Design, modeling, simulation and optimization of energy systems


Energy has become one of the main needs of human kind and the systematic generation, conversion, storage and distribution of it has become an urgent matter. In this course we will pay attention to the analysis and design of energy systems from a process systems engineering point of view. We will get introduced to fossil, nuclear, and renewable energy sources, emphasizing a technology-neutral, portfolio approach to the energy systems options. The major energy technologies are covered, describing how they work, how they are quantitatively evaluated, their cost, and their benefit or impact on the natural environment. We will use energy systems engineering tools to evaluate project scope, cost, energy consumption, and technical efficiency of energy systems. We will learn that energy systems can be viewed at different levels of detail (time and space) but that they share the fact that they require input (or sources) and generate output (or sinks). An energy system could be a dynamo on a bike, a photovoltaic cell, a human body, a hybrid car, an industrial plant, a windmill, a network of power generators or a complete biobased supply chain. 

Classroom language: English


Upon completion of the module, students are able

  • to compare and evaluate the three major primary energy sources.
  • to treat each technological area (starting from basic data on ecological, social, and economic context)
  • to apply basic science and engineering knowledge to quantitatively evaluate the function, capacity, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness of the technology in question.
  • to develop conceptual designs of energy systems and to model, control, analyze and optimize the-se systems.


  • Renewable and conventional energy systems
  • Design and optimization of energy systems
  • Examples of energy systems (photovoltaics, blue energy, energy from biomass, electrolysis, battery systems, power networks, cogeneration in chemical plants)
  • Lab work: Design and energy conservation unit for a client (computers, interfacing, programming)

In Kürze


Analysis and design of energy systems from a process systems engineering point of view

Niveau: Master-Modul 

2 Vorlesungen
- in englischer Sprache -

Semester: Sommersemester

Umfang: 6 CP


Prof. Dr. ir. E. Zondervan

Fachbereich Produktionstechnik


  • Ingenieurinnen und Ingenieure


  • Erster berufsqualifizierender Hochschulabschluss mit Studienleistungen im Umfang von mindestens 180 CP in einem der folgenden (oder diesen entsprechenden) Studiengänge:
    • Produktionstechnik
    • Maschinenbau
    • Verfahrenstechnik
    • Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen mit produktionstechnischer Vertiefung
  • Nachweis einer mindestens einjährigen Berufspraxis mit einschlägigen Bezügen
  • Nachweis über Englischkenntnisse, die mindestens dem Niveau B2 entsprechen

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"Optimization of energy systems"
SoSe 2024, Termine folgen

"Introduction to design and analysis of energy systems"
SoSe 2024, Termine folgen


Dauer: 2 Semester

48 Std. Präsenzveranstaltungen 
+ 132 Std. angeleitetes Selbststudium

(entspricht 6 CP)

Prüfungen & Abschluss

Assessment "Introduction to design and analysis of energy systems":

  • 1 large assignment (teams of 4); hand in report, present and discuss (40 % of final mark) + Written exam, Open book (60% of final mark)

Assessment "Optimization of energy systems":

  • 2 small assignment (teams of 2); hand in report (20% of final mark), 1 Practical assignment (teams of 2); hand in report (40% of final mark), 1 large assignment (teams of 4); hand in report, present and discuss (40 % of final mark)


  • Modulzertifikat


450 Euro (= 75 Euro pro CP)

Mitglieder des Alumni-Vereins der Universität Bremen erhalten 5 % Rabatt.


Eine Bewerbung ist zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt leider nicht möglich.

1. Februar - 15. März

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