


Ernst, U. A. and Chen, X. and Bohnenkamp, L. and Galashan, F. and Wegener, D. (2020) A simple canonical circuitry for non-stationary normalization by inhibition to explain and predict change detection in monkey area MTbioRxiv
Laminski, E. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2020) Reliable detection of causal influences in dynamical systemsarXiv:2008.09486
Lisitsyn, D. and Grothe, I. and Kreiter, A. and Ernst, U. A. (2020) Visual stimulus content in V4 is conveyed by gamma-rhythmic information packages The Journal of Neuroscience


Capparelli, F. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Ernst, U. A. (2019) Constrained inference in sparse coding reproduces contextual effects and predicts laminar neural dynamicsPLOS Computational Biology
Lisitsyn, D. and Ernst, U. A. (2019) Causally investigating cortical dynamics and signal processing by targeting natural system attractors with precisely timed (electrical) stimulation frontiers in Computational Neuroscience
Rotermund, D. and Ernst, U. A. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2019) Open Hardware for neuro-prosthesis research: A study about a closed-loop multi-channel system for electrical surface stimulations and measurementsHardwareX
Rotermund, D. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2019) Back-propagation learning in deep spike-by-spike networks frontiers in Computational Neuroscience
Rotermund, D. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2019) Biologically plausible learning in a deep recurrent spiking networkBioRxiv
Tömen, N. and Ernst, U. A. (2019) The role of criticality in flexible visual information processing Springer Series on Bio- and Neurosystems


Grothe, I. and Rotermund, D. and Neitzel, S. D. and Mandon, S. and Ernst, U. A. and Kreiter, A. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2018) Attention selectively gates afferent signal transmission to area V4 The Journal of Neuroscience
Rotermund, D. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2018) Massively parallel FPGA hardware for spike-by-spike networksBioRxiv


Grzymisch, A. and Grimsen, C. and Ernst, U. A. (2017) Contour integration in dynamic scenes: Impaired detection performance in extended presentations frontiers in Psychology
Harnack, D. and Laminski, E. and Schünemann, M. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2017) Topological causality in dynamical systems Physical Review Letters
Rotermund, D. and Ernst, U. A. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2017) Open hardware for neuro-prosthesis research: A study about a closed-loop multi-channel system for electrical surface stimulations and measurementsHardwareX
Rotermund, D. and Pistor, J. and Höffmann, J. and Schellenberg, T. and Boll, D. and Tolstosheeva, E. and Gauck, D. and Stemmann, H. and Peters-Drolshagen, D. and Kreiter, A. and Schneider, M. and Paul, S. and Lang, W. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2017) Implications for a wireless, external device system to study electrocorticography sensors


Albers, C. and Westkott, M. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2016) Learning of Precise Spike Times with Homeostatic Membrane Potential Dependent Synaptic PlasticityPLOSONE
Ernst, U. A. and Schiffer, A. and Persike, M. and Meinhardt, G. (2016) Contextual interactions in grating plaid configurations are explained by natural image statistics and neural modeling Front. Syst. Neurosci.
Harnack, D. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2016) On Causality in Dynamical SystemsarXiv
Rotermund, D. and Pistor, J. and Höffmann, J. and Schellenberg, T. and Boll, D. and Tolstosheeva, E. and Gauck, D. and Peters-Drolshagen, D. and Kreiter, A. and Schneider, M. and Paul, S. and Lang, W. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2016) Open Hardware: Towards a Fully-Wireless Sub-Cranial Neuro-Implant for Measuring Electrocorticography SignalsBioRxiv
Westkott, M. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2016) A comprehensive account of sound sequence imitation in the songbird Front. Comput. Neurosci.


Grothe, I. and Rotermund, D. and Neitzel, S. D. and Mandon, S. and Ernst, U. A. and Kreiter, A. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2015) Attention selectively gates afferent signal transmission to area V4 The Journal of Neuroscience
Harnack, D. and Ernst, U. A. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2015) A model for attentional information routing through coherence predicts biased competition and multistable perception Journal of Neurophysiology
Harnack, D. and Pelko, M. and Chaillet, A. and Chitour, Y. and van Rossum, M. (2015) Stability of neuronal networks with homeostatic regulationPLoS Computational Biology


Tömen, N. and Rotermund, D. and Ernst, U. A. (2014) Marginally subcritical dynamics explain enhanced stimulus discriminability under attention Front Syst Neurosci. 2014 Aug 25
van Humbeeck, N. and Schmitt, N. and Hermens, F. and Wagemans, J. and Ernst, U. A. (2014) The role of eye movements in a contour detection task Journal of Vision


Albers, C. and Schmiedt, J. T. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2013) Theta-specific susceptibility in a model of adaptive synaptic plasticity frontiers in Computational Neuroscience
Albers, C. and Westkott, M. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2013) Perfect associative learning with spike-timing-dependent plasticity Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems
Arevalo Acosta, O. and Bornschlegl, M. and Eberhardt, S. and Ernst, U. A. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Fahle, M. (2013) Dynamics of Dual Prism Adaptation: Relating Novel Experimental Results to a Minimalistic Neural ModelPLOSONE
Cabrera, J. and Patzelt, F. (2013) Human Balancing Tasks: Power Laws, Intermittency and Levy Flights Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience
Patzelt, F. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2013) An Inherent Instability of Efficient Markets Scientific Reports
Patzelt, F. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2013) The Seesaw Game
Rotermund, D. and Ernst, U. A. and Mandon, S. and Taylor, K. and Smiyukha, Y. and Kreiter, A. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2013) Toward high performance, weakly invasive Brain Computer Interfaces using selective visual attention The Journal of Neuroscience


Ernst, U. A. and Mandon, S. and Schinkel-Bielefeld, N. and Neitzel, S. D. and Kreiter, A. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2012) Optimality of human contour integrationPLOS Computational Biology
Lochmann, T. and Ernst, U. A. and Deneve, S. (2012) Perceptual inference predicts contextual modulations of sensory responses J. Neurosci.


Ernst, U. A. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2011) Sensible Balance Science
Patzelt, F. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2011) Criticality of Adaptive Control Dynamics Physical Review Letters


Schmiedt, J. T. and Albers, C. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2010) Spike timing-dependent plasticity as dynamic filter 24th Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems 2010


Albers, C. (2009) Sudokus Lösen mit Hilfe von Netzwerken Place: Bremen Publisher: Universität Bremen
Rotermund, D. and Ernst, U. A. and Taylor, K. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Kreiter, A. (2009) Attention Improves Object Representation in Visual Cortical Field Potentials Journal of Neuroscience


Ernst, U. A. and Rotermund, D. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2007) Efficient computation based on stochastic spikes Neural Computation
Hermens, F. and Ernst, U. A. (2007) Modeling spatial and temporal aspects of visual backward masking Advances in Cognitive Psychology
Levina, A. and Ernst, U. A. and Herrmann, M. (2007) Criticality of Avalanche Dynamics in Adaptive Recurrent Networks Neurocomputing
Patzelt, F. (2007) Mean and variance coding in neocortical neurons Publisher: Institute for Theoretical Neurophysics, University of Bremen
Patzelt, F. and Riegel, M. and Ernst, U. A. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2007) Self-Organised Critical Noise Amplification in Human Closed Loop Control Noise in Life 2007: Stochastic Dynamics in the Neurosciences - International workshop, MPIPKS Dresden


Herzog, M. and Lesemann, E. and Eurich, C. (2006) Spatial interactions determine temporal feature integration as revealed by unmasking Advances in Experimental Psychology
Rotermund, D. and Ernst, U. A. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2006) Towards on-line adaptation of neuro-prosthesis with neuronal evaluation signals Biological Cybernetics
Schinkel-Bielefeld, N. and Ernst, U. A. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2006) Optimal contour integration: When additive algorithms fail Neurocomputing


Bielefeld, T. and Eurich, C. (2005) Science Roadmapping für Rüstungstechnologie-Folgenabschätzung und pröventative Rüstungskontrolle Technologiefolgenabsch"atzung
Etzold, A. and Eurich, C. (2005) A direct, interval-based method for reconstructing stimuli from noise-robust tuning curves Neurocomputing
Eurich, C. and Thiel, A. and Fahse, L. (2005) Distributed delays stabilize ecological feedback systems Physical Review Letters
Rothenstein, R. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2005) Limited profit in a predictable stock market Physica A
Stemmann, H. and Freiwald, W. and Wannig, A. and Schulzke, E. and Eurich, C. (2005) Encoding of dynamic visual stimuli by primate area MT neurons Neurocomputing


Bormann, R. and Cabrera, J. and Milton, J. and Eurich, C. (2004) Visuomotor tracking on a computer screen: An experimental paradigm to study the dynamics of motor control Neurocomputing
Etzold, A. and Schwegler, H. and Eurich, C. (2004) Coding with noisy neurons: Stability of parameter estimation depends strongly on the analysis method Journal of Neuroscience Methods
Eurich, C. and Schulzke, E. (2004) Irregular connectivity in neural layers yields temporally stable activity patterns Neurocomputing
Silberberg, G. and Bethge, M. and Markram, H. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Tsodyks, M. (2004) Dynamics of population rate codes in ensembles of neocortical neurons Journal of Neurophysiology


