Niloofar Goharbakhsh

Research Associate

Contact: Hochschulring 18, 28359 Bremen, room 0430, Cognium

Mail: goharbakprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Fon: +49 (0) 421- 218 68763

Office hours for students: Appointments via Mail: goharbakprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

I completed my master degree in Applied Experimental Psychological Science as an Erasmus student from Potsdam University, and Bicooca University as my home university. As a volunteer research assistant for my Master's degree, I worked on several research projects at the Bicocca Child & Baby Lab, where we investigated the neural mechanisms underlying the ability to integrate emotional information in infancy and behavioral reactions in response to social inclusion and exclusion. I wrote my thesis on the topic of matching emotional speech to emotional facial expression since I was interested in emotional development. Given that I am passionate about affective neuroscience, attention, and social interaction development using EEG and eye tracking, I have joined Professor Dr. Louisa kulke’s team to pursue my passion and conduct my research regarding socioemotional development and social interaction in infants and children using EEG and eye tracking.



Roshani, F., Piri, R., Fathabadipour, S., Goharbakhsh, N., Golmirzaei, J., Vafaee, M. S., & Michel, T. M. (2020). The prevalence of ADHD symptoms in university students: A descriptive, cross-sectional studyPsychiatry research294, 113542.

Fathabadipour, S., Mohammadi, Z., Roshani, F., Goharbakhsh, N., Alizadeh, H., Palizgar, F., ... & Vafaee, M. S. (2022). The neural effects of oxytocin administration in autism spectrum disorders studied by fMRI: A systematic review. Journal of psychiatric research154, 80-90.




Goharbakhsh, N & Bidjari, F. A. (2018). A comparison between men and women in understanding white lie and real lie. International Congress on Psychology Iran,