Professorship for Global Supply Chain Management

Head of Professorship and Topics

Prof. Dr. Aseem Kinra

Porträt von Professor Doktor Kinra

Global Supply Chain Management


Business Economics


Why are the shelves empty? Why does the factory have over capacity?- Current problems for globalized supply chains

10/10/2022, 15:00 – 18:00, Bel Etage Bremen

In this event, we will demonstrate and explain, from the perspective of global supply chains, the current product shortages and operational disruptions facing Bremen's organizations and citizens, as well as German society in general. We use the interactive Beer Game to illustrate the challenges of modern complex supply chains. The Beer Game is linked to the study of business administration. Due to its simplicity and comprehensibility, the Beer Game is ideally suited to engage people who want to understand global supply chains. Participation is suitable for a wide audience and no prior knowledge is required. Useful insights into the topic and solution strategies will be presented by an expert. Finally, participants are invited to discuss current supply chain management issues with members of the research team over drinks. The event will be moderated by Prof. Dr. Herbert Kotzab, Chair of General Business and Logistics Management.

Please confirm your attendance no later than Fri. Sept. 30, 2022 via email to sekkinraprotect me ?!

Research seminar with Professor Dr. Constantin Blome, Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Operations and Production Management

11/10/2022, 12:00 – 13:30, WiWi 1 A1070, Fachbereich 7, Uni Bremen

In this brown-bag research seminar, Prof. Dr. Constantin Blome will talk about the disciplinary foundations of the field of Operations Management in Germany. He will also introduce the international "A" journal, the International Journal of Operations and Production Management (IJOPM) and the publication opportunities for German scholars in the journal. Constantin Blome is Editor-in-Chief of IJOPM as well as Professor of Operations Management and Associate Dean for Research at the University of Sussex Business School. The event will be moderated by Prof. Dr. Aseem Kinra, Chair of Global Supply Chain Management.

Please confirm your attendance no later than Fri. Sept. 30, 2022 by email to sekkinraprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Doctoral Workshop:

Setting Your Social Scientific EmpiricalResearch in Action

In this workshop PhD students will have the opportunity to discuss how to frame, design, model, analyze, and interpret their empirical research in a way that makes a meaningful contribution to science. The workshop topics include shaping, refining, and improving various research structures and tackling execution problems with scientific rigor. The specifics of these problems could include theorizing and research design framing through theory and methodological triangulation, conceptualization, operationalization and quantitative validation and enactment of control variables and boundary conditions.

The workshop is well-oriented towards formative doctoral students who are about to structure their dissertation and would benefit from refinement (i.e., already developed research questions and conceptual framework, possible methods, preliminary findings, etc.).  The workshop supports Ph.D. students in their second or third year conducting empirical research within the discipline of Operations Management, Supply Chain Management, but can also be supportive for students from the related disciplines.




Journal cover (Sustainable Transport and Livability )

Prof. Aseem Kinra from the professorship of Global Supply Chain Management, Professor Ashish Verma from the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) Bangalore, and Dr. Meng Li from Tsinghua University have jointly launched a pioneering initiative to tackle the current sustainability and livability challenges of urban transport and logistics. Together they have launched the new Taylor & Francis journal "Sustainable Transport and Livability". The journal will particularly focus on cross-disciplinary research that furthers our knowledge of the many linkages between sustainable transport and the livability of cities and the policy, planning, design, and interventions that affect these connections.

These linkages may include, though not limited to impacts on: ​

  • How sustainable transport interventions affect physical, mental, economic, and social well being ​
  • How sustainable transport interventions can make society and individuals healthier and happier ​
  • How sustainable transport interventions affect quality of life, equity, social justice ​
  • How sustainable transport impacts safety, accessibility, affordability, and environmental quality​
  • How sustainable transport can contribute toward improving disaster resiliency of urban transport systems​

The opening editorial has recently been published and can be freely accessed here.

The editors invite high-quality submissions under the aims and scope of the journal which can be made by following the link here.

Fabian Siekmann, PhD student at the Professorship for Global Supply Chain Management and member of the Diginomics Research Group, presented his research paper "Exploring the Role of Social Data in Resolving Paradoxes of Behavioral Visibility in Online Product Reviews for New Product Development" at the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 57 in Hawaii.

The study deals with online product reviews and paradoxes of behavioral visibility that limit their use for product development.  It identifies paradoxes in product review data and links these with the associated user profiles to develop an interpretation hierarchy for review properties based on signaling theory.

