
Mapex QP- Lectures and Courses|

Nachhaltige Unternehmensführung

By Career Center

Mapex QP- Higher-education didactics| MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies|

Sketchnotes für Wissenschaftler*innen

By Personalentwicklung

MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies|

Empowerment – Soft Skills und Verhandlungstraining für Frauen

By Career Center

Mapex QP- Higher-education didactics| MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies|

Gut »gestimmt« lehren und auftreten - ein aktives Stimmtraining

By Personalentwicklung

MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies|

Rhetorisch überzeugen mit Inhalt, Körper und Stimme

By Personalentwicklung

MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies|

Projektmanagement - Basiswissen und Praxis

By Personalentwicklung

MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies|

Effektive Kommunikation: Essentials

By Personalentwicklung

SHK position in the project "The global development of coverage and generosity in public education"

The project on "The Global Development of Coverage and Generosity in Public Education" is looking for a SHK position with 30 hours per month until July 17, 2024. Begin is October 1, 2024 to the end of 2024. If you are interested, please send an e-mail to Helen Seitzer (

Veranstaltungen| E-Learning|

Learning AID Conference 2024 on 2.9. & 3.9. 2024 at the Ruhr University Bochum

In 2024 there will be a Learning AID Conference for the third time - the conference on Learning Analytics, Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining in Higher Education. The two-day event will take place on Monday, September 2 and Tuesday, September 3, 2024 at Ruhr-Universität Bochum.

Logo der Lernplattform Stud.IP
Veranstaltungen| E-Learning| Highlights| Stud.IP|

Stud.IP conference for providers and practitioners on September 11 and 12, 2024 in Göttingen

The autumn conference is aimed at Stud.IP providers and practitioners, and this is also reflected in the program: In addition to the presentation of Stud.IP 6, the focus will be on the practical implementation of Stud.IP, especially the use of artificial intelligence in teaching.