Environmental Management

The responsible use of fossil raw materials and environmental protection were already in the list of demands of the General Student Committee (AStA) of the University of Bremen in 1995. The page gives a brief overview of the development of environmental and climate protection management at the university.

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Entstehung eines Netzwerks

In 1995, the first meeting of the Environmental Committee took place under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Bernd Jastorff. With the employment of an environmental officer, a fundamental building block for the university's environmental management system was established in the following years.
In 2018, however, the Environmental Committee was further developed through the foundation of an interdisciplinary sustainability forum and the EMAS working group.
The structure and development of this institution is described on the following page.

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Numerous documents of the environmental management system are available for download. The central environmental guidelines, the sustainability reports and the environmental statements of the University of Bremen provide insight into the activities of the environmental management system. The ISO 14001-certificate and the EMAS registration certificate attest the successful work in climate and environmental protection.

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Offenes Buch

The environmental handbook is the comprehensive documentation and reference work on responsibilities, regulations and procedures in the environmental management system.

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A comprehensive directory of legislation provides insight into the legal basis for environmental and climate management at the University of Bremen

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The sustainability and environmental guidelines of the University of Bremen are the framework for responsible and environment-friendly acting in teaching, research and administration at the university.

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Updated by: N.N.