Study Abroad

In the third semester, students further broaden their horizon either by leaving Bremen for a semester abroad or a research internship or by taking additional courses in other Master’s programs at the University of Bremen (e.g. MA Political Science, MA European Politics, or MA Social Policy).

To spend a semester at a university abroad is both an enrichment for professional and personal reasons. Students acquire additional cultural and social competences, they intensify their knowledge of foreign languages, and they get acquainted with parts of International Relations and other social sciences that might not be taught at the University of Bremen. A closer acquaintance with other regional or national political patterns is also an intended effect. There is a far-reaching network of ERASMUS-Partnerships of the University of Bremen. Additional contacts within and beyond Europe can be used, but “free moving” (self-organized) stays at recognized universities are also possible with the consent of the module coordinator.

The semester abroad comprises a total of 18 CP of the MAIR program. It is part of the IR-9 module and registration for the semester abroad via PABO is required. Please note the regular examination registration and deregistration periods at PABO.

The semester abroad is not graded. You only need to provide proof of the CP earned.

A Learning Agreement is concluded with the responsible module coordinator (Prof. Dr. Klaus Schlichte), which documents the courses to be taken abroad.

Erasmus Kooperationen des IPW

Scholarships and funding opportunities

A stay abroad usually entails additional costs. These can be offset with scholarships and funding opportunities. Please find out about the application deadlines early on, which are often one year before departure.

You will find a selection of different funding opportunities here.


Formalities and procedure

Through this program funded by the European Commission, students of the University of Bremen have the opportunity to study at one of the partner universities for one or two semesters per study period. Applying via the Erasmus program is usually the easiest way to study at a foreign university for three to twelve months. You avoid the usual tuition fees at many foreign universities and your chances of applying increase considerably.

The International Office of FB 08 will advise you on the preparations for your studies abroad. Please make an appointment with Sebastian Haunss, the ERASMUS coordinator for your degree program, if you are planning an Erasmus study program!

ERASMUS coordinator of the degree program
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Haunss
Sebastian.haunssprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de


The application deadline for the ERASMUS program is usually mid-February of each year. You can then begin your studies abroad in the following winter or summer semester. Please note that you should allow at least six months to plan and prepare for your studies abroad and ensure that you register at the partner university in good time.

Depending on the destination country, the available funds and the number of applications, students receive a grant of between 200-450 EURO per month. The mobility grant is paid to all eligible and successful applicants by the International Office of the University of Bremen in several installments. The conditions for the funding are a minimum duration of three months of study abroad and the timely receipt of the application.

Please contact the Foreign Language Center and the International Office to find out whether the course fees for preparatory language courses can be reimbursed after you have successfully completed your studies abroad. Intensive language courses before the start of the semester abroad can be funded from ERASMUS Plus funds. Please contact the University's International Office for information on the current regulations.

You can find more information through the Erasmus program.

With the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union, students can spend one or two semesters at a European partner university. Core features of the programme are a waiver of tuition fees at the partner university and the payment of a mobility grant to all participants. A prerequisite for a stay at a specific university via Erasmus+ is that an agreement exists between the study programmes of the home university and the partner university. The contact persons and websites of the respective institutes of the partner universities are listed on the Partner Universities page for more detailed information. An Erasmus exchange is possible for a period of one or two semesters in each study period. 

To apply, you must register at the Mobility Online Portal of the International Office. The required documents include

  • the application form from Mobility Online,
  • a letter of motivation (in English!),
  • a curriculum vitae in tabular form
  • language certificates and transcripts of grades.

Selection is based on the letter of motivation and previous academic achievements. Feedback on the allocation of places is usually provided by mid-March.


Studying outside the EU or the ERASMUS area

Formalities and procedure

The Department of Social Sciences has cooperation agreements with several universities in various countries that offer a semester abroad. Further information can be found on the information page of the respective partner university or obtained from the International Office website.


Studying abroad as a freemover

No deadlines, fewer obligations, but also no money!

If you are planning to spend a semester abroad at a university with which we have no contractual relationship, we can still advise you. As a rule, you can apply to a foreign university yourself or make use of the help of often commercial placement agencies. Apply to the department for a PROMOS scholarship. You can obtain further information and the application documents from the university's International Office.

The same procedures apply for the recognition of academic achievements from privately organized stays abroad as for the recognition of academic achievements from other universities. The examination boards or examination offices of the degree programs are responsible. In order to avoid problems with the recognition of academic achievements abroad, it is strongly recommended that you consult the relevant student advisory service before selecting courses at the foreign university.