
Mapex QP- Lectures and Courses|

Einführung in die Betriebswirtschaftslehre für Ingenieur- und Naturwissenschaftler:innen

By Career Center

MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies|

Mitarbeitenden-Führung und Burnout-Prävention

By Career Center

[Translate to English:] Pick and EAt

Pick-and-eat space crop production flight testing on the International Space Station

Jess M. Bunchek, Mary E. Hummerick, LaShelle E. Spencer, Matthew W. Romeyn, Millennia Young, Robert C. Morrow, Cary A. Mitchell, Grace L. Douglas, Raymond M. Wheeler, Gioia D. Massa

Journal of Plant Interactions 19 (2024): 2292220

doi: 10.1080/17429145.2023.2292220

Fresh, nutritious, palatable…

Mapex QP- Lectures and Courses|

Einführung in die Methoden der PR & Öffentlichkeitsarbeit

By Career Center

Mapex QP- Lectures and Courses|

Change-Management – Den betrieblichen Wandel gestalten und begleiten

By Career Center

Mapex QP- Lectures and Courses|

Database skills

By Data Train

[Translate to English:] Empowering_IOT

Experimental study to characterize water contaminated by lunar dust

Rieke Freer, Victoria Pesch,  Paul Zabel

Frontiers in Space Technologies  5 (2024) : 1366591

doi: 10.3389/frspt.2024.1366591

The establishment of a permanent lunar base is the goal of several space missions, such as NASA's Artemis program. The feasibility of a lunar base is highly dependent on…

MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies|

Agiles Projektmanagement

By Career Center

Mapex QP- Lectures and Courses|

Faster, Harder, Data – Introduction Into Web Survey Design (DSC-2024-11)

By Data Science Center

MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies|

Klassisches Projektmanagement und Teamarbeit

By Career Center