbent Firms. 28th Innovation and Product Development Management Conference (IPDMC), Milan, Italy

Müller, L.; Röth, T.; Spieth, P. (2021): Making Sense of Agility: Exploring the Agile Transformation of Inflexible NPD Processes. 28th Innovation and Product Development Management Conference (IPDMC), Milan Italy

Röth, T.; Spieth, P. (2020): Investigating the Implementation of Digital Process Innovation: A Political Perspective on Organizational Change, at 20th EURAM Conference, Dublin (Ireland)

Röth, T., Schweitzer, F.; Spieth, P. (2020): Managerial Leeway in New Product Development’s Market Creation Potential: A Political Perspective on Decision-Making Processes; 27th Innovation and Product Development Management Conference (IPDMC), Antwerp, Belgium

Röth, T.; Spieth, P. (2019): A Behavioral Perspective on Agility in Innovation Portfolio Management Investigating Political and Rational Decision-Making Processes. VHB TIE Conference, Darmstadt/ Germany

Röth, T.; Spieth, P. (2019): The Interaction of Political and Rational Decision‐Making Processes: A Behavioral Perspective on Agility in Innovation Portfolio Management, 26th Innovation and Product Development Management Conference (IPDMC), Leicester/England

Röth, T.; Spieth, P. (2018): Political behavior and decisions-making processes: A multiple case study in the context of innovation project portfolio management, EURAM (European Academy of Management), Reykjavík/Island

Röth, T.; Spieth, P. (2018): Framing at the CEO, top management team, and middle management interfaces: How much does the CEO matter?, 25th IPDMC: Innovation and Product Development Management Conference, Porto/Portugal

Röth, T.; Spieth, P. (2018): Political behavior revisited: Individual’s sensegiving and sensebreaking practices to influence innovation project portfolio management decisions, 25th IPDMC: Innovation and Product Development Management Conference, Porto/Portugal

Röth, T.; Joachim, V.; Spieth, P. (2018): The role of affect on escalating commitment: The interplay of intuition and rationality in decision-making, 80. Jahrestagung des VHB, Magdeburg/Deutschland

Klos, C.; Röth, T., Spieth, P. (2018): The Influence of Managerial Capabilities on Digital Technology Integration: Required Management Competencies in Industries with Highly Specialized, Unstandardized Work, Academy of Management Global Proceedings,

Röth, T.; Spieth, P. (2017): Political behavior revised: Exploring positive effects on decision-making effectiveness, Strategic Management Society (SMS) 37th Annual Conference, Houston/USA

Röth, T.; Joachim, V.; Spieth, P. (2017): Intuition and Rationality During NPD Decisions: The Interplay of Affect and Uncertainty, Strategic Management Society (SMS) 37th Annual Conference, Houston/USA

Spieth, P.; Klusmann, C.; Röth, T.; Schneider, S. (2017): Cognitive View on Business Model Innovation, R&D Management Conference Leuven/Belgium

Spieth, P.; Klusmann, C.; Röth, T.; Schneider, S. (2017): Opportunity Evaluation utilizing the Concept of Business Model Innovation: Insights from an Experimental Research Design, International Society for Professional Innovation Management (ISPIM) Conference, Vienna/Austria

Röth, T.; Spieth, P.; Joachim, V. (2017): Evaluation of NPD projects: The impact of emotions and uncertainty, International Society for Professional Innovation Management (ISPIM) Conference, Vienna/Austria

Röth, T.; Spieth, P. (2016): How to design effective decision-making in new product portfolio management: An upper echelon perspective, EURAM Annual Conference, Paris, France