Bethge, M. and Rotermund, D. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2003) Binary tuning is optimal for neural rate coding with high temporal resolution Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 15
Bethge, M. and Rotermund, D. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2003) Optimal neural rate coding leads to bimodal firing rate distributions Network: Comput. Neural Syst.
Bethge, M. and Rotermund, D. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2003) A second order phase transition in neural rate coding: Binary encoding is optimal for rapid signal transmission Phys. Rev. Lett.
Etzold, A. and Eurich, C. and Schwegler, H. (2003) Tuning properties of noisy cells with application to orientation selectivity in rat visual cortex Neurocomputing
Eurich, C. (2003) Alles nur eine Frage des Timings. Neurotheorie für Anfänger IV Gehirn und Geist
Eurich, C. (2003) Getrennt marschieren, vereint kodieren. Neuronale Populationskodierung Gehirn und Geist
Eurich, C. (2003) Was sieht eine Katze? Neuronale Kodierung und Dekodierung Gehirn und Geist
Herzog, M. and Ernst, U. A. and Etzold, A. and Eurich, C. (2003) Local interactions in neural networks explain global effects in the masking of visual stimuli Neural Computation
Herzog, M. and Ernst, U. A. and Eurich, C. (2003) Getting the picture Scientific American Mind
Herzog, M. and Harms, M. and Ernst, U. A. and Eurich, C. and Mahmud, S. H. and Fahle, M. (2003) Extending the shine-through effect to classical masking paradigms Vision Research
Rothenstein, R. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2003) Evolution and anti-evolution in a minimal stock market model Physica A


Bethge, M. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2002) Geheimsprache der Neuronen Gehirn und Geist
Bethge, M. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2002) Population coding with unreliable spikes Neurocomputing
Bethge, M. and Rotermund, D. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2002) Optimal short-term population coding: When Fisher information fails Neural Computation
Eurich, C. (2002) Feuern im Gleichtakt. Neurotheorie für Anfänger III Gehirn und Geist
Eurich, C. and Herrmann, M. and Ernst, U. A. (2002) Finite-size effects of avalanche dynamics Phys. Rev. E
Eurich, C. and Mackey, M. and Schwegler, H. (2002) Recurrent inhibitory dynamics: the role of state-dependent distributions of conduction delay times J. Theor. Biol.
Eurich, C. and Wilke, S. (2002) Künstliches Gedächtnis. Neurotheorie für Anfänger I Gehirn und Geist
Eurich, C. and Wilke, S. (2002) Selbst ist das Netz. Neurotheorie für Anfänger II Gehirn und Geist
Freiwald, W. and Stemmann, H. and Wannig, A. and Kreiter, A. and Hofmann, U. and Hills, M. and Kovacs, G. and Kewley, D. and Bower, J. and Eurich, C. and Wilke, S. (2002) Stimulus representation in rat primary visual cortex: Multi-electrode recordings and estimation theory Neurocomputing
Herzog, M. and Ernst, U. A. and Eurich, C. (2002) Objekterkennung: Ein Kamel Ist keine Palme Gehirn und Geist
Wilke, S. and Eurich, C. (2002) On the functional role of noise correlations in the nervous system Neurocomputing


Benda, J. and Bethge, M. and Hennig, M. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Herz, A. (2001) Spike-frequency adaptation: Phenomenological model and experimental tests Neurocomputing
Bethge, M. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2001) Synchronous inhibition as a mechanism for unbiased selective gain control Neurocomputing
Ernst, U. A. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Sahar-Pikielny, C. and Tsodyks, M. (2001) Intracortical origin of visual maps Nature Neuroscience
Liehr, S. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2001) Optimal trading from minimizing the period of bankruptcy risk The European Physical Journal B
Otterpohl, J. and Emmert-Streib, F. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2001) A constrained HMM-based approach to the estimation of perceptual switching dynamics in pigeons Neurocomputing
Schwegler, H. (2001) Physics develops unaffected by constructivismFoundations of Science, Special Issue: The Impact of Radical Constructivism on Science
Wilke, S. and Eurich, C. (2001) Neural spike statistics modify the impact of background noise Neurocomputing
Wilke, S. and Eurich, C. (2001) Representational accuracy of stochastic neural populations Neural Computation
Wilke, S. and Thiel, A. and Eurich, C. and Greschner, M. and Bongard, M. and Ammermüller, J. and Schwegler, H. (2001) Population coding of motion patterns in the early visual system Journal of Comp. Physiol. A


Bethge, M. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2000) A physiological model of gain control by synchrony European Journal of Neuroscience
Eurich, C. and Wilke, S. (2000) Multi-dimensional encoding strategy of spiking neurons Neural Computation
Eurich, C. and Wilke, S. and Schwegler, H. (2000) Neural representation of multi-dimensional stimuliNIPS\ 2000: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems
Liehr, S. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2000) A trading strategy with variable investment from minimizing risk to profit ratio Physica A
Liehr, S. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Kohlmorgen, J. and Lemm, S. and Müller, K. (2000) Prediction of financial data with Hidden Markov mixtures of experts International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance
Otterpohl, J. and Haynes, J. and Emmert-Streib, F. and Vetter, G. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2000) Extracting the dynamics of perceptual switching from noisy behavior: An application of Hidden Markov modeling to pecking data from pigeons Journal of Physiology, Paris
Otterpohl, J. and Haynes, J. and Emmert-Streib, F. and Vetter, G. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2000) A stochastic model for the estimation of perceptual switching events in pigeons European Journal of Neuroscience
Wolf, F. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Scherf, O. and Geisel, T. and Löwel, S. (2000) How can squint change the spacing of ocular dominance columns? Journal of Physiology, Paris


Bethge, M. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Geisel, T. (1999) Brief pauses are signals for depressing synapses Neurocomputing
Ernst, U. A. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Tsodyks, M. and Sejnowski, T. (1999) Relation between retinotopic and orientation maps in visual cortex Neural Computation
Eurich, C. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Ernst, U. A. and Cowan, J. and Milton, J. (1999) Dynamics of self-organized delay adaptation Physical Review Letters
Herrmann, M. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Geisel, T. (1999) Self-localization of autonomous robots by hidden representations Autonomous Robots
Kohlmorgen, J. and Müller, K. and Rittweger, J. and Pawelzik, K. R. (1999) Identification of non-stationary dynamics in physiological recordings Biological Cybernetics
Liehr, S. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Kohlmorgen, J. and Müller, K. (1999) Hidden Markov mixtures of experts with an application to EEG recordings from sleep Theory in Biosciences
Scherf, O. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Wolf, F. and Geisel, T. (1999) Theory of ocular dominance pattern formation Physical Review E


Bethge, M. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Geisel, T. (1998) Coherence detection with dynamic synapses Europ. J. Neursocience
Ernst, U. A. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Geisel, T. (1998) Delay-induced multistable synchronization of biological oscillators Physical Review E
Haynes, J. and Roth, G. and Schwegler, H. and Stadler, M. (1998) Die funktionale Rolle des bewusst Erlebten Gestalt Theory
Kohlmorgen, J. and Müller, K. and Pawelzik, K. R. (1998) Analysis of drifting dynamics with neural network hidden Markov modelsNIPS\ 97: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 10
Lin, J. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Ernst, U. A. and Sejnowski, T. (1998) Irregular synchronous activity in stochastically-coupled networks of integrate-and-fire neurons Network
Tsodyks, M. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Markram, H. (1998) Neural networks with dynamic synapses Neural Computation
der Heiden, A. and Schwegler, H. and Tretter, F. (1998) Patterns of alcoholism - a mathematical model Math. Models and Methods in Appl. Sciences


Bauer, H. and Geisel, T. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Wolf, F. (1997) Selbstorganisierende Neuronale Karten Spektrum der Wissenschaft, Dossier 4/97: Kopf oder Computer, Sonderheft
Bauer, H. and Wolf, F. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Geisel, T. (1997) Unique orientation maps from stochastic self-organization
Eurich, C. and Schwegler, H. (1997) Coarse coding: calculation of the resolution achived by a population of large receptive field neurons Biol. Cybern.
Eurich, C. and Schwegler, H. and Woesler, R. (1997) Coarse coding: applications to the visual system of salamanders Biol. Cybern.
Eurich, C. and Wiggers, W. (1997) Salamander - Simulander: Simulation komplexer Vorgänge am Gehirn durch künstliche neuronale Netze Unterricht Biologie
Joeken, S. and Schwegler, H. and Richter, C. (1997) Modelling stochastic spike train responses of neurons: An extended Wiener series analysis of pigeon auditory nerve fibers Biol. Cybernetics


Eurich, C. and Milton, J. (1996) Noise-induced transitions in human postural sway Phys. Rev. E
Pawelzik, K. R. and Ernst, U. A. and Wolf, F. and Geisel, T. (1996) Orientation contrast sensitivity from long-range interactions in visual cortex Proceedings of the 25th Göttingen Neurobiology Conference
Pawelzik, K. R. and Kohlmorgen, J. and Müller, K. (1996) Annealed competition of experts for a segmentation and classification of switching dynamics Neural Computation
Wolf, F. and Bauer, H. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Geisel, T. (1996) Organization of the visual cortex Nature


Ernst, U. A. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Geisel, T. (1995) Synchronization induced by temporal delays in pulse-coupled oscillators Physical Review Letters
Eurich, C. and Roth, G. and Schwegler, H. and Wiggers, W. (1995) Simulander: a neural network model for the orientation movement of salamanders J. Comp. Physiol. A
Roth, G. and Schwegler, H. (1995) Das Geist-Gehirn-Problem aus der Sicht der Hirnforschung und eines nicht-reduktionistischen Physikalismus Ethik und Sozialwissenschaften
Wiggers, W. and Eurich, C. and Roth, G. and Schwegler, H. (1995) Salamander and Simulander: Experimente und Modellierung zur Raumorientierung bei Schleuderzungensalamandern Neuroforum
Wiggers, W. and Roth, G. and Eurich, C. and Straub, A. (1995) Binocular depth perception mechanisms in tongue-projecting salamanders J. Comp. Physiol. A
Wittmann, T. and Schwegler, H. (1995) Path integration - a network model Biol. Cybernetics


Bauer, H. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Wolf, F. and Geisel, T. (1994) Physik im Hirn: Neuronale Netze lernen sehen Forschung Frankfurt
Carmesin, H. and Schwegler, H. (1994) Parallel versus sequential processing of relational stimulus structures Biol. Cybernetics
Deppisch, J. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Geisel, T. (1994) Uncovering the synchronization dynamics from correlated neuronal activity quantifies assembly formation Biological Cybernetics
Pawelzik, K. R. and Buzug, T. and Stamm, J. V. and Pfister, G. (1994) Mutual information and global strange attractors in Taylor-Couette flow Physica D
Schwegler, H. and Mackey, M. (1994) Fluctuations in circulating cell numbers following chemotherapy or bone marrow transplant J. Math. Biol.
Schwegler, H. and Mackey, M. (1994) A simple model for the approach of entropy to thermodynamic equilibrium J. Phys. A: Math. Gen.


