CV Ekkehard Küstermann
Born in 1965, he studied biology (focussing on biophysics, biochemistry and cellular biology) at the Biocenter of the University of Basel (diploma 1992). He than worked in the in-vivo MR-group (Prof. J. Seelig) in the department of biophysical chemistry on the hepatic 13C-metabolism using multiply labelled 13C substances where he got his PhD in biophysics in 1996.
Between 1996 and 1998 he than spent two years at the NMR Center of the Massachussetts General Hospital in Boston (USA) investigating by means of in-vivo 13C-MRS the cerebral energy metabolism in ALS and HD-disease models based on mathematical modeling of the dynamics of the 13C-enrichment.
From 1998 to 2000 he worked at the MR-Centre of Nottingham University (UK) on in-vivo-13C MRS of the energy metabolism in human cortex during visual stimulation.
In 2000 he changed to the Max-Planck-Institute for Neurological Research (Cologne, Germany) where he conducted longterm in-vivo investigations of magnetically labelled implanted embryonic stem cells (ESC) in rat brain after stroke by MR-imaging.
Finally, in 2003 he joined the University of Bremen / CAI Bremen as a senior scientist and is now working with/responsible for fMRI at 3T.