CV Manfred Herrmann

Manfred Herrmann

Born in 1959; he studied psychology (Diploma thesis 1985, Ph.D. 1988), philosophy, and medicine (M.D. 1992, Ph.D. 1993) at Freiburg University. After clinical training at the Department of Neurology and an assistant professorship at the Department of Rehabilitation Psychology he finished his scientific education with the habilitation thesis in 1994.

He was approved as "Clinical Neuropsychologist (GNP)" in 1995. In 1996 he moved to Magdeburg University, Faculty of Medicine, where he was appointed associate professor at the Department of Neurology. From 1996 to 2000 he headed the Division of Neuropsychology and Behavioral Neurology. During that time he was invited to several research stays (Institute of Neurological Research Raul Carréa, Buenos Aires, and Brain Damage & Communication Research Centre, University of Sydney).

In 1998 he was appointed Honorary Research Associate at the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Sydney, Australia. After a 9 months fellowship at the Hanse Institute for Advanced Study (HWK) he moved to Bremen University where he started work as a professor of neuropsychology in winter term 2001. In 2002 he was appointed full professor (C4) and chair of the Department of Neuropsychology and Behavioral Neurobiology. During summer term 2010 he was invited as a visiting professor at the DFG Cluster of Excellence "Languages of Emotion" at Berlin Free University, Germany. He is member of the high-profile area Minds.Media.Machines at Bremen University. In 2023 he was awarded the honorary membership of the "Society for Neuropsychology" (GNP).