Bauer, H. and Pawelzik, K. R. (1993) Alternating oscillatory and stochastic dynamics in a model for a neuronal assembly Physica D
Deppisch, J. and Bauer, H. and Schillen, T. and König, P. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Geisel, T. (1993) Alternating oscillatory and stochastic states in a network of spiking neurons Network
Mackey, M. and Schwegler, H. (1993) Ensemble and trajectory statistics in a nonlinear partial differential equation J. Stat. Phys.
Pawelzik, K. R. and Bauer, H. and Deppisch, J. and Geisel, T. (1993) How oscillatory neuronal responses reflect bistability and switching of the hidden assembly dynamicsNIPS\ 93: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems


Bauer, H. and Pawelzik, K. R. (1992) Quantifying the neighborhood preservation of self-organizing feature mapsIEEE Trans. of Neur. Netw.
Bauer, H. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Geisel, T. (1992) A topographic product for the optimization of self-organizing feature maps Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems
Roth, G. and Schwegler, H. (1992) Der Geist in der Hirnforschung Biologie heute


Liebert, W. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Schuster, H. (1991) Optimal embeddings of chaotic attractors from topological considerations Europhysics Letters
Pawelzik, K. R. and Schuster, H. (1991) Unstable periodic orbits and prediction Physical Review A


Chennaoui, A. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Liebert, W. and Schuster, H. and Pfister, G. (1990) Attractor reconstruction from filtered chaotic time serie Physical Review A
Roth, G. and Schwegler, H. (1990) Self-organization - portrait of a scientific revolution Philosophica


Pawelzik, K. R. and Schuster, H. (1987) Generalized dimensions and entropies from measured time series Phys. Rev. A
Tarumi, K. and Schwegler, H. (1987) A nonlinear treatment of the protocell by a boundary layer approximation Bull. Math. Biol.


Schwegler, H. (1986) Physico-mathematical models of self maintenance Endocytob. Cell Res.
Schwegler, H. and Tarumi, K. (1986) The Protocell : A mathematical model of self-maintenanceBioSystems


Schwegler, H. and Tarumi, K. and Gerstmann, B. (1985) Physico-chemical model of a protocell J. Math. Biol.
der Heiden, A. and Roth, G. and Schwegler, H. (1985) Organisation von Lebewesen: Selbstherstellung Selbsterhaltung Funkt. Biol. Med.


Schwegler, H. and Tarumi, K. (1983) Stability analysis of some models of tissue growth control Funkt. Biol. Med.
Tarumi, K. and Schwegler, H. (1983) Oscillating spatial structures of a tissue J. Theor. Biol.



Chen, X. and Bohnenkamp, L. and Wegener, D. and Ernst, U. A. (2019) A structurally simple model explains MT transients under variable stimulus and behavioral conditions
Schünemann, M. and Keßeböhmer, M. and Ernst, U. A. (2019) Exact avalance distributions for inhomogenous networks of non-leaky integrate and fire neurons
Schünemann, M. and Rausch, L. and Drebitz, E. and Harnack, D. and Ernst, U. A. and Kreiter, A. (2019) Unexpectedly strong attentional modulation of V1/V2 activity implements a robust, contrastinvariant control mechanism for selective information processing Bernstein Conference
Schiffer, A. and Ernst, U. A. and Persike, M. (2019) Thinking around the corner: How to process sharp bends in contour integration
Tömen, N. and Herrmann, M. and Ernst, U. A. (2019) The functional role of critical dynamics in neural systems Springer


Capparelli, F. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Rotermund, D. and Ernst, U. A. (2018) Generative model of visual cortex with short- and long-range recurrent interactions
Dehghani, M. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2018) Detailed balance of excitation and inhibition from Tempotron Learning
Schünemann, M. and Tömen, N. and Ernst, U. A. (2018) Cortical information integration with critical subnetworks: Large capacity, high accuracy, and rapid detection


Capparelli, F. and Rotermund, D. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Ernst, U. A. (2017) Generative models of visual cortex with short and long range horizontal interactions Bernstein Conference 2017
Harnack, D. and Ernst, U. A. (2017) Performance-optimization guided distribution of attentional resourcesBMC Neuroscience 2017
Lisitsyn, D. and Drebitz, E. and Grothe, I. and Kreiter, A. and Ernst, U. A. (2017) Dissecting gamma phase and amplitude-specific information routing in V4 of macaque during selective attentionBMC Neuroscience 2017
Schünemann, M. and Tömen, N. and Ernst, U. A. (2017) Critical subnetworks for feature integration Bernstein Conference 2017
Schiffer, A. and Grzymisch, A. and Persike, M. and Ernst, U. A. (2017) Integration of orientation and spatial frequency in a model of visual cortex
Tömen, N. and Ernst, U. A. (2017) Selective feature integration with critical dynamics in cortical subnetworksBMC Neuroscience 2017


Bohnenkamp, L. and Wegener, D. and Ernst, U. A. (2016) Modelling transient dynamics and attentional modulation in MT cells in a structurally simple model Bernstein Conference 2016
Ernst, U. A. and Schiffer, A. and Persike, M. and Meinhardt, G. (2016) Contextual interactions in grating plaid configurations are explained by natural image statistics and neural modelingBCCN Berlin
Harnack, D. and Ernst, U. A. (2016) Self-organization and control of flexible information routing in cortical networks Bernstein Conference 2016
Lisitsyn, D. and Ernst, U. A. (2016) Model-based inferences into attention and bistability information routing control via precisely-timed perturbations Bernstein Conference 2016
Rothe, H. and Stemmann, H. and Schander, A. and Lisitsyn, D. and Kreiter, A. and Lang, W. and Ernst, U. A. (2016) Analysis of neural signals for chronically implanted, novel multi-channel floating probes Bernstein Conference 2016


Bohnenkamp, L. and Wegener, D. and Ernst, U. A. (2015) Attentional spreading over feature attributes and feature dimensions: Distributed top-down modulation or joint neural coding?
Grzymisch, A. and Grimsen, C. and Ernst, U. A. (2015) Attentional effects in contour integration in dynamic scenes
Harnack, D. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Ernst, U. A. (2015) A simplified model for oscillatory population dynamics in visual cortex
Lisitsyn, D. and Harnack, D. and Ernst, U. A. (2015) Probing communicationa through coherence via phase-dependent analysis
Lisitsyn, D. and Harnack, D. and Ernst, U. A. (2015) Probing information routing mechanisms by precisely-timed electrical stimulation pulses: a modelling study
Patzelt, F. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2015) Stylized dynamics from efficient pricing
Spanknebel, M. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2015) Dynamics of human behaviour in prisoner dilemma games Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft e.V.
Tömen, N. and Ernst, U. A. (2015) Optimal feature integration in critical, balanced network
Tömen, N. and Ernst, U. A. (2015) Optimal feature integration in critical, balanced networks


Albers, C. and Westkott, M. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2014) Learning spike times with membrane potential dependent plasticity Bernstein Conference 2014, Göttingen
Albers, C. and Westkott, M. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2014) Predictive balance of cortical membrane potentials by STDP of inhibitionCOSYNE Abstracts
Grzymisch, A. and Grimsen, C. and Ernst, U. A. (2014) Contour integration in dynamic scenes and selective attention Pion
Harnack, D. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Ernst, U. A. (2014) Multistable network dynamics through lateral inhibition: an efficient mechanism for selective information routing
Lisitsyn, D. and Harnack, D. and Ernst, U. A. (2014) Guiding attention: phase-response curve analysis of a communication through coherence model Bernstein Conference 2014, Frontiers
Tömen, N. and Rotermund, D. and Ernst, U. A. (2014) Marginally subcritical dynamics explain enhanced stimulus discriminability under attention Front Syst Neurosci. 2014 Aug 25


Grothe, I. and Rotermund, D. and Neitzel, S. D. and Mandon, S. and Ernst, U. A. and Kreiter, A. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2013) The neuronal input channel switched by attention reflects routing by coherence
Grothe, I. and Rotermund, D. and Neitzel, S. D. and Mandon, S. and Ernst, U. A. and Kreiter, A. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2013) Selective synchronization explains transfer characteristics of attention-dependent routing for broad-band flicker signals to monkey area V4 Pion Ltd.
Harnack, D. and Ernst, U. A. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2013) A dynamic model for selective visual attention predicts information routing
Harnack, D. and Ernst, U. A. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2013) A model for selective visual attention predicts information routing
Harnack, D. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Ernst, U. A. (2013) A model for selective visual attention predicts information gating and biased competition
Harnack, D. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Ernst, U. A. (2013) A model of selective visual attention predicts biased competition and information routing
Pistor, J. and Höffmann, J. and Rotermund, D. and Tolstosheeva, E. and Schellenberg, T. and Boll, D. and Gordillo-Gonzalez, V. and Mandon, S. and Peters-Drolshagen, D. and Kreiter, A. and Schneider, M. and Lang, W. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Paul, S. (2013) Development of a fully implantable recording system for ECoG signals Design, Automation & Test in Europe
Rotermund, D. and Boll, D. and Gordillo-Gonzalez, V. and Gould, D. and Hertzberg, T. and Höffmann, J. and Mandon, S. and Peters-Drolshagen, D. and Pistor, J. and Richter, M. and Schellenberg, T. and Tolstosheeva, E. and Widman, G. and Elger, C. and Lang, W. and Paul, S. and Schneider, M. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Kreiter, A. (2013) A wireless and fully implantable recording system for ECoG signals
Tömen, N. and Ernst, U. A. (2013) Attention improves information processing by tuning cortical networks towards critical states
Tömen, N. and Rotermund, D. and Ernst, U. A. (2013) Attention improves information processing
Tömen, N. and Rotermund, D. and Ernst, U. A. (2013) Improved information processing under attention is explained by phase transitions in cortical dynamics


