The BALLON team

Ein Foto vom Dr. Christina Gloerfeld. Wissenschaftsmanagerin für Digitale Transformation
Project Manager

Dr.Christina Gloerfeld
Phone: +49 (0)421 218 60042
Email: c.gloerfeldprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de


About Dr. Christina Gloerfeld

Since January 2021, Dr.Christina Gloerfeld has been digital transformation manager supporting the CDO. Prior to this role, she spent ten years at the FernUniversität in Hagen conducting research on the digitalization of teaching-learning processes in different educational contexts with a special focus on mobile learning and the application of artificial intelligence.

Portrait von Nadja Willy
Research Assistant

M.A. Nadja Willy
Email: nwillyprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de


About Nadja Willy

Nadja Willy completed her bachelor’s degree in sociology at TU Darmstadt. The topic of her bachelor’s thesis was gender inequalities in academia. As part of her master’s degree in sociology and social research, she is currently writing her thesis on the topic of racism in Germany. Her professional focus is on diversity and inclusion. She has been a student assistant at BALLON since April 2021.

Foto von Christina Broo
Research Assistant

Email: brooprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de


About ChristinaBroo

ChristinaBroo has been working as a research assistant within the Media Education and Didactics of Multimedia Learning Environments working group within the Faculty of Pedagogy and Educational Sciences (Prof. Dr. Karsten D. Wolf) since October 2020. Since January 2021, she has also been a research assistant for the “Accessible E-Learning and Teaching” (BALLON) project.

Student assistants

A. Rieger, C. Kieselhorst, I. Hemker, L. Kilian, M. Frech, N. Goldmann, R. Graf, S. Dierksen, V. Kowalzik, Y. Kaya