
Echfarbbild aus dem All von der Erde währen der totalen Sonnenfinsternis 2006.

Impressive Images From Outer Space

It could be an eclipse of the sun, hurricanes, sunrise over Europe, or Sahara sand blowing across the Atlantic: A technique developed by Dr. Maximilian Reuter from the Institute of Environmental Physics at the University of Bremen captures such images – and reveals unusual views of our planet Earth.…

Spargelstechmaschine auf einem Spargelfeld

University of Bremen Develops Automatic Asparagus Harvster

The tedious task of harvesting asparagus by hand could soon be a thing of the past: Engineers at the University of Bremen are currently working together with partners from the private sector on the development of an automatic asparagus harvester. The goal is for the “AutoSpar” to harvest six…

Schwarze Trauerschleife mit schwarzer Rose auf weißem Grund.

University and ZARM Mourn Prof. Rath, Founder of the Campus Drop Tower

On Tuesday 4th September 2012, the head of the Center for Applied Space Technology and Microgravity (ZARM) at the University of Bremen, Professor Hans J. Rath, passed away following a short but severe illness. He was 65. The University of Bremen and the ZARM center are now mourning the institute…

Mann mit Brille lächelt in die Kamera

The New Rector Takes Office!

A change of leadership at the University of Bremen: Prof. Bernd Scholz-Reiter took over the office of University Rector on 1st September 2012. He succeeds Prof. Wilfried Müller, who has steered the fortunes of the University of Bremen for the past ten years. “I am looking forward to my new duties,…

Aufgerissener gelber Umschlag

What was the Stasi up to at West German universities?

Why was the East German Ministry for State Security (popularly known as the Stasi) involved in undercover activities at universities in Western Germany? What sort of contacts did the Stasi maintain, what were the lines of communication, and what form did such cooperation take? Following an…

In rot und schwarz nachgezeichnetes Adernetzwerk des Schleimpilzes.

Slime Mold Networks Give Insights into Treating Cancer

Slime mold can be found everywhere in nature. These apparently primitive unicellular organisms have perfected a highly developed strategy for transporting nutrition and information on their environment via an extensive arterial network. Scientists from the University of Bremen and the Mechanobiology…

Zwei Frauen arbeiten an einer Platine

Summer University for MINT Subjects

Girl power at the University of Bremen – for once again this year two summer universities are being held for women in the engineering and computer sciences. One of these events, Informatica Feminale, is celebrating its 15th birthday: This year’s Informatica Feminale from 20th till 31st August will…

Mann mit Brille schaut in die Kamera.

Black Smokers in Miniature

The German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft – DFG) has awarded the University of Bremen – in the person of oceanographer Prof. Wolfgang Bach – a grant amounting to EUR 1.5 million. Over a period of five years, the MARUM researcher will use the money to fund laboratory experiments…

Man in suit smiling at the camera.

Lichtenberg Professorship for the University of Bremen

The first Lichtenberg Professorship for Bremen: Dr. Moritz Renner has been awarded a Lichtenberg Professorship for Transnational Business Law and the Theory of Economic Law in the Law Faculty of the University of Bremen. Starting this winter semester, the Volkswagen Foundation will be funding the…

Mikroskopische Aufnahme eines Pollenkorns

Palm Trees in the Antarctic

Climate researchers are able to gain insights into how our climate will develop in future by analyzing other interglacial periods that have occurred through the ages. Recently, a scientific team discovered some surprising new evidence in core samples taken in the Antarctic. These samples are the…