Albers, C. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2012) Control of learning using theta susceptibility of synaptic plasticity dynamics Front. Comput. Neurosci. Conference Abstract
Grothe, I. and Neitzel, S. D. and Rotermund, D. and Mandon, S. and Linke, M. and Ernst, U. A. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Kreiter, A. (2012) Interareal gamma-band synchronization in primate ventral visual pathway underlies signal routing during selective attention Society for Neuroscience
Harnack, D. and Ernst, U. A. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2012) A model for selective visual attention predicts information routing through coherence
Patzelt, F. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2012) Bubbles, Jumps, and Scaling from Properly Anticipated Prices Self-Organization in Complex Systems: The Past, Present, and Future of Synergetics. On the Occasion of the 85th Birthday of Hermann Haken.
Patzelt, F. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2012) Extreme Events in Small-Scale Minority Games Latsis Symposium 2012: Economics on the Move
Westkott, M. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2012) A biologically realistic approach for learning inverse motor-sensor models Front. Comput. Neurosci. Conference Abstract


Albers, C. and Schmiedt, J. T. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2011) Inclusion of NMDA receptor like interactions into the contribution dynamics of synaptic plasticity captures adaptation phenomena in STDP Computational Neuroscience & Neurotechnology Bernstein Conference & Neurex Annual Meeting 2011
Albers, C. and Schmiedt, J. T. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2011) Theta rhythmicity enhances learning in adaptive STDPCoSyne Meeting 2011
Heyken, P. and Traschütz, A. and Harnack, D. and Habekost, B. and Kreiter, A. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Ernst, U. A. and Wegener, D. (2011) Transient activation of MT neurons to stimulus velocity changes: experiments and modelling Front. Comput. Neurosci.
Mielke, J. and Patzelt, F. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2011) Tobin Tax in Minority Game Market ModelsDPG Tagung 2011 (13.03.-18.03.): SOE 18: Financial Markets and Risk Managment 1
Rotermund, D. and Grothe, I. and Ernst, U. A. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Neitzel, S. D. and Mandon, S. and Kreiter, A. (2011) Gating of visual processing by selective attention as observed in LFP data of monkey area V4
Rotermund, D. and Linke, M. and Ernst, U. A. and Grothe, I. and Neitzel, S. D. and Mandon, S. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Kreiter, A. (2011) Routing of information flow by selective visual attention in LFPs of monkey area V4 Computational Neuroscience & Neurotechnology Bernstein Conference & Neurex Annual Meeting
Rotermund, D. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2011) Compressed Sensing with Stochastic Spikes 20th Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting CNS (2011)
Rotermund, D. and Schipper, M. and Fahle, M. and Ernst, U. A. (2011) High-performance classification of contour percepts from EEG recordings 20th Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting CNS
Schipper, M. and Fahle, M. and Stecher, H. and Ernst, U. A. (2011) Human contour integration is independently biased by global stimulus shape and behavioural task: Evidence from Psychophysics and Electrophysiology 34th European Conference on Visual Perception ECVP


Arevalo Acosta, O. and Bornschlegl, M. and Ernst, U. A. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Fahle, M. (2010) Predicting the dynamics of dual prism adaptation with a biophysically plausible neural model Bernstein Conference on Computational Neuroscience
Ernst, U. A. and Rotermund, D. and Taylor, K. and Smiyukha, Y. and Neitzel, S. D. and Kreiter, A. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2010) Discriminability of direction of attention with and without stimuli based on V4 epidural recordings: A perspective for high-performance brain-computer interfacesSfN International Neuroscience Meeting 2010
Neitzel, S. D. and Rotermund, D. and Mandon, S. and Ernst, U. A. and Kreiter, A. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2010) Highly selective processing of temporal information from attended stimuli in macaque’s visual area V4 Front. Comput. Neurosci.
Patzelt, F. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2010) Adaptation and criticality in human control behaviour Computations, Decisions and Movement
Pawelzik, K. R. (2010) Trading Induces Efficient Adaptive Control Computations, Decisions and Movement
Schipper, M. and Ernst, U. A. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Fahle, M. (2010) A Horizontal Bias in Contour Integration: Evidence from Psychophysics and Electrophysiology Perception, ECVP Conference
Schipper, M. and Teiwes, V. and Fahle, M. and Ernst, U. A. (2010) Local contour integration depends on alignment and orientation of global shapes Front. Comput. Neurosci.
Schmiedt, J. T. and Albers, C. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2010) Spike timing-dependent plasticity as dynamic filter Front. Comput. Neurosci.


Albers, C. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2009) Learning in Recurrent Networks with Spike-Timing Dependent Plasticity 18th Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting (CNS 2009)
Arevalo Acosta, O. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2009) Controlling neuronal fluctuations for directed exploration during reinforcement learning 18th Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting (CNS 2009)
Bornschlegl, M. and Arevalo Acosta, O. and Ernst, U. A. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Fahle, M. (2009) Learning of Visuomotor Adaptation: Insights from Experiments and Simulations Bernstein Conference on Computational Neuroscience (BCCN2009)
Johnson, D. H. and Jung, R. and Ernst, U. A. (2009) Computational Neuroscience 18th Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting (CNS 2009)
Patzelt, F. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2009) Critical adaptive control may cause scaling laws in human behavior 18th Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting (CNS 2009)
Patzelt, F. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2009) Fast on-line adaptation may cause critical noise amplification in human control behaviour Bernstein Conference on Computational Neuroscience (BCCN2009)
Rotermund, D. and Ernst, U. A. (2009) Enhancing information processing by synchronizationBMC Neuroscience
Rotermund, D. and Neitzel, S. D. and Ernst, U. A. and Mandon, S. and Taylor, K. and Smiyukha, Y. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2009) Field potentials from macaque area V4 predict attention in single trials with 100\% Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience
Rotermund, D. and Neitzel, S. D. and Taylor, K. and Ernst, U. A. and Mandon, S. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Kreiter, A. (2009) Phase differences in local field potentials from macaque monkey area V4, predict attentional state in single trials with 99.6\% accuracy
Schinkel-Bielefeld, N. and Ernst, U. A. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Neitzel, S. D. and Mandon, S. and Kreiter, A. and Rosenholtz, R. (2009) Can reduced contour detection performance in the periphery be explained by larger integration fields 18th Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting (CNS 2009)
Schipper, M. and Ernst, U. A. and Fahle, M. (2009) How do prior expectations shape contour integration? 8th Göttingen Meeting of the German Neuroscience Society / 32nd Göttingen Neurobiology Conference 2009
Schipper, M. and Ernst, U. A. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Fahle, M. (2009) Influence of prior expectations on contour integration: Psychophysics and modelling 18th Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting (CNS 2009)
Schipper, M. and Ernst, U. A. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Fahle, M. (2009) Interactions between top-down and stimulus-driven processes in visual feature integration Bernstein Conference on Computational Neuroscience (BCCN2009)
Schmiedt, J. T. and Rotermund, D. and Basar-Eroglu, C. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2009) Decoding perceptual states of ambiguous motion from high gamma EEG Bernstein Conference on Computational Neuroscience (BCCN2009)
Schmiedt, J. T. and Rotermund, D. and Basar-Eroglu, C. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2009) High EEG-gamma-power codes perceptual states of ambiguous motion 18th Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting (CNS 2009)


Arevalo Acosta, O. and Hochstein, L. and Bornschlegl, M. and Ernst, U. A. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Fahle, M. (2008) Spatial Transfer in Prism Adaptation Bernstein Symposium 2008
Deneve, S. and Lochmann, T. and Ernst, U. A. (2008) Dynamic, context-dependant spike responses of visual neurons reflects inference and learning in natural movies
Patzelt, F. and Riegel, M. and Ernst, U. A. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2008) Self-organized critical control in human behavior Proc. DPG spring meeting Berlin 2008 DY 5.3
Pawelzik, K. R. (2008) Does human balance behaviour reflect self-organized critical adaptive control? Bernstein Symposium 2008,
Schinkel-Bielefeld, N. and Ernst, U. A. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Neitzel, S. D. and Mandon, S. and Kreiter, A. and Rosenholtz, R. (2008) Human contour integration is optimized for natural imagesSfN International Neuroscience Meeting 2008
Schipper, M. and Ernst, U. A. and Fahle, M. (2008) Investigating the interactions between top-down and bottom-up visual processing: The influence of prior expectations on contour integration Bernstein Symposium 2008
Schmiedt, J. T. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Basar-Eroglu, C. (2008) Prediction of cognitive states in bistable perception from EEG data Front. Hum. Neurosci.


