Climate protection and mobility

Unlimited public transport for 3 euros a day?

Local transport tickets are often not accepted in neighboring states, and there is an additional fare for taking bicycles on the train. Only one of the issues travellers have to deal with. The list goes on.

Even those looking for cheap train tickets have to invest a lot of time in planning and commit early. The price of a train ticket depends on the day and time of day. Flexibility costs a lot of extra money here.

This is one reason why cars are often used for short-term trips.

With its "1-2-3 Climate Ticket 2021" project, Austria shows that climate protection, cost-covering business, and inexpensive public transportation can go hand in hand.

For just 1095 euros a year, the climate ticket will offer unlimited use of any form of public transport on local and long-distance routes from 2021. Additional models are planned with spatially restricted validity for one or 2 euros per day.

Why is this not possible in Germany?

To work by bike

According to a 2018 study by the Federal Environment Agency, two-thirds of all working people can imagine leaving their car behind and cycling to work. In fact, however, only about 30% of cyclists use their bike several times a week to get to work.

There are many good arguments in favor of fighting the "inner enemy" more often.

  • who drives by bicycle, strengthens actively its health and does much for the physical and mental relaxation.
  • compared with the car the bicycle is unbeatable inexpensive. By the way, the way to work is also tax-deductible by bicycle!
  • cycling is environmentally conscious and ecologically sustainable. Adding up all costs of air pollution, noise, road wear, damage to health, etc., each car kilometer driven costs society 15 cents.

On the university campus you will find bicycle racks in many places so that you can safely connect your bike. The overview map shows you the exact location and the spaces available there.

Try it again - it's worth it!

CarSharing - responsible car use

On January 1, 2020, around 47.7 million passenger cars were registered in Germany. This is the highest figure since all vehicle registrations were recorded! On statistical average, there are about 1.5 people in each car. In everyday traffic, it is easy to observe that the vast majority of vehicles are carrying only one person.

What does this mean for the environment? We "afford" to waste important resources just to have access to our "own" vehicle at any time! For this purpose, parking spaces have to be kept available, blocking important recreational areas in the city. We waste enormous amounts of raw materials and cause noise and pollutants.   

Is there no other way? Why not use cars optimally and share the car flexibly with others? CarSharing not only protects the environment, but - if you calculate the costs of a private car - also the individual wallet. Short trips in particular are inexpensive with CarSharing providers and can often be booked spontaneously.

In Bremen, the largest provider is Cambio CarSharing. Corresponding CarSharing services are available in all major cities throughout Germany. Further information can be found on the website of the German CarSharing Association. 

Public transport and "Jobticket"

You are probably familiar with the yellow MIA and the green BOB card from buses and streetcars. But do you already know the "Jobticket"?

In partnership with the Bremer Straßenbahn AG (BSAG) and the Verkehrsverbund Bremen/Niedersachsen (VBN), the university offers its employees a monthly ticket at a reduced price. The rate for the Jobticket with an annual abonnement is currently around 48 Euro/month, which is significantly cheaper than the regular ticket and offers additional interesting advantages:

  • You can take an additional adult & up to 4 children free of charge on your Jobticket during the week from 7 p.m., and all day on weekends and holidays.
  • On weekends and public holidays, you can even use the entire VBN area free of charge.

Further information and applications for the Jobticket can be obtained at the University in Department 2 and, of course, from BSAG.

The timetable information and the interactive network map of the BSAG will help you with your personal trip planning.

"Just get on board"- Alternatives in Public Transport

What would it be like if people could hop on buses and trains at any time without a ticket or a monthly pass?

Would more people leave their cars behind and use public transport?

What (financial) implications might this have for the individual and society as a whole?

Would we need a completely new transportation concept or is our public transportation system already well equipped for this purpose?

These are questions that inspire an important social and political discourse.

The "Einfach Einsteigen" ("Just get on board") initiative presents an interesting concept of free local public transport.

It is campaigning for a significant expansion of local public transport services in Bremen and the VBN region. More over the initiative is demanding the nationwide development of the local transport network.

Small footprint - Big impact

Domestic flights in Germany are unnecessary and harmful to the environment!
For each passenger-kilometer traveled, the Co² emissions of air travel are more than 5 times those of rail travel. Domestic travel by train is comparably fast, comfortable and offers a much more environmentally friendly alternative.

Whether it is for business or pleasure - if you have to use the plane, it is possible to do something to reduce your ecological footprint.

Institutions such as "Atmosfair" or "myclimate" offer the possibility of compensating for part of the environmental damage caused by paying a CO² offsetting levy. The money is used to support reforestation and renaturation projects that can reduce the Co² content of the atmosphere.

The Co² emissions of a trip and one's own ecological footprint can be determined, for example, using the WWF's climate calculator.
Further information on the subject of Co² compensation and a guide worth reading can also be found on the pages of the Federal Environment Agency.

Updated by: N.N.