
Examinations may take place during the course of the relevant module or immediately following it. Examinations can be taken in one or more of the following forms:

  • Written examination [Klausur]
  • Oral examination (minimum 20 – maximum 40 minutes)
  • Seminar presentation (presentation and commentary on electronic slides)
  • Working report on a project with a colloquium: The working report should contain a written description of the results or a final report of the procedure, examinations and results of the project. The grading of the study should take place after the colloquium.

The gradings are as follows

1.0 - 1.3 sehr gut (very good)

1.7 - 2.3 gut (good)

2.7 - 3.3 befriedigend (satisfactory)

3.7 - 4.0 ausreichend (sufficient)

5.0 mangelhaft (fail)


For each examination, you must register online in PABO as described in the Master Examination Regulations. Registration deadlines for module examinations are on 30th June for the Summer Semester and 10th January for the Winter Semester. Deregistration is possible until 30th June in Summer Semester and 31st January in the Winter Semester. After the deregistration deadlines have expired, examination dates are binding. Withdrawals are only possible under extenuating circumstances and with the approval of the examinations committee. If you are registered and you do not show up, the exam will be counted as a failure.

Registration for an examination includes the registration for re-examinations where necessary. Dates for examinations and for re-examinations will be announced to students at the beginning of the semester in which the examination takes place. If the original, first attempt to take the exam has been failed, a repetition can be taken within the three following semesters. Each exam is offered once per semester. Repeat examinations can also be given in a different form than the original examination.

Further information can be obtained from the Examination Office (Room S2360) or by E-mail to Ms. B. Stirling.