Cherdron, U. and Pawelzik, R. and Rothenstein, R. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2007) Efficient control in a multi-agent stock market model
Deneve, S. and Ernst, U. A. (2007) Finding the underlying causes of the visual input with spiking neurons and shunting inhibitionSfN International Neuroscience Meeting 2007
Ernst, U. A. and Deneve, S. (2007) Extra-classical receptive field properties from natural image statisticsSfN International Neuroscience Meeting 2007
Ernst, U. A. and Deneve, S. and Meinhardt, G. (2007) Detection of gabor patch arrangements is explained by natural image statistics Sixteenth Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting: CNS*2007
Patzelt, F. and Riegel, M. and Ernst, U. A. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2007) Self-organised critical noise amplification in human closed loop control
Patzelt, F. and Schaumloeffel, M. and Riegel, M. and Ernst, U. A. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Fahle, M. (2007) Temporal factors in figure-ground segregation, object representation, and closed loop eye-hand coordination
Rotermund, D. and Ernst, U. A. and Taylor, K. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Kreiter, A. (2007) Attention in monkey area V4 is modulated by task demandSfN International Neuroscience Meeting 2007
Rotermund, D. and Taylor, K. and Ernst, U. A. and Kreiter, A. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2007) Attention improves object representation in monkey area V4 Goettingen Neurobiology Conference
Schinkel-Bielefeld, N. and Ernst, U. A. and Mandon, S. and Neitzel, S. D. and Kreiter, A. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2007) Structure of the neuronal interactions underlying human contour integration Sixteenth Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting: CNS*2007


Ernst, U. A. and Neitzel, S. D. and Schinkel-Bielefeld, N. and Mandon, S. and Kreiter, A. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2006) Modeling systematic errors of human contour detection reveals new mechanisms of contour integration
Ernst, U. A. and Schinkel-Bielefeld, N. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Mandon, S. and Neitzel, S. D. and Kreiter, A. (2006) Contour detection from quasi-ideal contour integrationCNS - Computational Neuroscience Conference
Pawelzik, K. R. and Ernst, U. A. and Rotermund, D. (2006) Towards on-line adaptation of neuro-prostheses with neuronal evaluation signals
Rotermund, D. and Taylor, K. and Ernst, U. A. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Kreiter, A. (2006) Attention improves object discriminability in monkey area V4CNS - Computational Neuroscience Conference


Mandon, S. and Ernst, U. A. and Neitzel, S. D. and Schinkel-Bielefeld, N. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Kreiter, A. (2005) Neuronal mechanisms of contour integration investigated by combining psychophysical experiments with probabilistic modeling Proceedings of the 30th Götingen Neurobiology Conference
Rotermund, D. and Ernst, U. A. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2005) Processing natural images with single spikes Proceedings of the 30th Göttingen Neurobiology Conference
Rotermund, D. and Taylor, K. and Ernst, U. A. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Kreiter, A. (2005) Attention improves object encoding in monkey area V4
Schinkel-Bielefeld, N. and Ernst, U. A. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Mandon, S. and Neitzel, S. D. and Kreiter, A. (2005) Systematic errors of contour detection are predicted by computational mechanisms for contour integration: Theory and Experiments


Ernst, U. A. and Schinkel-Bielefeld, N. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2004) Large tuning width can improve contour detection performance in a neural model for robust contour integration
Pawelzik, K. R. and Ernst, U. A. and Mandon, S. and Schinkel-Bielefeld, N. and Kreiter, A. (2004) Mechanisms and principles of contour integration revealed by combining psychophysical experiments with probabilistic modelling
Pawelzik, K. R. and Rotermund, D. and Ernst, U. A. (2004) A novel framework for universal adaptive computation in a cortex model with stochastic spikes


Ernst, U. A. and Mandon, S. and Schinkel-Bielefeld, N. and Kreiter, A. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2003) Rapid contour integration of macaque monkeys and spiking neural networksSfN International Neuroscience Meeting 2003
Pawelzik, K. R. and Rotermund, D. and Ernst, U. A. (2003) Building representations spike by spike Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart


Ernst, U. A. and Etzold, A. and Eurich, C. and Herzog, M. (2002) Transiente Merkmalsbindung und raumzeitliche Aktivitätsdynamik in einem Modell des visuellen Kortex Frühjahrstagung: Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft (DPG)
Ernst, U. A. and Etzold, A. and Herzog, M. and Eurich, C. (2002) Transient activation of neural populations in a cortical model accounts for the transient visibility of masked stimuli Society for Neuroscience Meeting 2002
Haynes, J. and Ernst, U. A. and Heinze, H. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2002) Spectral and nonspectral analysis of brain state coherencyFENS 2002


Ernst, U. A. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2001) Asymmetric surround suppression coincides with structures of orientation preference map Proceedings of the 28th Göttingen Neurobiology Conference 2001


Ernst, U. A. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Tsodyks, M. and Sahar-Pikielny, C. (2000) Lateral intracortical interactions and random inhomogeneities: A key to the spontaneous emergence of cortical maps in V1 without visual experienceFENS 2000


Ernst, U. A. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Tsodyks, M. and Sejnowski, T. and Geisel, T. (1999) Relationships between cortical maps and receptive fields are determined by lateral cortical feedback Proceedings of the 27th Göttingen Neurobiology Conference 1999
Tsodyks, M. and Ernst, U. A. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Sahar-Pikielny, C. (1999) Intracortical origin of visual cortical maps


Pawelzik, K. R. and Ernst, U. A. and Wolf, F. and Geisel, T. (1998) Orientation preference geometry modulates nonclassical receptive field properties Proceedings of the 26th Göttingen Neurobiology Conference 1998


Pawelzik, K. R. and Ernst, U. A. and Wolf, F. and Geisel, T. (1997) Orientation contrast sensitivity from long-range interactions in visual cortex Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart/New York


Ernst, U. A. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Geisel, T. (1996) Komplexe räumliche Dynamik und Phasenclustering in strukturierten pulsgekoppelten neuronalen Netzen


Ernst, U. A. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Geisel, T. (1995) Phasendichtedynamik pulsgekoppelter Oszillatoren mit Delay
Ernst, U. A. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Geisel, T. (1995) Using the neuronal time structure for information processing: multistability in pulse coupled neurons with delay Proceedings of the 23rd Göttingen Neurobiology Conference 1995


Ernst, U. A. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Geisel, T. (1994) Synchronisation, Desynchronisation und Gruppenbildung pulsgekoppelter Oszillatoren mit verzögerter Wechselwirkung


Diehl, H. and Ihlefeld, H. and Schwegler, H. (1981) Physik für Biologen Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, New York




Kretzberg, J. and Ernst, U. A. (2013) Neurosciences - From Molecule to Behavior: A University Textbook Section: 18, Vision


Ernst, U. A. and Neitzel, S. D. and Schinkel-Bielefeld, N. and Mandon, S. and Kreiter, A. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2006) Modeling systematic errors of human contour detection reveals new mechanisms of contour integration
Pawelzik, K. R. and Rotermund, D. and Taylor, K. and Ernst, U. A. and Kreiter, A. (2006) Attention improves object encoding in monkey area V4


Pawelzik, K. R. and Eurich, C. (2005) Self-organized critical control
Schulzke, E. and Stemmann, H. and Freiwald, W. and Eurich, C. (2005) Dynamic stimuli and dynamic neurons: Encoding properties of MT Cells in awake monkeys
Westhoff, G. and Morsch, M. and Eurich, C. (2005) Response characteristics of infrared sensitive neurons in the Tectum opticum of the rattlesnake Crotalus atrox


Rothenstein, R. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2004) No profit in spite of a perfect prediction? How interaction destroys arbitrage Physik-Verlag GmbH
Si, B. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Herrmann, M. (2004) Robot exploration by subjectively maximizing objective information gain


Etzold, A. and Schwegler, H. and Eurich, C. (2003) A comparison of decoding strategies for neuronal responses Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart
Rothenstein, R. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2003) Efficiency and the efficient market hypothesis in stock market models Physik-Verlag
Schulzke, E. and Eurich, C. (2003) Activity patterns in neural layers are enhanced by disordered connectivity Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart
Stemmann, H. and Wannig, A. and Schulzke, E. and Eurich, C. and Freiwald, W. (2003) Population analysis of stimulus representation in rat primary visual cortex Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart
Thiel, A. and Greschner, M. and Eurich, C. and Ammermüller, J. (2003) Stimulus velocity reconstructed from retinal ganglion cell activity using Bayes\textbackslash method Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart


Bethge, M. and Rotermund, D. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2002) Optimal neural population coding and Fisher information Physik-Verlag GmbH
Ernst, U. A. and Eurich, C. (2002) Cortical population dynamics and psychophysics The Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks, 2nd edition
Eurich, C. (2002) Neuronale Netzwerke Spektrum, Heidelberg
Mirmohammadhosseini, A. and Eurich, C. and Schwegler, H. (2002) Neural control of heartbeat in the medicinal leech
Otterpohl, J. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2002) The Spiking Bayes Machine as a model of top-down control in spike based feature detection Blackwell Publishing
Rothenstein, R. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2002) Komplexität von Aktienzeitreihen in einem evolutionären Aktienmodell Physik-Verlag GmbH
Thiel, A. and Wilke, S. and Eurich, C. and Greschner, M. and Bongard, M. and Ammermüller, J. and Schwegler, H. (2002) Temporally faithful representation of salient stimulus movement patterns in the early visual system Kluwer Academic / Plenum Publishers, New York


Bethge, M. and Rotermund, D. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2001) Optimal short-term population coding: When Fisher information fails Neural Computation
Ernst, U. A. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Tsodyks, M. (2001) Emergence of feature selectivity from lateral interactions in the visual cortex Handbook of Biological Physics
Eurich, C. (2001) Die Ratte im Labyrinth - Lernen und Repräsentation aus neurowissenschaftlicher Sicht
Otterpohl, J. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2001) Adaptive control of expectation as a model for attentional modulation in feature-based visual search
Otterpohl, J. and Trenner, D. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2001) Attentional selection of update time scales in generative models: A mechanism for optimal sensory processing? Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart
Rothenstein, R. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2001) Self-organized stock market model European Physical Society
Schwegler, H. (2001) Reduktionismen und Physikalismen Wilhelm Fink, München
Thiel, A. and Wilke, S. and Greschner, M. and Bongard, M. and Ammermüller, J. and Eurich, C. (2001) The time course of retinal population activity faithfully represents rapid changes in stimulus velocity Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart
Wilke, S. and Eurich, C. (2001) Diversity in neural populations improves encoding accuracy Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart


Eurich, C. (2000) Alte Fragen und neue Antworten aus der Hirnforschung oder Wie fängt ein Salamander seine Beute? Lit Verlag, Münster
Eurich, C. (2000) Neuronale Netze Spektrum, Heidelberg
Liehr, S. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2000) A trading strategy with variable onvestment from minimizing risk to profit ratio European Physical Society
Milton, J. and Cabrera, J. and Rayburn, E. and Hunter, J. and Eurich, C. (2000) Survival times for a pencil balanced at the end of a finger
Wilke, S. and Thiel, A. and Eurich, C. (2000) Processing of movement information in the early stages of the visual systemIEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, CA
al, S. (2000) Diverse Stichwörter Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Heidelberg


