Professorship in Empirical Economics and Applied Statistics

Leader and topics

Prof. Dr. Martin Missong

Martin Missong

Bayesian Networks

Statistics in Court

Quantitative Risk Management


Guest Lecture

On May 25, Prof. Dr. Dr. Hanjo Hamann will give a guest lecture on "Legal linguistics - a basic discipline in the making?" as part of the key qualification course "Statistics in Court?" (Lecture hall H1010, building GW1, 12:00 c.t.)

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Have a good start into the summer semester!

Korri and the rest of the team "Professorship in Empirical Economics and Applied Statistics" wish you all a good start into the summer semester 2022!

[Translate to English:]

Have a good start into the new semester!

Korri and the rest of the team "Professorship in Empirical Economics and Applied Statistics" wish you all a good start into the winter semester 2021/22!

Dr. Tanja Ihden will leave our work area as of 1. September

Dr. Tanja Ihden will leave our work area as of 1. September. She is going to lead transnational study programs at the University of Applied Sciences Krems in Austria.

Korri der Korrelationskoala lächelt freundlich und hebt den rechten Arm.

Have a good start into the new semester!

Korri and the rest of the team "Professorship in Empirical Economics and Applied Statistics" wish you all a good start into the summer semester 2021!

Coventry University

COIL-Project „Business Analytics Application in Industries“ successfully completed

The Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) – course „Business Analytics Application in Industries“ in cooperation with the Coventry University and the GISMA Business School has been completed with a closing event on the 12th of april 2021.

Kolloquium Paola Janßen

Promotion Paola Janßen

Paola Janßen has successfully completed her dissertation entitled "Inference with empirical theorems - investigating the connection between statistical and legal methods of persuasion".

A person sitting on a balcony, working on their laptop, and drinking coffee.

Start of the semester

We wish all students a good start into the next digital semester and welcome the new students at the University of Bremen!

European Center for Alternative Finance

Presentation at 4th European Alternative Finance Research Conference

Tim Vintis presented the paper "Are Sustainability-Oriented Investors Different? Evidence from Equity Crowdfunding" at the 4th European Alternative Finance Research Conference at Utrecht University on 6 October. The paper was written in collaboration with Lars Hornuf and Eliza Stenzhorn.

Jana Sell

Teaching assignment at North German Academy for Finance and Tax Law

By the end of the year, Jana Sell had received a teaching assignment at the North German Academy for Finance and Tax Law in Bremen. There she teaches the financial candidates in the subject "Business Administration".

An image of the WiWi 1 building: the department of economics.

Secretariat opening hours during the summer semester 2024

The Office of the Professorship in Empirical Economics and Applied Statistics, Building: WIWI 1 (Aldi-Building), 2nd Floor, Room A2370, is open regularly on:

    Monday,          2 pm  - 4 pm,
    Tuesday,        12 pm - 4 pm,

    Wednesday,  2 pm - 4 pm,
    Thursday,       10 am - 12 pm.

The brothers Björn and Sören Christensen are publishing the column "Achtung: Statistik" (engl.: "Attention: Statistic" periodically. Based on scientific argumentation it is shown, in an entertaining way, at which points in our daily life we are confrontated with statistics and which false conclusions, without awareness of statistics, we probably make.

You can find the link to the column here

The initiative "Unstatistik des Monats" (engl.: "Un-statistic of the month") was founded in 2012 by psychologist Gerd Gigerenzer from Berlin and the economists Thomas Bauer from Bochum and Walter Krämer from Dortmund. In this column, statistic news based on not appropiate data or misinterpretation of data, are exposed. The spectrum of false conclusions are from comical to frightening.

You can find the link to the column here





For more information about Prof. Dr. Martin Missong and his staff, click here.


Zuhörer in einem vollen Hörsaal.

Our teaching is an application-oriented system of methodological lectures, which is structured in modules. Typical data analyses software is used in courses, as well as in exams.


Books in a shelf.

Main research topics of the professorship are especially quantitative risk management and statistics in court. You can find more information about key topics, publications and conferences here.


Multicolored pencils.

The professorship maintan cooperation with other scientists and universities as well as companies. You can find more information about different cooperation right here.