Access the paper here

Debarshee Bhardwaj, a PhD student in the Department of Global Supply Chain Management, presented at the World Conference on Transportation Research Society (WCTRS) 2023 in Montreal. His research, titled "How Do Managers Develop Hierarchies for Global Facility Location Country Selection Decisions Using Country Logistics Performance?" was well received at the event, earning him recognition and a prestigious $3,000 scholarship.

In his study, Debarshee Bhardwaj examines managers' decision-making processes when selecting global locations, with a particular focus on logistics performance. His fresh perspective and findings attracted the attention of fellow researchers and industry experts alike, demonstrating the potential impact of his work on supply chain management practices. Debarshee Bhardwaj was felicitated with a certificate of prestigious scholarship at the end of the conference as a testament to the quality and significance of his research. The recognition is an encouragement for future efforts towards his PhD project.

Link to the WCTR page


On November 28th, Prof. Dr. Kinra participated in a meeting of the Economic Council of the CDU State Association of Baden-Württemberg. In front of an audience of entrepreneurs, he not only raised awareness on the topic of resilience in supply chains but also made a significant contribution to the discussion with political decision-makers.


The global supply chain has become long and messy. Big questions concerning supply chain resilience and sustainability are beyond the scope of individual actors, and nation states and regions are equally partaking in the discussion. However, while we know of the concerted efforts by all those directly affected, we hardly know about the work that goes on at the grassroots, by voluntary organizations.


Between 12th and 16th of April, Prof. Kinra had the pleasure of being introduced to the independent student organization elbMUN through an invited speak at their yearly event Elbe Model United Nations 2023 ( This voluntary organisation carried out hard work as they tirelessly discussed and negotiated the future of global supply chains over four days in the beautiful city of Dresden, culminating in a joint resolution that can be accessed from this link:

Congratulations to these talented and young individuals for their passionate work in tackling this important challenge together.

In this workshop, graduate students will have the opportunity to discuss how to design, conceptualize, model, analyze, and interpret their empirical research so that it contributes meaningfully to science. Workshop topics include designing, refining, and improving various research structures and addressing execution problems with scientific rigor. Specifics of these problems could include theory building and research design through theory and method triangulation, conceptualization, operationalization, and quantitative validation, as well as establishing control variables and boundary conditions. The workshop is intended for prospective doctoral students who are about to structure their dissertation and would benefit from refinement (i.e., already developed research questions and conceptual framework, possible methods, preliminary results, etc.).  The workshop is intended for second or third year doctoral students conducting empirical research in operations management, supply chain management, but may also be helpful to students in related disciplines. Often this means they have already completed their data collection and analysis or are in the process of writing up their findings.


The workshop will be conducted by:

Prof. Dr. Ajay Das, Professor of Operations Management, Zicklin School of Business, City University of New York, USA.

Prof. Dr. Aseem Kinra, Professorship for Global Supply Chain Management, University of Bremen, Germany

Interested students apply by mail with the following information:

    Contact information including name and affiliation, current research phase (midpoint, end).
    A two-page detailed summary of their PhD project
    A one-page summary of the doctoral project synopsis, including the research problem, research questions, and expected/preliminary results
    A brief motivation for attending the workshop

Deadline for submission is 04/15/2023, 11:59pm to

Aseem Kinra, along with Xavier Brusset, Davide La Torre, and Morteza Javari, has published a new article in the International Journal of Production Research (IJPR). In their article, the authors show the spatio-temporal spread of the Covid 19 pandemic along supply chain networks, visualize and quantify the ripple effect, and enable what-if analyses that are relevant to both researchers and practitioners. The research findings can help mitigate the productivity impact of a pandemic in a specific region and assess a supply network's ability to overcome ripple effects. IJPR is a leading journal in manufacturing, industrial engineering, operations research, and management science that aims to disseminate research results for decision support in manufacturing, operations management, and logistics.

The article can be accessed via the following link:

Aseem Kinra, Professor of Global Supply Chain Management, has joined the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Operations & Production Management (IJOPM). IJOPM is one of the leading journals in the field and is ranked #4 (A) in Operations and Technology Management in the prestigious Academic Journal Guide (AJG). The Journal's mission is to publish cutting-edge innovative research that has the potential to advance the field of operations and supply chain management. Drawing on the experiences of both the manufacturing and service industries, in both the private and public sectors, the Journal has become a widely recognized focal point in a complex and increasingly important area of business management. Prof. Kinra will actively contribute by editing issues and participating in research-oriented events related to the journal. Activities will aim to open up further opportunities for the University of Bremen and the Bremen research community in the international operations management community.


