Accessibility in E-Learning and Teaching – The BALLON Project

Supporting academic teaching staff in creating more accessible learning environments

In January 2021, the BALLON project “Accessible E-Learning and Teaching” was launched at the University of Bremen in cooperation with the Bremen City University of Applied Sciences and the University of Applied Sciences Bremerhaven. In times of COVID-19, it wants to create a university environment that is as accessible as possible to everyone.

The BALLON team aims to ensure equal opportunities in E-Learning at Bremen’s universities and, thus, in cooperation with university staff, to also put the legally binding accessibility requirements (especially the Bremen Equal Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities Act (“Bremisches Behindertengleichstellungsgesetz, BremBGG”)) into practice in their digital offerings. We are currently establishing a service center to expand the existing facilities and services at the university. Here you can find an overview of the existing offers for students from KIS, an information offer for teachers on accessible teaching, as well as tips for accessible digital teaching compiled by ZMML.

We support you in achieving more accessibility in teaching and learning in the following areas:

The impetus for the BALLON service center originated from experience with the transformation of face-to-face classes into digital teaching and learning formats brought about by the Corona pandemic. It was not only the fast transition to digital formats that presented teachers and students with new challenges. In this situation, it also became obvious how much students with disabilities are dependent on the accessible design of teaching, course materials, and technical aids in order to have equal access to education, and at the same time how wide the range of mental and physical impairments is. After all, all students do benefit from greater accessibility.



We are a large and diverse team with different professional backgrounds to support you in implementing accessible digital teaching.

From 31 December 2023, the BALLON team will no longer be available by phone or email due to the end of the project.



The BALLON project received funding from Bremen’s “Securing the Hybrid Winter Semester 2020/21 and Strategic Further Development of the Digitization of Bremen’s Universities” special funding program.

Project duration: January 01, 2021 until December 31, 2023



Having Your Content Reviewed for Accessibility

Upon request, the BALLON team will review your existing course materials to identify any barriers. You will receive detailed feedback, suggestions for alternative solutions, and help in putting them into practice.

Creating Accessible Materials and Websites

If you need help designing accessible online classes, we are happy to assist you. We advise you on the conceptual design of digital courses as well as the design of course materials and websites.

Using Checklists and Tools

We have compiled tools and materials for you to create and independently review content for accessibility.

In addition, you can have videos translated into German sign language. Automatic subtitling of audio/video recordings is also possible.

Universität Bremen

Background and Legal Basis

Background information on accessibility at the university and its legal basis is available here.

Connect and promote competencies

The BALLON team wants to build a community of practice across universities and network more closely within the university.