Bethge, M. and Pawelzik, K. R. (1999) Classification of coding paradigms with irregular spiking neurons Georg Thieme Verlag
Herrmann, M. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Geisel, T. (1999) Self-organization of spatial representations in rats and robots Georg Thieme Verlag
Wilke, S. and Eurich, C. and Schwegler, H. (1999) Modeling the physiology of tectum neurons from retinal input in plethodontid salamanders Georg Thieme Verlag


Dicke, U. and Eurich, C. and Schwegler, H. (1998) A model to describe the effects of short-term plasticity in the mammalian somatosensory cortex Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart, New York
Kenet, T. and Arieli, A. and Grinvald, A. and Shoham, D. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Tsodyks, M. (1998) Spontaneous and evoked firing of cortical single neurons are predicted by population activity Society for Neuroscience
Schwegler, H. (1998) Wissenschaft als Sprachspiel Carl Auer, Heidelberg


Eurich, C. and Uhlenwinkel, O. (1997) A network model for adaptive delay modification in the auditory system of the barn owl Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart, New York
Foss, J. and Eurich, C. and Milton, J. (1997) Noise, multistability and long-tailed interspike interval (ISI) histograms
Pawelzik, K. R. and Bethge, M. and Geisel, T. and Kreiter, A. (1997) Irregular spikes and self-organized synchronous assemblies in a cortical microcircuit Society for Neuroscience
Schwegler, H. (1997) The plurality of systems, and the unity of the world de Gruyter, Amsterdam
Uhlenwinkel, O. and Eurich, C. and Schwegler, H. and Woesler, R. (1997) Biosonar prey capture in cluttered space - modelled with spiking neurons Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart, New York
Woesler, R. and Eurich, C. and Roth, G. and Schwegler, H. and Uhlenwinkel, O. (1997) Classification of data from extracellular recordings in amphibian optic tectum Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart, New York


Pawelzik, K. R. and Sejnowski, T. (1996) Model for development and function of long-range horizontal connections in neocortex
Pawelzik, K. R. and Sejnowski, T. (1996) Model for development of long-range horizontal connections in neocortex and a new hypothesis for their function Georg Thieme Verlag
Scherf, O. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Wolf, F. and Geisel, T. (1996) Umordnungsprozesse in Mustern neuronaler Merkmalsrepräsentation
Schwegler, H. (1996) Optomotor processing in the prey catching of amphibia Elsevier, Amsterdam
Schwegler, H. and Roth, G. (1996) Repräsentation und Bedeutung in der Sicht eines nicht-reduktionistischen Physikalismus Vieweg, Braunschweig/Wiesbaden
Woesler, R. and Eurich, C. and Roth, G. and Schwegler, H. (1996) An algorithm for classification of neurons with an applicatin to amphibians


Eurich, C. and Schwegler, H. (1995) Neural network modelling of object tracking and depth perception in salamanders Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart, New York
Scherf, O. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Wolf, F. and Geisel, T. (1995) Correlation dependence of ocular dominance patterns requires receptive field shrinkage during development Thieme
Scherf, O. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Wolf, F. and Geisel, T. (1995) Vereinheitlichte Formulierung selbstorganisierter Merkmalsmodelle: Stabilität, Vergrösserungsfaktor und Lyapunovfunktion
Schwegler, H. (1995) Dynamic models of psychological systems Springer, Berlin


Eurich, C. and Roth, G. and Schwegler, H. and Wiggers, W. (1994) Simulander II: achieving depth perception by construction of large three-dimensional receptive fields Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart, New York
Geisel, T. and Löwel, S. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Scherf, O. and Wolf, F. (1994) Korrelationsabhängigkeit kortikaler Repräsentationen durch Modenselektion im Kohonenmodell
Pawelzik, K. R. (1994) Detecting coherence in neuronal data Springer
Pawelzik, K. R. and Kohlmorgen, J. and Müller, K. (1994) Segmentation und Identifikation schaltender Dynamik
Pawelzik, K. R. and Wolf, F. and Deppisch, J. and Geisel, T. (1994) Network dynamics and correlated spikes Kluwer
Scherf, O. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Wolf, F. and Geisel, T. and Löwel, S. (1994) A simple method for determining the typical periodicity length of ocular dominance patterns Thieme
Uhlenwinkel, O. and Eurich, C. and Schwegler, H. (1994) A neural network for the auditory system of barn owls Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart, New York
Wolf, F. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Geisel, T. (1994) Emergence of long range order in maps of orientation preference Thieme, Stuttgart
Wolf, F. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Geisel, T. and Kim, D. and Bonhoeffer, T. (1994) Ein Feldanalogiemodell zur Beschreibung von Orientierungspräferenzkarten im visuellen Kortex


Deppisch, J. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Geisel, T. (1993) Hidden state model uncovers assembly dynamics Georg Thieme Verlag
Eurich, C. and Roth, G. and Schwegler, H. and Wiggers, W. (1993) Simulander: a neural network model for the orientation movement of salamanders Georg Thieme Verlag
Wolf, F. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Geisel, T. and Kim, D. and Bonhoeffer, T. (1993) Map structure from pinwheel position Georg Thieme Verlag


Deppisch, J. and Bauer, H. and Schillen, T. and König, P. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Geisel, T. (1992) Transient periodicity in a neuronal pool Georg Thieme Verlag
Pawelzik, K. R. and Bauer, H. (1992) Topologieerhaltung in Kohonen-Karten
Pawelzik, K. R. and Buzug, T. and Pfister, G. (1992) Globale Attraktoren in der Taylor-Couette Strömung
Roth, G. and Schwegler, H. (1992) Kognitive Referenz und Selbstreferentialität des Gehirns: ein Beitrag zur Klärung des Verhältnisses zwischen Erkenntnistheorie und Hirnforschung Peter Lang, Frankfurt
Schwegler, H. (1992) Systemtheorie als Weg zur Vereinheitlichung der Wissenschaften Suhrkamp-Verlag, Frankfurt
Schwegler, H. and Roth, G. (1992) Steuerung, Steuerbarkeit und Steuerungsfähigkeit komplexer Systeme Nomos-Verlag, Frankfurt


Pawelzik, K. R. and Purcaru, G. (1991) Strange attractor and predictability for microseismicity in the Mudurnu fault area
Schwegler, H. (1991) Konstruierte Wissenschaftswelten - Die Erfahrungen eines Physikers Suhrkamp-Verlag, Frankfurt


Pawelzik, K. R. (1990) Messung von Informationsflüssen in ausgedehnten Systemen
Roth, G. and Schwegler, H. (1990) Self-organization, emergent properties and the unity of the world Kluwer Press, Boston and Dordrecht
Schwegler, H. (1990) Autopoiese aus physikalischer Sicht Suhrkamp-Verlag, Frankfurt


Chennaoui, O. and Liebert, W. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Schuster, H. (1989) Filterinversion bei chaotischen Zeitreihen
Liebert, W. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Schuster, H. (1989) Optimale Phasenraumrekonstruktion aus chaotischen Zeitreihen
Pawelzik, K. R. and Schuster, H. (1989) Vorhersagen mit instabilen periodischen Orbits


Pawelzik, K. R. and Schuster, H. (1988) Vorhersage chaotischer Zeitreihen


Pawelzik, K. R. and Schuster, H. (1987) Verallgemeinerte Dimensionen und Entropien aus einer experimentellen Zeitreihe


der Heiden, A. and Roth, G. and Schwegler, H. (1985) Organisation von Lebewesen: Selbstherstellung und Selbsterhaltung Urban and Schwarzenberg, München und Wien


der Heiden, A. and Roth, G. and Schwegler, H. (1984) System-theoretic characterization of living systems Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg



Capparelli, F. and Rotermund, D. and Ernst, U. A. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2016) Ongoing activity in a spiking network of visual cortical columns representing local optimal inference modules Bernstein Conference 2016


Heyken, P. and Patzelt, F. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2015) Long memory in a minimal trading model Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft e.V., DPG Spring Meeting 2015, Physik sozio-ökonomischer Systeme


Tolstosheeva, E. and Höffmann, J. and Pistor, J. and Rotermund, D. and Schellenberg, T. and Boll, D. and Hertzberg, T. and Gordillo-Gonzalez, V. and Mandon, S. and Peters-Drolshagen, D. and Schneider, M. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Kreiter, A. and Paul, S. and Lang, W. (2013) Towards a Wireless and fully-implantable ECoG System


Tömen, N. and Takemiya, M. and Matsuo, T. and Hasegawa, I. and Kamitani, Y. (2012) Feature Space Quantization for Data-Driven SearchIEEE Pattern Recognition in NeuroImaging (PRNI) 2012


Rotermund, D. and Neitzel, S. D. and Taylor, K. and Ernst, U. A. and Mandon, S. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Kreiter, A. (2009) Phase differences in local field potentials from macaque monkey area V4 predict attentional state in single trials with 99.6\% accuracy


Patzelt, F. (2008) Are power-laws in human behaviour caused by critical adaptive control? Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS) - Workshop


Si, B. and Herrmann, M. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2007) Gain-based Exploration: From Multi-armed Bandits to Partially Observable Environments Proceedings of the International Conference on Natural Computation


Pawelzik, K. R. and Ernst, U. A. and Rotermund, D. (2006) On-line adaptation of neuro-prostheses with neuronal evaluation signals Proceedings ESANN’06


Eurich, C. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2005) Optimal control yields power-law behavior Springer-Verlag, Berlin
Schinkel-Bielefeld, N. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Ernst, U. A. (2005) Robust integration and detection of noisy contours in a probabilistic neural model Neurocomputing
Schulzke, E. and Eurich, C. (2005) Neuronal coding strategies for two-alternative forced choice tasks Springer-Verlag


