
"GET Reform-Now!"

Since it came into force in 2006, the General Act on Equal Treatment (GET) has been a German federal law designed to protect people from discrimination - but it is in need of revision and has a number of weaknesses. The goal of the law is not only to legally protect people from discrimination, but also to prevent or even eliminate it as best as possible. Yet many areas of people's daily experiences are not or not sufficiently covered, and not all dimensions of discrimination are listed in the GET.

Because of this, a civil society alliance of 100 organizations has come together, as announced by the Anti-Discrimination Association of Germany (advd). In a request for revision, a statement with 11 specific aspects was drafted, which was accompanied by a comprehensive list of amendments. Both actions are intended to advance the reform of the anti-discrimination law according to the principle "To dare more improvement, means also to dare more anti-discrimination!". One of the demands, for example, is that employers be held more accountable, including easier access to the complaint mechanism for all employees. How the reform aims to address further "protection gaps" is also discussed in this article.

The demands of the alliance "AGG Reform-Jetzt!" clearly show the urgency and necessity of better, legal protection against discrimination. All paragraphs of the statement can be foundhere.