Academic Advisory Service

Advisory Services/Contact Persons at the Institute

BA Degree Course Advisory Service: 
Dr. Jan C. Oberg
Room: SFG 4240
Telephone: 0421/218-67614
Email: jcoberg(at)

Internship Supervisor:
Dr. Frank Müller
Room: SFG 4320
Telephone: 0421/218-67615
Email: framuel(at)

Sokrates/Erasmus Coordinators:
PD Dr. Cordula Weißköppel
Room: SFG 4080
Telephone: 0421/218 67660
Email: cweisskoeppel(at)

Deputy Coordinator:
Dr. Martina Grimmig
Room: SFG 4350
Telephone: 0421/218-67644
Email: grimmig(at)

Multimedia Coordinator:
Bernd Bullwinkel
Room: GW2 A 4680
Telephone: 0421/218-67605
Email: bebu(at) 

Deputy Coordinato​​​​​​​r:
Dr. Martin Gruber
Room: SFG 4110
Telephone: 0421/218-67618
Email: gruber(at)

Gender Representative for Women:​​​​​​​
Dr. Margrit Kaufmann
Room: SFG 4320
Telephone: 0421/218-67631
Email: mkaufm(at)


Advisory services of the department

Study Center FB 09:
Juliane Schoppe
Room: GW2 B3300
Telephone: 0421/218-67511
Email: studienzentrumfb9(at)

Careers Center:
Wiltrud Hoffmann
Room: SFG 3090
Telephone: 0421/218-67510
Email: praxfb9(at)

Writing Support:  

Research-based teaching is organized around a number of independent writing projects. Each new subject area brings to light new questions and uncertainties. The decentralized writing workshop is designed to underpin your writing efforts.

Consultation times: Wednesday: 11:00 to 12:30 + by appointment

Contact: Britta Petersen
Room: GW2 B 2540
Telephone: 0421/218-67512
Email: forstafb9(at)

Student-based Writing Coaching:

Peer-to-peer workshops give you the chance to gain support and advice in small groups and one-on-on. There are also various other writing-based events and workshops available. You can find a list of current offerings in the General Studies Stud. IP area.

Contact: coachfb9(at)

further advisory services

e n t e r s c i e n c e for students coming from a migrant background:
Ayla Satilmis
Room: SFG 4110
Telephone: +49-421-218-60187
Website e n t e r s c i e n c e

KIS – Contact and Information Point for students with a handicap or chronic disability:
Mechthild Klostermann
Telephone: 0421/218-61050
Email: kis(at)
Address for visitors: Celsiusstraße , Forschungsverfügungsgebäude FVG Room M 0130
Consultation times: only by prior appointment
Website: KIS

KOMPASS International Forum

kompass provides support for international students. Courses are offered on study/ academic work techniques for non-native German speakers. Further information on available courses can be found on the website

Information on scholarships