Ernst, U. A. and Mandon, S. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Kreiter, A. (2004) How ideally do macaque monkeys integrate contours? Neurocomputing
Ernst, U. A. and Mandon, S. and Schinkel-Bielefeld, N. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Kreiter, A. (2004) Mechanisms and principles of contour integration revealed by combining psychophysical experiments with probabilistic modeling Dynamic Perception Workshop
Ernst, U. A. and Rotermund, D. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2004) An algorithm for fast pattern recognition with random spikes 26th DAGM Symposium
Pawelzik, K. R. and Ernst, U. A. and Rotermund, D. (2004) Computing spike-by-spike Edition: U.J. Ilg, H.H. Bülthoff and H.A. Mallot
Stemmann, H. and Freiwald, W. and Wannig, A. and Schulzke, E. and Eurich, C. (2004) Encoding of dynamic visual stimuli by primate area MT neurons


Ernst, U. A. and Etzold, A. and Herzog, M. and Eurich, C. (2003) Dynamics of neuronal populations modeled by Wilson-Cowan system account for the transient visibility of masked stimuli Neurocomputing
Eurich, C. (2003) An estimation-theoretic framework for the presentation of multiple stimuliMIT Press


Ernst, U. A. and Etzold, A. and Herzog, M. and Eurich, C. (2002) Object representation through transient neural dynamics Dynamic Perception (Workshop of GI section 1.0.4.)
Henkel, R. and Ernst, U. A. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2002) Synchronizing assemblies perform magnitude-invariant pattern detection Neurocomputing
Otterpohl, J. (2002) Baum-Welch learning in discrete Hidden Markov models with linear factorial constraints Springer
Otterpohl, J. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2002) Iterative population decoding based on prior beliefs Springer
Thiel, A. and Eurich, C. and Schwegler, H. (2002) Stabilized dynamics in physiological and neural systems despite strongly delayed feedback Springer-Verlag, Berlin


Wilke, S. and Thiel, A. and Eurich, C. and Greschner, M. and Bongard, M. and Ammermüller, J. and Schwegler, H. (2001) Extracting motion information using a biologically realistic model retina D-Facto, Evere


Ernst, U. A. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Tsodyks, M. and Sahar-Pikielny, C. (2000) Spontaneous emergence of orientation preference and direction selectivity through lateral intracortical interactionsCNS 2000
Eurich, C. and Herrmann, M. and Ernst, U. A. (2000) Avalanches of activity in neural networks: finite size effects Bielefeld
Eurich, C. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Ernst, U. A. and Thiel, A. and Cowan, J. and Milton, J. (2000) Delay adaptation in the nervous system Neurocomputing
Schwegler, H. and Eurich, C. and Henkel, R. (2000) Netzwerkmodellierung kognitiver Leistungen Pabst Science Publishers, Lengerich


Dicke, U. and Eurich, C. and Schwegler, H. (1999) Postontogenetic short-term plasticity in the somatosensory system: a neural network model University of Edinburgh
Ernst, U. A. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Wolf, F. and Geisel, T. (1999) Theory of non-classical receptive field phenomena in the visual cortex Neurocomputing
Eurich, C. and Conradi, T. and Schwegler, H. (1999) Critical and non-critical avalanche behavior in networks of integrate-and-fire neurons D-Facto, Brussels
Eurich, C. and Ernst, U. A. (1999) Avalanches of activity in a network of integrate-and-fire neurons with stochastic inputICANN 1999
Herrmann, M. and Emmert-Streib, F. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Löffler, A. and Mondada, F. and Rückert, U. (1999) Autonomous robots and neuroethology: Emergence of behavior from a sense of curiosityHNI-Verlagsschriftenreihe, Paderborn
Kohlmorgen, J. and Lemm, S. and Müller, K. and Liehr, S. and Pawelzik, K. R. (1999) Fast change point detection in switching dynamics using a Hidden Markov model of prediction expertsIEE, London
Liehr, S. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Kohlmorgen, J. and Lemm, S. and Müller, K. (1999) Hidden Markov gating for prediction of change points in switching dynamical systems D-Facto
Liehr, S. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Kohlmorgen, J. and Lemm, S. and Müller, K. (1999) Hidden Markov mixtures of experts for prediction of non–stationary dynamicsIEEE, NY
Wilke, S. and Eurich, C. (1999) What does a neuron talk about? D-Facto, Brussels


Ernst, U. A. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Geisel, T. (1998) Analysing the context dependence of receptive fields in visual cortexICANN 1998 Perspectives in Neural Computing
Ernst, U. A. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Wolf, F. and Geisel, T. (1998) Orientation contrast enhancement modulated by differential long-range interaction in visual cortexCNS 1997
Eurich, C. and Ernst, U. A. and Pawelzik, K. R. (1998) Continuous dynamics of neuronal delay adaptationICANN 1998 Perspectives in Neural Computing
Herrmann, M. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Geisel, T. (1998) Self-localization by hidden representations Springer, London


Ernst, U. A. and Kreiter, A. and Pawelzik, K. R. (1997) Identifying oscillatory and stochastic neuronal behavior with high temporal precision in macaque monkey visual cortexCNS 1996 Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Neuroscience
Ernst, U. A. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Wolf, F. and Geisel, T. (1997) Geometry of orientation preference map determines nonclassical receptive field propertiesICANN 1997 Artificial Neural Networks
Eurich, C. and Cowan, J. and Milton, J. (1997) Hebbian delay adaptation in a network of integrate-and-fire neurons Springer-Verlag, Berlin
Eurich, C. and Dinse, H. and Dicke, U. and Godde, B. and Schwegler, H. (1997) Coarse coding accounts for improvement of spatial discrimination after plastic reorganization in rats and humans Springer-Verlag, Berlin
Kohlmorgen, J. and Müller, K. and Pawelzik, K. R. (1997) Segmentation and identification of drifting dynamical systemsIEEE
Kohlmorgen, J. and Müller, K. and Rittweger, J. and Pawelzik, K. R. (1997) Analysis of wake/sleep EEG with competing experts Springer, Berlin
Pawelzik, K. R. and Sejnowski, T. (1997) A simple model for development and function of long-range connections in neocortex Plenum Press, New York
Scherf, O. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Geisel, T. (1997) Reorganization of ocular dominance columns Plenum Press, New York


Eurich, C. and Woesler, R. and Schwegler, H. (1996) A coarse coding model for prey localization in tongue-projecting salamanders Sedona, AZ
Kohlmorgen, J. and Müller, K. and Pawelzik, K. R. (1996) Analysis of drifting dynamics with competing predictors Springer
Pawelzik, K. R. and Bauer, H. and Wolf, F. and Geisel, T. (1996) Precise restoration of cortical orientation maps explained by Hebbian dynamics of geniculocortical connections Springer
Pawelzik, K. R. and Müller, K. and Kohlmorgen, J. (1996) Prediction of mixtures Springer
Pawelzik, K. R. and Scherf, O. and Wolf, F. and Geisel, T. (1996) Correlation dependence of ocular dominance patterns requires receptive field shrinkage during development Kluwer Academic Press


Ernst, U. A. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Geisel, T. (1995) Multistable feature binding with noisy integrate-and-fire neuronsICANN 1995 Proceedings of the International Conference on Articifical Neural Networks
Kohlmorgen, J. and Müller, K. and Pawelzik, K. R. (1995) Improving short-term prediction with competing expertsEC2 & Cie, Paris
Müller, K. and Kohlmorgen, J. and Pawelzik, K. R. (1995) Analysis of switching dynamics with competing neural networks
Müller, K. and Kohlmorgen, J. and Rittweger, J. and Pawelzik, K. R. (1995) Analysing physiological data from the wake-sleep state transition with competing predictors
Pawelzik, K. R. and Ernst, U. A. and Geisel, T. (1995) Multistable phase-clustering in networks of spiking neurons Kluwer Academic Publishers
Scherf, O. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Geisel, T. (1995) From elastic net to SOFM: the energy function of the convolution modelEC2 & Cie, Paris
Wolf, F. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Geisel, T. (1995) Linear and nonlinear dynamics in the development of orientation preference maps Kluwer


Ernst, U. A. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Geisel, T. (1994) Multiple phase clustering of globally pulse coupled neurons with delayICANN 1994 Proceedings of the International Conference on Articifical Neural Networks
Kohlmorgen, J. and Müller, K. and Pawelzik, K. R. (1994) Competing predictors segment and identify switching dynamics Springer
Müller, K. and Kohlmorgen, J. and Pawelzik, K. R. (1994) Segmentation and identification of switching dynamics with competing neural networks
Müller, K. and Kohlmorgen, J. and Pawelzik, K. R. (1994) The use of competing neural networks for segmentation and identification of switching dynamics
Scherf, O. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Wolf, F. and Geisel, T. (1994) Unification of complementary feature map models Springer
Wolf, F. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Geisel, T. (1994) Emergence of long range order in maps of orientation preference Springer
Wolf, F. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Geisel, T. and Kim, D. and Bonhoeffer, T. (1994) Optimal smoothness of orientation preference maps Kluwer


Bauer, H. and Geisel, T. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Wolf, F. (1993) The formation of representations in the visual cortex Kluwer
Bauer, H. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Geisel, T. (1993) Emergence of transient oscillations in an ensemble of neurons Springer
Pawelzik, K. R. and Deppisch, J. and Geisel, T. (1993) Hidden assembly dynamics and correlated neuronal activity Springer
Wolf, F. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Geisel, T. and Kim, D. and Bonhoeffer, T. (1993) Map structure from pinwheel position Springer


Deppisch, J. and Bauer, H. and Schillen, T. and König, P. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Geisel, T. (1992) Stochastic and oscillatory burst activity in a model of spiking neurons Elsevier
Pawelzik, K. R. and Bauer, H. (1992) Topologieerhaltung und Dimensionsbestimmung: Methoden der nichtlinearen Dynamik in Neuroinformatik und Spracherkennung Springer
Pawelzik, K. R. and Bauer, H. and Geisel, T. (1992) Alternating predictable and unpredictable states in data from cat visual cortex Kluwer Academic


Purcaru, G. and Pawelzik, K. R. (1991) A new tool for identification of anomalous seismicity patterns Strasbourg



Patzelt, F. (2014) Instability and Information Institute for Theoretical Physics, Dept. of Neuropysics Volume: Dr. rer. nat.


