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SCIENCE GOES PUBLIC! Learning from insects

Kirsten Tracht gives insights into her research by participating in the colorful and varied program of Science goes PUBlic

Have you ever tried to grip, unroll or tear off aluminum foil? Without losing its beauty? With this question, Prof. Dr.-Ing KirstenTracht started her talk on Thursday evening. The Professor for Assembly Technology and Production Design explained how beetles and the structure of their feet inspire engineers in the design of technical solutions for gripping sensitive components. The director at the Bremen Institute for Structural Mechanics and Production Systems (bime) is researching this in the new "Humans on Mars" initiative. Afterwards, the cozy living room atmosphere of Bremen's Kulturlokal in Obertorsteinweg provided a perfect opportunity for interested guests to ask questions.

Thirst of knowledge in Bremen pubs at Science goes PUBlic.
Kirsten Tracht
Kirsten Tracht presenting her research at Science goes PUBlic.
Audience discussing how to learn from insects.
Updated by: MAPEX