Dr.-Ing. Moritz Bärthel

Moritz Bärthel received the M.Sc. and Dr.-Ing. degrees in electrical engineering and information technology from the University of Bremen, Bremen, Germany in 2018 and 2024, respectively. Since 2018, he has been with the Institute of Electrodynamics and Microelectronics, Communication Electronics Work Group (ITEM.me), University of Bremen, as a research associate.


  • innovative digital number formats
  • computer arithmetic and digital signal processing
  • hardware implementations of wireless communication systems


  • Architectures for Digital Signal Processing (VAK: 01-ET-MA-ASV(a)-V)
  • Lineare Systeme (VAK: 01-ET-BA-SysTh(a)-V)
Moritz Bärthel


Moritz Bärthel

Office: NW1, W2150

Tel: +49 421 218 62553

Fax: +49 421 218 98 62553


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