Natural Sciences for Sustainability, B.Sc.

Start in winter semester 2024/2025

The sustainable use of resources and energy as well as the recording and description of processes and interactions in environmental systems from the disciplines of biology, physics and geology are the subject of this degree program.

The first two years of the program provide a comprehensive, solution-oriented basic education. Students deal with the topics of resources, the water cycle, energy, climate change and biodiversity. This is followed by individual specialisation with the choice of a focus area.
During an optional semester abroad in the 3rd year, students can directly experience the international context of the degree program.

Course contents

  • Sustainability from three disciplines: biology, physics and geosciences
  • in English
  • Water Cycle, Climate Change, Energy, Ecology
  • interdisciplinary
  • solution- and practice-orientated teaching

Key data

  • Admission requirements: general or restricted university entrance qualification

  • Application deadline: July 15 / january 15

  • Beginning of the course: once a year at winter and summer semester

  • Language of instruction: English

  • ECTS credits: 180

  • Semester dues including semester ticket

  • Standard duration: 6 semesters

  • Qualification: Bachelor of Science

Information and application

Advisory Service

Study Center

For advice on:

  • Study progress

  • Admission and application

  • Start into your study program

  • Any other questions that might occur

Contact: Email


Yvonne Pannemann

NW1 room S2420
Phone: +49 421 218-62715

Subject-specific information and advice

Questions about:

  • Contents of the study programs

  • Recognition and accreditation of qualifications

Prof. Dr. Annette Ladstätter-Weißenmayer

NW1 room S2240
Phone: +49 421 218-62105
