
Transparency and participation are important key elements for educational equity. The Department 9 endeavours to place and anchor the topic of diversity intensively in all areas of teaching, research and organisation. In doing so, FB 9 not only follows the university's mission statement and the central diversity strategy of the university, but also supports and advises the Rectorate academically with its own research focus in the implementation and development of the diversity portal.

The conceptual combination of Research-based Learning and Diversity is a special characteristic of the Department of Cultural Studies:

The project "e n t e r s c i e n c e" focuses on didactic, conceptual aspects and investigates the interrelations between diversity and Research-based Learning as a teaching-learning approach in connection with participation.

The department brings together a variety of subjects dealing with social and cultural diversity. This is where the Diversity Studies Department is located and where the expert for diversity is located. For example, the ring event "Diversity @ Uni Bremen" is organised and carried out in cooperation with the Vice Chancellor for Internationality and Diversity. The department also develops further training courses on how to deal with diversity and certifications on inter-/transcultural communication and diversity competence.
Diversity in Progress provides insights into diversity-related activities of the Department of Cultural Studies.

Internationalisierungsbeauftragte FB 9:

PD Dr. CordulaWeißköppel

SFG 4080
+49 (0)421 218 67630