
Film noir

aus der Reihe: Schule des Sehens

Zwei am Tisch sitzende Männer schütteln sich die Hände, hinter ihnen stehen drei Frauen und fünf Männer und lächeln in die Kamera.

Maltese Center Opened at the University of Bremen

Titkellem bil-Malti? Can you speak Maltese? No? That’s not a great surprise. Although Malta and its language are now part of the European Union, the general public knows very little about things Maltese. Not so at the University of Bremen, where for a long time researchers have had a strong focus on…


Virtual Flight over the University Campus?

Want to take a 3D flight over the university campus? No problem at all these days, thanks to the work of thirteen enterprising geography students.  During their undergraduate studies they had to learn about geographic information systems.  One project involved mapping a large part of the campus and…

Still aus Film 5 lessons zeigt Porzellanteller

Sprache und Film

film:art 54

Hochspringer springt rücklings über die Latte

What’s Behind the Gold? Top Athletes Discuss the Olympics

In the course of the past century, the Olympic Games moved from being a festival of sport to becoming one of the world’s greatest media events. The Olympic event can now be watched live by audiences around the globe. For members of the public, it is a moment of elation when their favorites score a…


The University of Bremen wins prestigious Excellence University title and 100 million euros in federal research funding

Once dismissed as a hotbed of leftist politics with a radical approach to education and a tenuous financial base, the University of Bremen in northwestern Germany has now been recognized as one of the country's eleven finest universities. On June 15, it was named as a grand prize winner for research…

Cover des Exzellenz-Antrags der Uni Bremen

Today: Decision on Excellence Initiative

Keep your fingers crossed: This afternoon it will come to the decision on the Excellence Initiative and we will know if the University of Bremen was able to convince with its Institutional Strategy "Ambitious and agile" and will win the title 'University of Excellence'.  This decision is important…

Gruppenbild mit zwei Frauen und vier Männern, eine Frau hält einen Blumenstrauß vor sich.

Berninghausenpreis for Outstanding Teaching

The Berninghausen Prize for Outstanding Teaching is awarded by “unifreunde” (the association of friends of the University of Bremen and Jacobs University Bremen) on recommendation from the University. Prizewinners are chosen for their commitment and exceptional creativity in the area of academic…

Die linke Gesichtshälfte eines Mannes vor dem Logo der Initiative kompass international

First International Day at the University of Bremen

Indian Bollywood dancing, reggae rhythms and African gospel singing: add some 30 or so information stands – and you have the first International Day at the University of Bremen. Communities and culture groups are getting ready for the event that starts at 11.30 a.m. on the Campus Boulevard on 7th…

Eine große Menschenmenge lauscht sitzend und stehend in der Glashalle der Uni Bremen einem Redebeitrag.

‘Academic Teaching Day’ at the University of Bremen

On 6th June 2012, the University of Bremen will be concentrating on everything surrounding the topic of academic teaching and studies. Students and teaching staff will be meeting in all twelve of the University’s faculties and in mixed central forums to discuss numerous aspects of learning culture…