
9th German Diversity Day: YUFE offers free D & I lecture on minimum wages

Tim Butcher, Chief Economist and Deputy Secretary, UK Low Pay Commission, talks about minimum wages. The presentation will be given on Mai 18, 2021, from 13:30 - 14:30. Bremen University's YUFE Team invites you to participate.

Despite economic advances, inequality and low pay remain features of modern labour markets. The lowest paid across Europe tend to work in similar occupations and industries, such as cleaning, retail and hospitality. Low pay also tends to be concentrated among particular groups, such as women (especially those working part-time), the young, the old, those with disabilities, migrants and certain ethnic groups. One policy that aims to tackle low pay is a statutory minimum wage. This aims to prevent the worse exploitation by imposing a wage floor below which it is illegal for employers to pay. Not all countries in Europe have a statutory minimum wage. And not all have a national minimum wage. Some countries differentiate by age, geography, occupation and industry. For countries that have a minimum wage, there are many different ways that it is set – some are set by the Government while others use some form of social partnership. This presentation will look at the diversity of systems across the EU. It will also look at how it affects workers across Europe.

Tim Butcher's presentation is part of the YUFE D & I Series. The event is open to all, klick here for free registration.


Tim Butcher
[Translate to English:] Tim Butcher, Chief Economist and Deputy Secretary, UK Low Pay Commission

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