Collage von Bildern der Campus City Veranstaltung 2022

On 10.10. 2022, as part of Campus City 2022 above the rooftops of Bremen's city center, the professorship's staff explained the current product shortages and operational disruptions facing Bremen's businesses and citizens, as well as German society in general. Piotr Warmbier and Fabian Siekmann, PhD students at the University of Bremen, used a role play based on an interactive business game to illustrate the challenges of complex supply chains. Prof. Dr. Blome then provided useful insights into the fields of supply chain resilience and risk management.

The Chair would like to thank the University of Bremen for the organizational support and Prof. Dr. Kotzab for moderating the event.

In this guest post, PhD student Piotr Warmbier and Prof. Aseem Kinra explain the reasons for the ongoing supply chain crisis.

You can find more information here:

Teilnehmer am PhD Field Day während eines Zoom-Meetings

On February 22, the Chair of Global Supply Chain Management, together with the Diginomics and LogDynamics research initiatives, hosted the 1st International PhD Field Day. The goal of the PhD Field Day was to help young scientists communicate their research, get feedback on their projects and develop publication skills. 8 selected PhD students presented and discussed their research with their engaged discussants in an intensive online format. In addition, the event featured contributions from both established, world-renowned researchers such as Dr. Sarianna Lundan and Dr. Herbert Kotzab, as well as emerging researchers from the Bremen data science cluster such as Dr. LenaSteinmann. We look forward to hosting this PhD workshop again in the years to come.


Porträt von Juri Reich

We are pleased to announce that the first PhD student of the Chair of Global Supply Chain Management, Juri Reich, graduated summa cum laude and received his PhD on 05.01.2022. His research focused on decision making in global supply chain networks - more specifically, on how to combine mathematical optimization models with qualitative information. The goal was to design cross-border supply chains based on trade-offs between target variables.


Dachser Magazin

Prof. Kinra talks about tight capacity, bottlenecks in supply chains and how the COVID-19 pandemic has further exacerbated them. The conversation revolves around long-term strategic partnerships with logistics service providers, as well as forward-looking risk management and resilient supply chains as effective tools for companies looking to future-proof themselves against the backdrop of the ongoing globalization of supply chains.

You can find the interview in full length in the magazine:

Buten un Binnen Interview

Disruptions in global supply chains are leading to delivery bottlenecks that are also being felt by customers in Bremen.

Prof. Dr. Kinra explains in an interview for Radio Bremen "buten un binnen" how these far-reaching effects arise and what role the Corona Pandemic plays.

To the broadcast (September 9, 2021):

Prof. Aseem Kinra, in collaboration with researchers from the University of Southern Denmark and Copenhagen Business School, will help companies build resilient supply chains as part of a new international research project funded by the Danish Industry Foundation. The current COVID-19 pandemic has shown how vulnerable global supply chains of manufacturing companies are to high-impact, low-frequency events. The goal is to enable affected companies to deal with unexpected events such as pandemics, natural disasters or cyber-attacks and to restore supply chain performance using concrete tools and methods.

More information can be found here:


The Corona pandemic and its consequences are also a challenge for international supply chains. In an interview with Stefan Lakeband from the Weserkurier's business section, Prof. Aseem Kinra discusses whether global supply chains are changing in the wake of the Corona pandemic, why resilient supply chains are becoming increasingly important for companies, and what role the ongoing digitalization of supply chains can play in this.

The article published on 30.06.21 is available via the Weserkurier website:

Prof. Kinra on the importance of the Suez Canal for the German and European economy and alternative cargo routes.

More information on the podcast at:

Prof. Kinra, along with colleagues from WCTRS, is introducing a new licensing program in supply chain management and transportation.

The licensing program includes the Supply Chain Management Analyst Program, as well as the Transportation Analyst Program.

For more information on the licensing program, visit:

The WCTRS is one of the largest societies within transport research with representatives in 67 countries. The positions extend the reach of the University of Bremen by providing a strong platform for researchers and educators from around the world to exchange knowledge on important transport and logistics related topics from a German perspective. With this new role, the professorship aims to initiate new opportunities within transport research in the Bremen region and in Germany. Prof. Kinra will also co-chair the SIG (Special Interest Group) B1- Logistics and Freight Transport Operations on Supply Chain Management in the future.

More about the WCTRS at:

We would like to invite you to join our special session on AI for Resilience in Global Supply Chain Networks in the Context of Pandemic Disruptions at APMS 2021, taking place September 5-9 in Nantes.

More information about the conference at:

Recent publications

Books in a shelf.


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Here you can find more information about the teaching offer of the professorship, bachelor and master theses.

Old books in a shelf.


Here you can find more information about new publications and research projects of the professorship.