Gender & Equal oportunities

π3 aims at providing an open minded, scientifically stimulating environment for its diverse group of doctoral students regardless of their ethnicity, nationality, origin, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, age or dis-/ability. This is supported by our Soft Skills programme, which focuses on the topics of equal opportunity and awareness.

Gender inequality is a prevailing reality in science and research. One of our main educational goals is to raise gender awareness on all levels of π3. Role models do play in important role in developing an adequate attitude towards gender issues, hence, a particular emphasis is on including a special programme for improving gender awareness of the involved PIs. As an exmple, in February 2020 we held the course "Gender sensitive leadership" for PIs.


The role of the ombudsperson is to mediate between potentially opposing parties in case of conflicts which cannot be resolved internally. Prof. Dr. Michael Kucera has agreed to act as the ombudsperson for π3. Before consulting Prof. Kucera any problems should first be addressed according to the procedures outlined in the supervision agreement. Any member of the RTG, doctoral student or PI, can address problems to the steering committee of π3 either directly or through the supervisor or through the elected representative of the doctoral students (Lasse Fischer). In case the conflict cannot be resolved directly a mediation will be initiated and a mediator will be chosen by the steering committee and both sides of the conflict can choose a person of confidence to support them.


π3 aims at ensuring equal opportunities for all people involved in it; no matter whether they are PhD or Postdoctoral fellows, members of faculty or staff, or associate members to our program. It commits to the Anti-discrimination guidelines of the University of Bremen and we work together with the Referat 04 - Chancengleichheit of the University of Bremen .

Furthermore, for every cohort of doctoral students the π3 steering committee selects a contact person for all questions related to Gender & Equal Opportunities. Dr. Tobias Kluth is our Gender & Equal opportunities representative for the present 2nd cohort of PhD students. This representative provides information on equal opportunity measures and are acting non-discrimination with respect to ethnicity, language, religion, dis-/ability, age, sexual orientation, gender and family responsibilities. If you would like to reach Iwona Piotrowska-Kurczewski, please send an email to tkluthprotect me ?!math.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de. We will respond as soon as possible. Please be aware that the content of your emails will be kept confidential if you prefer.