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Print publication!

The article “Resilience on an emotional rollercoaster: Refugee entrepreneurship under adversity” by Tenzin Yeshi, Prof. Dr. Aki Harima and Prof. Dr. Joerg Freiling, published in the European Management Journal, is now also available as a print version.


BBDC Event 2024 on May 24th, 2024

We cordially invite you to the closing ceremony of the BBDC on May 24th, 2024! The event will feature interesting welcome words, award ceremonies, talks, posters, and lab tours. A program highlight is an exciting keynote by Prof. Dr. Alexander Mädche from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).

Logo of the University of Bremen

University of Bremen Committed to Protection against Discrimination

Members of the University of Bremen will receive stronger protection against discrimination as well as extensive options for dealing with specific incidents. This applies to everyone – from management to employees and students. To this end, the Academic Senate has adopted new statutes.

Members ot the IFIP Board at the meeting in Toronto, Canada

Rainer Malaka attended the IFIP Board Meeting in Toronto, Canada

Rainer Malaka attended the IFIP Board Meeting in Toronto, Canada from march 25th to 27th. The International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) is a global organization in Information and Communications Technologies and Sciences and is recognized by the United Nations and other world…

Images of Quarree100

Publication of a results brochure of the QUARREE100 project for interested parties in and around the Rüsdorfer Kamp neighborhood in Heide

Within project QUARREE100, a results brochure was published to provide information for residents of the Rüsdorfer Kamp neighborhood in Heide, Schleswig Holstein and interested parties.

The participants of the workshop "Use of digital, simulation-based tools in stakeholder processes of urban (infrastructure) planning" on February 29, 2024 at the University of Stuttgart

Participation in the expert workshop at the University of Stuttgart: "Use of digital, simulation-based tools in stakeholder processes of urban (infrastructure) planning"

How is a target group-oriented design of tools for urban (infrastructure) planning achieved? On February 29, 2024, ZIRIUS invited scientists from around 20 research projects from Germany, Austria and Switzerland

Cover with the text Sustainable Transport and Livability

Bremen engages in Sustainable Logistics through new Taylor & Francis scientific journal "Sustainable Transport and Livability"

Prof. Aseem Kinra from the professorship of Global Supply Chain Management, Professor Ashish Verma from the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) Bangalore, and Dr. Meng Li from Tsinghua University have jointly launched a pioneering initiative to tackle the current sustainability and livability…

Die Cyanobakterien in den Händen des Doktoranden Tiago Ramalho stehen im Mittelpunkt der Forschung an der Universität Bremen zu Lebenserhaltungssystemen für ein (Über)leben auf dem Mars.

On a Mars Mission: From Cyanobacteria to Bioplastics

Self-sufficiency on Mars - Survival Starts with Cyanobacteria.

 Michael Bonfert's PHD Defense

PHD Defense of Michael Bonfert

On April 12th, Michael Bonfert successfully defended his dissertation. In his thesis "Unraveling the fidelity of virtual reality interactions: effects of realism in object manipulation and embodiment", Michael deals with immersive experiences created with…

Mit sieben Siegen in sieben Spielen sicherte sich B-Human souverän den Titel in Kassel.

Triumph in Kassel: B-Human Continues Its Winning Streak at the RoboCup German Open

In a thrilling final, B-Human, the team from the University of Bremen and the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), defeated the HTWK robots from Leipzig, continuing the ten-time world champion’s unprecedented run of success in the RoboCup Standard Platform League.