
Drei Männer beugen sich über einen auf einem Tisch liegenden Bohrkern.

New Nature Study on Corals and Climate

MARUM researcher Dr. Thomas Felis and a group of international marine scientists present a new piece of the global climate puzzle: They demonstrate that, unlike today, the tropical South Pacific was affected by El Niño events towards the end of the last ice age. The team investigated a fossil coral…

Frau hält lächelnd eine Urkunde in die Kamera

Successful Bremen Ethnologist Admitted to the “Junge Akademie”

A great honor for Bremen ethnologist, Dr. Silja Klepp: The young researcher from artec [Research center for sustainability at the University of Bremen] has been admitted to the “Junge Akademie” (JA) in Berlin, an elite institution for outstanding young researchers. In order to be admitted to the…

Biographie versus Technologie - Wie Cyborgs vom Kino lernen in Lynn Hershmans Teknolust


Mehrere Menschen bei einer Friedensprozession.

Bremen Students Research 1980s Student Movement

The protest against the swearing-in ceremony of military recruits in the Weser Stadium, demonstrations against nuclear power stations, peace marches, environmental projects, and centers of refuge for harassed women: all these events and more are the focus of a joint project of Bachelor and Master’s…

Bildmontage: Mann steht neben einem computersimulierten springenden Mann

Mixed Reality made by Students

On Friday 13., one hour before midnight a special event starts at the depot of Bremen. Students of Computer Sciences and Digital Media at the University of Bremen invite to experience “Uncanny Video Games” [“Unheimliche Videospiele”]. The students developed seven installations for mixed reality…

Gruppenbild mit mehreren Männern und Frauen, die Auszeichnungen in den Händen halten und lächeln in die Kamera.

University of Bremen Acclaimed as a University of Diversity

The University of Bremen is among the first eight universities in Germany to be awarded the “Shaping Diversity” certificate of the Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft [Donors’ Association for Science in Germany]. Prof. Yasemin Karaka?o?lu, Vice Rector for Intercultural and International…

Vier Männer in Siegerpose auf Doppelvierer-Boot

Five Titles and a Total of Ten Medals for Bremen Rowers

Among the competitors at the German University Rowing Championships in Bad Lobenstein were teams comprising students from Bremen who were defending their titles in two boat classes. Altogether, though, Bremen students triumphed in several other classes, too, taking five championship titles, three…

Podiumsdiskussion mit drei Frauen und zwei Männern

40 Years of Cooperation between the University and the Bremen Chamber of Labor

A high level of orientation to practice and research excellence – just a sample of the praise heaped on the Institut Arbeit und Wirtschaft (IAW) [Institute of Labor and Economy] over the past year. One accolade awarded by external experts refers to the cooperation between the IAW and the Bremen…

Film noir

aus der Reihe: Schule des Sehens

Zwei am Tisch sitzende Männer schütteln sich die Hände, hinter ihnen stehen drei Frauen und fünf Männer und lächeln in die Kamera.

Maltese Center Opened at the University of Bremen

Titkellem bil-Malti? Can you speak Maltese? No? That’s not a great surprise. Although Malta and its language are now part of the European Union, the general public knows very little about things Maltese. Not so at the University of Bremen, where for a long time researchers have had a strong focus on…