Patzelt, F. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2012) How criticality of visuo-motor control behaviour depends on task objective. Computational and Systems Neuroscience (Cosyne)
Patzelt, F. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2012) Unstable Price Dynamics as a Result of Information Absorption in Speculative Markets Issue: arXiv:1211.6695 [q-fin.TR]


Albers, C. (2009) Ko-Evolution von Aktivitäten und synaptischen Gewichten in assoziativen neuronalen Netzwerken Place: Bremen


Patzelt, F. (2008) Self-organised critical control in human behaviour


Rotermund, D. (2007) Extraction of information from the dynamical activities of neural networks
Si, B. (2007) Learning and exploration in autonomous agents : adaptive and active prospect


Eurich, C. (2006) Der Tag als man Erich Fromm konditionierte, Rezension des Buchs Nervensachen von Manfred Spitzer Pages: 85 Volume: 3
Riegel, M. (2006) Dynamische und statistische Eigenschaften der Steuerung von Handbewegungen University of Bremen


Eurich, C. (2005) Qual der Wahl, Rezension des Buchs Illusion Freiheit? von Michael Pauen Pages: 85 Volume: 3
Eurich, C. (2005) Unwahrscheinlicher Betrug, Rezension des Buchs Mit an Wahrscheinlichkeit grenzender Sicherheit von Hans-Herrmann Dubben und Hans-Peter Beck-Bornholdt Pages: 86 Volume: 10
Eurich, C. and Thiel, A. and Fahse, L. (2005) Distributed delays stabilized ecological feedback systems Volume: 25


Schulzke, E. and Stemmann, H. and Eurich, C. and Freiwald, W. (2004) Reconstruction of dynamic visual stimuli from macaque MT responses Pages: 139–144


Schulzke, E. and Eurich, C. (2003) Disordered connectivity facilitates self-maintaining neural activity
Ziehe, A. and Laskov, P. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Müller, K. (2003) Non-negative sparse coding for general blind source separation


Etzold, A. and Ernst, U. A. and Herzog, M. and Eurich, C. (2002) Bunsen-Roscoe-Bloch\textbackslash s law holds for visibility of stimuli in neural populations whose activity obeys a Wilson-Cowan dynamics
Etzold, A. and Schwegler, H. and Eurich, C. (2002) A critical assessment of measures for the tuning of cells with special emphasis to orientation tuning
Schulzke, E. and Eurich, C. (2002) Structural disorder in neural networks enhances structure formation
Thiel, A. and Eurich, C. (2002) Regular dynamics in hippocampal pyramidal cells despite strongly delayed recurrent inhibition


Bethge, M. and Silberberg, G. and Markram, H. and Tsodyks, M. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2001) Is population variance a signal for neocortical neurons? Pages: 249 Volume: 1
Bethge, M. and Silberberg, G. and Markram, H. and Tsodyks, M. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2001) Realizing rapid population rate codes in ensembles of neocortical neurons
Etzold, A. and Eurich, C. and Herzog, M. and Ernst, U. A. (2001) Shine-through – dynamical effectsVolkswagenStiftung
Eurich, C. and Bormann, R. and Herzog, M. (2001) A dynamical system approach to emerging visibility as found in the shine-through effect Boston
Eurich, C. and Ernst, U. A. (2001) Analytical approach to avalanches of spike activity in neural networks
Eurich, C. and Mallot, H. (2001) Mathematics for the neural and cognitive sciences Bremen
Liehr, S. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2001) Optimal trading from minimizing risk to profit ratio
Rothenstein, R. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2001) Market crashes caused by self-organized synchronization
al, S. (2001) Diverse Stichwörter Pages: various pages


Bethge, M. (2000) Optimal coding in neuronal populations Pages: 10
Bethge, M. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2000) Analyzing neural codes by optimal estimation: Why Fisher information fails
Bethge, M. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2000) Dynamics of optimal population coding: when Fisher information fails Hanse Wissenschaftskolleg, Delmenhorst
Eurich, C. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2000) Neuronale Signalverarbeitung
Otterpohl, J. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2000) Constrained HMM\textbackslash s and their relation to factorial HMM\textbackslash s
Pawelzik, K. R. and Bethge, M. (2000) Ongoing cortical activities and the dynamics of expectations
Pawelzik, K. R. and Eurich, C. (2000) Das Gehirn als dynamisches System
Thiel, A. and Wilke, S. and Greschner, M. and Bongard, M. and Ammermüller, J. and Eurich, C. (2000) Dynamics of retinal responses to salient stimulus movement patterns Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg, Delmenhorst
Thiel, A. and Wilke, S. and Greschner, M. and Bongard, M. and Ammermüller, J. and Eurich, C. (2000) Neural responses in retina and optic tectum reflect the temporal structure of salient stimulus movement patterns
Wilke, S. and Eurich, C. (2000) Correlated neuronal activity and its implications for coding accuracy Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg, Delmenhorst


Bethge, M. and Pawelzik, K. R. (1999) Multiplicative computations with depressing synapses Hanse Wissenschaftskolleg, Delmenhorst
Bethge, M. and Pawelzik, K. R. (1999) Multiplicative effect of ongoing and evoked activity
Bethge, M. and Pawelzik, K. R. (1999) Selective cortical gain control may underly neuronal response variability Pages: 95
Eurich, C. and Wilke, S. (1999) Neuronal strategy for encoding multi-dimensional stimuli Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg, Delmenhorst
Liehr, S. and Pawelzik, K. R. (1999) Learning and prediction with hierarchically structured models Pages: 34
Liehr, S. and Pawelzik, K. R. (1999) Projekt zur Entwicklung von Finanzprognosen: Analyse der Vorhersagbarkeit von Finanzzeitreihen mit Methoden der Nichtlinearen Dynamik Universität Bremen, Institut für Theoretische Physik
Rothenstein, R. (1999) Die Rolle des Rauschens bei der schnellen neuronalen Signalübertragung
Thiel, A. and Wilke, S. and Eurich, C. (1999) How to tell flies from worms – visual prey discrimination in salamanders by analyzing movement pattern Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg, Delmenhorst
Wilke, S. and Eurich, C. (1999) Optimal coding of multiple stimulus features Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg, Delmenhorst


Bethge, M. (1998) Neuronale Kodierung mit dynamischen Synapsen
Bethge, M. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Geisel, T. (1998) Temporal coding and synfire chains in chaotic networks Pages: 757 Volume: 2
Eurich, C. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Milton, J. (1998) Encoding temporal patterns by delay adaptation in networks of spiking neurons Pages: 115
Herrmann, M. and Pawelzik, K. R. (1998) Emergent place fields in autonomous agents
Herrmann, M. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Geisel, T. (1998) How we know where we are: Self-organization of location representations in autonomous agents Pages: 24–25
Herrmann, M. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Geisel, T. (1998) Self-localization of a robot by simultaneous self-organization of place and direction selectivity Pages: 79
Lemm, S. and Kohlmorgen, J. and Müller, K. and Liehr, S. and Pawelzik, K. R. (1998) Annealed HMM learning for fast change point detection in switching dynamics
Woesler, R. and Schwegler, H. and Roth, G. and Eurich, C. (1998) Neural networks for object segmentation in amphibians: spotligh model and model with synchronizing neurons Zentrum für Kognitionswissenschaften, Universität Bremen


Liehr, S. and Pawelzik, K. R. (1997) Projekt zur Entwicklung von Finanzprognosen: Entwicklung eines globalen Modellierungsansatzes zur Identifikation unterschiedlicher Marktphasen in Finanzzeitreihen Universität Frankfurt, Institute für Experimentelle Physik and Nichtlineare Dynamik
Pawelzik, K. R. and Müller, K. and Kohlmorgen, J. (1997) Divisive strategies for predicting non-autonomous and mixed systems
Pawelzik, K. R. and Müller, K. and Kohlmorgen, J. (1997) Verfahren zur Erfassung zeitabhängiger Moden dynamischer Systeme
Woesler, R. and Roth, G. and Schwegler, H. and Eurich, C. (1997) Algorithm for classification of neurons with an application to amphibian data Zentrum für Kognitionswissenschaften, Universität Bremen


Eurich, C. and Schwegler, H. (1996) Sensomotorische Verarbeitung mit grossen rezeptiven Feldern, Repräsentation und Bedeutung Pages: 21–52 Volume: III
Roth, G. and Schwegler, H. (1996) Das Entstehen von Repräsentation im Gehirn Pages: 95–100


Eurich, C. (1995) Objektlokalisation mit neuronalen Netzen
Pawelzik, K. R. and Destexhe, A. (1995) Relaxing chaos
Schwegler, H. (1995) Wissenschaftsphilosophische Probleme der Physik Volume: 1995/2


Eurich, C. (1994) Verteilte Erregungsverarbeitung im Nervensystem und ihre Rolle beim Beutefangverhalten von Schleuderzungensalamandern
Eurich, C. and Schwegler, H. and Strohmeier, M. (1994) Coarse Coding: Die Berechnung des Auflösungsvermögens von Ensembles breitbandig abgestimmter rezeptiver Felder
Straub, A. and Eurich, C. and Schwegler, H. (1994) Optomotor processing in the prey catching of amphibia Zentrum für Kognitionswissenschaften, Universität Bremen


Eurich, C. (1991) Zur Streudynamik des anisotropen Kepler-Problems
Pawelzik, K. R. (1991) Nichtlineare Dynamik und Hirnaktivität
Pawelzik, K. R. and Purcaru, G. (1991) Analysis of nonlinear dynamics of test area microseismicity in the western end of the North Anatolian Fault