Faculty Organization

Decision making takes place in the Faculty’s various administrative bodies, led by the Office of the Dean.

The Office of the Dean comprises the Dean, Vice Dean, Vice Dean Academics, and the Head of Administration. These persons serve two-year terms of office. They are elected by and are responsible to the Faculty Council.

The Faculty Council is the Faculty’s governing body. It is responsible among others for formulating recommendations concerning the introduction, amendment or closing of degree programs, study regulations, curricula, examination regulations, regulations governing doctoral studies, principles underlying measures for the advancement of early-career academics, promotion and coordination of research and development projects, formation of appointments committees, and the coordination of appointments procedures.

The Academic Commission is responsible among others for calculating the teaching requirement on the basis of Examination Regulations and has a say in planning course offerings, the evaluation of teaching quality, examination regulations, and curricula design. Half of its members are drawn from the four academic fields’ teaching faculties (professors and mid-level faculty), and half are student representatives.

The Study Center is the main point of contact for students with all sorts of questions surrounding their studies – in particular regarding the educational sciences component of teaching degrees, the bachelor’s subject Pedagogy and Educational Sciences, and the M.A. Pedagogy and Educational Sciences.

Representatives of mid-level academics in Faculty 12 meet as necessary to discuss cross-Faculty issues. All members of mid-level staff are welcome to attend meetings.

The Faculty’s administration is point of contact for matters regarding HR, teaching, budget, administration, and general organization. The offices of the Dean and Vice Deans, the Faculty Council, and administrators of degree programs and the subjects taught in Faculty 12 can also be found here.

The Faculty Council appointscommissaries for special areas of responsibility and tasks, e.g. equal opportunity, international programs, alumni, safety, IT and library services.