Empirical-experimental research study

Empirical-experimental research study (EXPRAK)

In the Exprak module you will independently plan, carry out and document an empirical scientific study. The module is two semesters with 4 SWS each: In the first semester (winter semester) there is an introduction to scientific work based on a given study, which is carried out under supervision in small groups. In the second semester (summer semester) you will conduct your own study in small groups.

Parallel courses are offered, which are carried out by different working groups. Registration and assignment to the courses takes place at the end of the 2nd semester (i.e. in the summer semester) for the next winter semester and summer semester (see important dates). Then the groups will be assigned / raffled and you will be informed about your group.


German Society for Psychology (DGPs). (2019). Manuscript Design Guidelines (5th updated edition). Library of the Hogrefe publishing house. https://elibrary.hogrefe.com/book/10.1026/02954-000

Important appointments:

  • Registration for winter semester 2023/2024 and summer semester 2024 will take place in summer semester 2023.
  • The deadline for registration is July 31, 2023
  • The submission deadline for the portfolio examination is the last day of the semester, i.e. for the summer semester on September 30th. and for the winter semester March 31st. 
  • The allocation to the courses for winter semester 23/24 can be foundhere.