
Language cafés and more this summer semester

During summer semester 2024, we are offering language cafés in 8 languages and many other additional language learning opportunities. Participation is free of charge for students.

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Call for Papers: China’s contribution to the global loss and damage agenda in the Global South (Online Workshop)

Wiebke Rabe and Barbara Pongratz invite papers for an online workshop (27th November, 2024) on the Loss and Damage Fund, adopted at COP 2022, and the role of China in it. Deadline for abstract submissions is the 30th June, 2024.

An actress sits on a table

Theater InCognito Performs "Kunst" by Yasmina Reza

How much conflict can friendships withstand? And to what extent can we argue about taste in art? Yasmina Reza's play "Kunst" – which means "art" in German – revolves around these questions. It will celebrate its premiere at the University of Bremen's theater on April 17.

Female Future Docs Information sheet

Doctorate and academia – the right choice for me?

Within the framework of "Female Future Docs", young researchers present their thesis subject and talks about their path to a doctorate. Which subject inspired them? Which formal requirements have to be observed? Which obstacles have to be overcome?

New article on China's social credit system and its perception on Southeast Asia

This article examines the willingness of citizens from beyond China to embrace government-run Social Credit Systems (SCS) within their countries and whether they would do so even if technologies were supplied by China.

New article on love and care in insurgency groups

In this new piece published in Global Studies Quarterly, Philipp Schulz, Eunice Apio and Robin Oryem explore practices and experiences of love and carein the wake of life in the LRA insurgency group in northern Uganda.

Person with brown hair, glasses and white shirt laughs

Accounting & Finance Research Seminar Marco Ceccarelli

On April 16, 2024 from 11:00 to 12:00, Marco Ceccarelli, Assistant Professor of Finance at VU Amsterdam, will give a lecture on "Climate Transition Beliefs" as part of the Accounting & Finance Research Seminar. The lecture will take place in WiWi1 building room A1020.

Gruppenfoto: Etwa 40 Personen stehen in zwei Reihen hinterainder in einem Seminarraum

Welcome to the University of Bremen!

On Monday, April 15, the University Executive Board welcomed new employees to the University at a new event on campus.

New IMG member: A warm welcome to Prof. Dr. Bican!

As of April 1, 2024, Prof. Dr. Peter Bican is leading the Working Group International Management & Governance at the University of Bremen as a deputy professor for Prof. Dr. Sarianna Lundan. Find out more about Prof. Dr. Bican here

Neurodermitis und Schuppenflechte beeinträchtigen viele Menschen. Das TZI der Universität Bremen arbeitet gemeinsam mit einem Start-Up an KI-Lösungen, die ein System zur besseren Behandlung solcher Erkrankungen in den eigenen vier Wänden ermöglicht.

Chronic Skin Conditions: AI Support for Safe Light Therapy at Home

In a joint research project, the Center for Computing Technologies at the University of Bremen and the start-up Skinuvita are developing new AI-based image analysis methods. The goal is to provide a system to treat skin conditions at home using phototherapy.