Who we are

Portrait von Dr. Philipp Gies

Dr. Philipp Gies

Dr. Philipp Gies is the project coordinator of the overall research project. He received his PhD from the University of Bremen with a dissertation on Transnational Social Dialogues in the European Union which is published with Tectum Verlag in 2018. His research focus lies on European integration and its impact on developments in labor law. Furthermore, he researches social inequality, solidarity and the relationship between work and unemployment.  


Portrait Franziska Laudenbach

Franziska Laudenbach

FranziskaLaudenbach is researcher and PhD student in subproject 1. She graduated in Political Science from the University of Bremen in 2014. Since 2017 she is working at the Centre for Labour Studies Political Education. Her research focuses on labour market mobility, labour migration and transnational solidarity. Within SOHA, she is researching on Transnational Social Dialogues and their promotion of transnational solidarity.

Contact: f.laudenbach[at]uni-bremen.de


Portrait von Marcus Franke

Marcus Franke

Marcus Franke is researcher in subproject 1. He graduated in social sciences from the University of Göttingen with an emphasis on the role of civil society in state transformation and the development of labour markets. Most recently, he worked within an integration network for refugees regarding education about labour exploitation and consultation for affected workers.

Contact: MFranke1[at]uni-bremen.de 

Portrait von PD Dr. Irene Dingeldey

Prof. Dr. Irene Dingeldey

Irene Dingeldey is Director of the Institute for Labour and Economy at the University of Bremen, Germany since 2020. She has a habilitation and holds a PhD in political science. Her main research interests concern comparative welfare state studies, employment policy and industrial relations. She edited a book on Governance of Welfare State Reform. Most recently she edited "Minimum wage regimes in Europe and selected developing countries", together with Damian  Grimshaw and Thorsten Schulten and published several articles from the project "Worlds of Labour" on different types and effects of legal segmentation together with Heiner Fechner, Jean-Yves Gerlitz, Jenny Hahs and Ulrich Mückenberger, for example in the International Law Review. In 2020 she asked "Does the household context matter for job satisfaction among low-wage workers? together with Matthias Pohlig and Sabine Israel in Economic and Industrial Democracy. Her  most read article is: "Between Workfare and Enablement - The Different Paths to Transformation of the Welfare State: A Comparative Analysis of Activating Labour Market Policies", published 2007 in: European Journal of Political Research, 46 (6), 823-851.


Portrait von Dr. Ilana Nussbaum Bitran

Dr. Ilana Nussbaum Bitran

Ilana Nussbaum Bitran is a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute Labour and Economy at the University of Bremen, Germany. Her research interests include transnational labor markets, migration and the recognition of foreign academic degrees. Her dissertation named “Between Professions and Countries. Highly skilled Latin American migrants and the negotiation of cultural capital” was published in 2020.

Contact: nussbaum[at]uni-bremen.de