Materials for Space Exploration

SpaceMat 2020 also virtual

The symposium took place as a hybrid event – on site and virtual.

The key features

  • all talks were broadcasted via zoom to the registered conference participants;
  • no registration fee – register today;
  • the "on-site hub" was set up in a large meeting room at the campus of the University of Bremen;
  • poster sessions took place online only, details can be foundhere.

Invited speakers

For the complete programme click link above

[Translate to English:]

Frederik de Wilde, artist, Belgium

Cosmical Seeds_A dialogue between Art, Science, Technology and Space

The artist as a pollinator of ideas, experiments and insights. Belgian artist Frederik de Wilde is working at the interstice of art, science and technology. Frederik's talk will cover his artistic crossover praxis and a selection…

Bodo Fiedler

Bodo Fiedler, Hamburg University of Technology TUHH

Thin-Ply Hybrid CFRP Materials for Lightweight Structures

Thin-Ply carbon-fibre-reinforced plastics are high-performance materials in applications where a low density combined with high stiffness and strength are required. A layer thickness below 60 µm characterizes them. The limiting factors to…

Chiara Pedersoli

Chiara Pedersoli, member of executive board of OHB System AG

Material for space applications – Challenges and new frontiers for OHB

OHB business fields cover a multitude of different satellites, orbits, applications for space and therefore different challenges for the materials used in the different designs.

After a brief introduction on the company…

Jens Lassmann

Dr. Jens Laßmann, Site Manager ArianeGroup Bremen

Enabling Space made in Germany

The upperstages of the European Ariane 5 and Ariane 6 launchers are built in Bremen under the prime industrial leadership of ArianeGroup. Ariane 6 is  now taking shape despite the Covid crisis while Ariane 5 succeeded its third launch of 2020 last August.  But the…

Axel Herrmann

Axel Herrmann, Director of the FIBRE Institute

Hybrid Sandwich Structure for passive Crash Protection in a small Landing Probe

In Order to study the formation of the solar system and the evolution of life it is necessary to study smaller bodies like comets, asteroids and smaller moons. All these objects have a common property, they have very…

Frank Kirchner

Frank Kirchner, DFKI Bremen

AI enabled Robotics

How does artificial intelligence enable space robotics and allow for space exploration via autonomous robots? What role does the construction and the material of the intelligent systems play in this context. With its Space Exploration Hall and the Research Team Space, the…

[Translate to English:]

Jonathan Kollmer, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany

Flexible Diggers for Interacting with Granular Surfaces in Low Gravity

For spacecraft visiting rubble pile asteroids it is important to safely interact with the granular materials at the surface of these objects. We propose the use of flexible probes for digging into a granular material under…

[Translate to English:]

Stefano Curtarolo, Duke University, North Carolina, US

There is order within disorder: approaching phase boundaries in high-entropy systems

Critical understanding of large amount of data leads to new descriptors for discovering entropic materials. The formalism uses the ensembled spectrum of sampled states near stability [Chem. Mater. 28, 6484 (2016)]…

Giovanni Pulci

Giovanni Pulci, Rome La Sapienza

Nanocomposite ablative materials for thermal shields of re-entry vehicles

Carbon-phenolic ablative heat shields represent an effective solution for the thermal protection of reentry spacecraft and they are typically composed by a porous carbon preform partially filled by phenolic resin. In this…


Lutz Mädler, Director of the Leibniz Institute for Materials Engineering (IWT), Bremen

High-throughput with particle technology for materials discovery

High-throughput screening is a well-established method for scientific experimentation in chemistry and biology. The tests are designed to quickly obtain easily accessible data (called descriptors) that are related to the desired…

Aims and Scope

The symposium brought highly distinguished members of academia and industry together, who are shaping worldwide the research landscape on the discovery, synthesis, manufacturing and use of materials for present and future space exploration endeavours. Limited to no more than 80 to 100 participants, including about 20 invited speakers, it provided a platform for exchange of the latest ideas and presentation of novel results in this rapidly evolving and highly inspiring field. The symposium covered four main subject areas:

  • space exploration applications,
  • new materials engineering and manufacturing,
  • physical chemistry of new materials,
  • automated new materials discovery.

The talks spanned a wide range of topics, including: materials for habitats; materials for spacecrafts; materials for space suits; regolith and dust; gravityless manufacturing; abrasion, heat and radiation damage.


The MAPEX Center for Materials and Processes of the University of Bremen hosted the first Symposium on Materials for Space Exploration.


31 Aug. to 2 Sept. 2020

University of Bremen, Germany
large lecture hall/Hörsaalgebäude "Keksdose"
(download map as *.pdf)

registration is open



For all questions regarding the SpaceMat Symposium please don't hesitate to contact us:

Find out more about the organizers of the SpaceMat 2020.

Updated by: MAPEX