Virtual Reality and Physically-Based Simulation

Modul - Informatik: Aufbau Praktische Informatik

Virtual Reality (VR) is a research area at the intersection of computer graphics, physically-based simulation, and 3D human-computer interaction (HCI). Novel interaction technologies and interaction metaphors VR and 3D realtime computer games share a lot of algorithmic challenges: in virtual environments (in particular, intuitive and direct metaphors), immersion and presence, and real-time rendering. Another important topic is physically-based simulation in real-time, which tries to simulate real-world phenomena such as fire, cloth, the behavior of rigid objects when colliding with each other, fluids, or objects made of deformable material.

Over the past two decades, VR has established itself as an important tool in several industries, such as manufacturing (e.g., automotive, airspace, ship building), architecture, and pharmaceutical industries. During the past few years, we have been witnessing the second "wave" of VR, this time in the consumer, in particular, in the entertainment markets.

In this course, we will first look at the fundamental methods, and then go on to more advanced algorithms that are needed to build complex and full-fledged VR systems or real-time computer games. Example topics are 3D interaction, physically-based behavior of objects, acoustic rendering, haptics, and collision detection.


Goals of This Course - Cognitive Processes

  • Remember
  • Understand
  • Apply
  • Analyze
  • Evaluate
  • Create


Some of the topics to be covered (tentatively):

  • Introduction, basic notions of VR, several example applications
  • VR technologies: displays, tracking, input devices, scene graphs, game engines
  • The human visual system and Stereo rendering
  • Techniques for real-time rendering
  • Fundamental immersive interaction techniques: fundamentals and principles, 3D navigation, user models, 3D selection, redirected walking, system control
  • Complex immersive interaction techniques: world-in-miniature, action-at-a-distance, magic lens, etc.
  • Particle systems
  • Spring-mass systems
  • Haptics and force feedback
  • Collision detection
  • Acoustic rendering

The assignments will be mostly practical ones, based on the cross-platform game engine Unreal. Participants will start developing with "visual programming", and later use C++ to solve the assignments.You are encouraged to work on assignments in small teams.


In Kürze

fundamental methods and advanced algorithms to build complex and full-fledged VR systems or real-time computer games

Niveau: Master-Modul 

Vorlesung und Übung
- in englischer oder in deutscher Sprache in Abstimmung mit den Studierenden -

Semester: Wintersemester

Umfang: 6 CP


Prof. Dr. Gabriel Zachmann


  • Fachkräfte aus den Arbeitsfeldern Informationstechnik und Medien


  • einschlägiger Bachelor-Abschluss

  • eine mindestens einjährige Berufspraxis

  • Nutzen Sie unsere Beratungsangebote und erfahren Sie mehr über die Zugangsvoraussetzungen zu den Mastermodulen.

  • Nachweis von fachspezifischen Grundlagenkenntnissen
    (It will be beneficial for students if they have already attended the course 'Computergraphics', but it is not mandatory. Students will need basic programming skills in C++. The second half of the course will be more mathematical; in particular, students will need a basic understanding of simple differential equations)


Vorlesung und Übung in englischer Sprache

im Wintersemester
Termine folgen



Prüfungen & Abschluss


  • Either: long exam (= ½ hour per student)

  • Or: points from the assignments + short exam


  • Modulzertifikat


Dauer: 1 Semester

56 Std. Präsenzveranstaltungen 
+ 124 Std. angeleitetes Selbststudium

(entspricht 6 CP)


450 Euro (= 75 Euro pro CP)

Mitglieder des Alumni-Vereins der Universität Bremen erhalten 5 % Rabatt.


Eine Bewerbung ist zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt nicht möglich.

1. August - 15. September 

Information & Beratung:

Sie interessieren sich für unser Angebot im Bereich "Informatik, Digitale Medien, Digitalisierung"? Wir beraten Sie gern:

Jörg Kastens

Telefon: 0421 - 218 61 617
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