Teaching and Learning

The University of Bremen is committed to diversity as can be seen in our mission statement. In the following, you will find information about current activities and services, study programs in the field of General Studies, and counseling and support services for students and staff.

Ein blühender Kirschbaum im Gegenlicht der Sonne.


In order to provide students and staff with individual professional support, the University of Bremen has a number of contact points and counseling services.

Eine Pinnwand voller Flyer.

General Studies

The University of Bremen offers a wide range of seminars with a focus on diversity in the field of General Studies.

Schutzbrille, Methoden und Werkzeug.


Here you will find information in the form of handouts and literature references on important topics related to diversity at the University of Bremen, such as language, the use of images, and didactics.

Signs for orientation.

University Access

The University of Bremen is committed to non-discriminatory university access in order to guarantee equal opportunities from university application right through to examination.


Degree Program

Diversity is also reflected in our curriculum. The content of many courses regularly touches on diversity-related topics and questions.

Multicolored highlighters lie on multicolored paper.

University Didactics

The University of Bremen is actively committed to diversity-conscious teaching and offers its staff further training opportunities.

If you encounter barriers, discriminatory content, or ambiguities while reading our pages, we welcome you to send an email to Diversityprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de.