
Drei Männer stehen auf der Gondel einer Windenergieanlage. Sie tragen Klettergurte und Schutzhelme.

Research for the Future of Wind Energy

On 25th May 2012 a celebration took place to mark the official commissioning of the new wind energy research facility. The wind turbine, 180 meters high and named “UNI Bremen”, has already been feeding electricity into the national grid since last January. Now the trial period is over the research…

Ein ferngesteuertes Truckmodel durchfährt eine Modellunterführung.

University of Bremen Ranks High in DFG Funding

A most satisfactory result for the University of Bremen: the latest Förderatlas [funding atlas] published today by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) puts Bremen right at the top among German universities in several categories. “Bremen scholars and scientists are known for their outstanding…

Die Abgründe der Komik

aus der Reihe: Schule des Sehens


Students get involved in shaping University

“Miteinander! Aktiv! Kreativ! Eigenverantwortlich!” MAKE [Together, active, creative, self-dependent]: This is the motto of the Semester Summit that will be held on 23rd May 2012 at the University of Bremen. From 2 to 4 p.m. students and University management will meet in Room B 3009 in the GW2…

Aus drei roten Linien stilisiertes "e"

New App Makes Campus Life Easier

Want to use your smartphone to explore the campus, or have a look at what’s on the dining hall menu? These and many other functions are now possible with the introduction of the new eStudentLBS App developed as part of an undergraduate project at the University of Bremen called “eStudent”. Twenty…


University Rector Wilfried Müller Unequivocal on Civilian Clause

Statement on the debate surrounding research on military projects at the University of Bremen: The Rector of the University of Bremen, Prof. Wilfried Müller, supports unconditionally the so-called ‘Civilian Clause’, which was almost unanimously reaffirmed by the Academic Senate during its meeting…


Wooing Prospective Students

Grand European cinema d‘auteur analyzed by cultural scholars, tour of the laboratory in the drop tower, a philosophical breakfast – the different departments of the University of Bremen have come up with lots of ideas to make the forthcoming information day for prospective students a memorable…


Automatic Identification of Damage to Vehicles

The growing need for mobility goes hand in hand with an increase in damage to the vehicles operated by car-rental and car-sharing enterprises. “Especially very minor damage tends to trigger disputes between rental companies and their customers – a problem that threatens to be a obstacle for future…


Bremen Research Engineers Successful Again!

“Forming” is the generic term for all manufacturing processes that involve the forming, or shaping, of metal and plastic materials. Currently, forming technology has to rely on lubricants to reduce friction and protect components from corrosion. For economic and ecological reasons, though, it would…


Praxisbörse: Students Make Contact with Future Employers

Periods of work experience are important elements of studies. They provide an opportunity for students to put the knowledge learned at university into practice, and can also be helpful for preparing career starts. In order to facilitate the mediation of work placements, in 2012 the University of…