About us

As the Equal Opportunities and Diversity Units, we form the Equal Opportunities/Anti-discrimination Unit (04) at the University of Bremen together with the Unit against Discrimination and Violence - Expertise and Conflict Counselling (ADE).

Our teambrings together a wide range of expertise, experience and positions. In addition to various academic qualifications, we have particular expertise in gender and anti-discrimination policy at universities, in strategic and organisational development as well as in personnel development and counselling.

Our approach

A key objective of our work is to further develop the organisational culture into a gender-equitable, inclusive, diversity-competent and anti-discriminatory university that allows for and incorporates diverse perspectives. At the same time, the assumption of responsibility for these processes of change by all university members should be strengthened. We work with an intersectional approach that understands the various dimensions of diversity such as race, religious affiliation, educational background, class, mental and physical disabilities, sexual orientation and gender identity in their interconnectedness.

Ausgedruckte Buchcover an der Fahrstuhlwand
Zettel auf Tisch mit Definition von Intersektionalität

Our fields of expertise

In both units, we initiate and support gender and diversity-oriented processes of change at the university, which also improve the quality of teaching, academic management and research. To this end, we develop dialogue formats and advise university management, managers and employees on the implementation of their tasks. For example, we are involved in the development of guidelines and strategies, in personnel selection processes and personnel development and provide information on gender- and diversity-sensitive language use. Other important aspects of our work include strengthening gender diversity and taking a decisive stance against increasingly strong right-wing, anti-science and anti-feminist movements on campus.

The Equal Opportunities Office pays particular attention to gender relations in academia. In addition to supporting and advising the university management in the implementation of the key objective of gender equality in the sense of an intersectional understanding, offers for gender-equitable personnel development are an important part of our work. In addition, the implementation of the federal and state government's programme for female professors, in which the University of Bremen has successfully participated four times in a row, the audit family-friendly university and the gender & diversity consulting for the DFG-funded research associations are located at the Equal Opportunities Office.

The tasks of the Diversity Office include the cross-sectional, sustainable anchoring of diversity aspects in teaching, studies, research, personnel and administration. For example, the key topics of inclusion, improving the situation of trans*, inter* and non-binary students and staff, promoting religious diversity and the topic of a university that is critical of racism are supported by the Diversity Office.

Equal Opportunities Office &
Diversity Office

Postal address:
P.O. Box 330440
28334 Bremen

Visiting address:
Unicom 2, Oxford House
Mary-Somerville-Str. 2
28359 Bremen